What can we do for you?

Are you part of an Entrepreneurial Family, a Family Business or a Family Office?

Discover what CeFEO can offer you, and how we can collaborate!

Do you work with family businesses as a consultant or a coach?

Learn about how we can connect!

Are you a student interested in learning more about Family Business?

Join Jönköping International Business School!

Are you enrolled in PhD program in Family Business or Ownership?

Here is what CeFEO can offer you!

Are you a researcher interested in Family Business and Ownership dynamics?

Join a vibrant research community and collaborate with CeFEO Researchers!

Does your company provide services to Family Businesses?

Learn how we can support your business and integrate your offer.

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CeFEO Newest Research on Spotlight

Focus areas

CeFEO topics

Research at CeFEO is conducted in several research projects around three core focus areas: Entrepreneurship, Family, and Ownership, with particular interest toward Strategy, Governance, Accounting, and Education.

Funders and Donors


Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School, CeFEO, Centre for family entrepreneurship and ownership, logo