SPARK Award 2019
Winners 2019
Winners of the 2019 SPARK Award are Projectleader Per Hilletofth External link, opens in new window. (project Reshoring I) och Projectleader Ehsan Ghassemali
External link, opens in new window. (project HINT).
Reshoring I
Thanks to the project we have internally gained knowledge of what needs to be done regarding the reallocation of operations back to Sweden. The project has met all our expectations and we are very satisfied. It has been very rewarding and exciting, to work with the School of Engineering - everyone involved is very talented. We cannot do anything but give them top marks!
To be a part of HINT has given us new knowledge – real hands-on competencies – and we got the opportunity to test completely new ideas in the field of optimizing product development chains for foundry. This is a project that has truly exceeded our expectations. Everything has worked perfectly. We have participated in a lot of projects and HINT has by far been the best! Ehsan and the project get our highest praise, and if a new project happens in the future, we would like to be part of it.