Small steps to bigger success – foster successful succession in the family business
Massimo Baù, Kajsa Haag, Simone Møkster

A tailor-made, modular online learning program with a specific focus on family business needs and challenges. The online educational program will be designed and structured following the elements and philosophy of microlearning.
It will be enriched with video stories about best practices in family business succession for an easier and better learning experience. The result will be tailor-made modules, small units, specific content for online usage following micro-learning characteristics suitable to the learning specifics of 1st, 2nd or other generation of the family business.
"SiFB – Small steps to bigger success – developing knowledge/capacity building program for entrepreneurs to foster – through micro learning – better and more successful succession in the family business" is a project in collaboration with: Luxembourg School of Business (Luxembourg); Zagreb School of Economics and Management (Croatia); WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management (Germany); EDHEC Business School (France).
Research output
- work in progress