Aleksandar Petreski

Assistant Professor Economics
Economics , Jönköping International Business School


Petreski, A., Schäfer, D., Stephan, A. (2024). The reputation effect of repeated green-bond issuance and its impact on the cost of capital Business Strategy and the Environment. More information
Löffler, K., Petreski, A., Stephan, A. (2021). Drivers of green bond issuance and new evidence on the “greenium” Eurasian Economic Review, 11, 1-24. More information

Doctoral thesis

Petreski, A. (2022). Green Finance in Real Estate, Housing Price Volatility and Rental Swaps (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School). More information

Conference paper

Petreski, A., Stephan, A., Österlund, U. (2017). The impact of mandatory amortization of mortgage loans on the housing market. 11th International Conference on Computational and Financial Econometrics (CFE), 2017, London, U.K.. More information
Stephan, A., Petreski, A. (2017). Spatial dimension of the credit risk: spatial filter approach. 6th Malmö Real Estate Research Conference, May 18th - 19th, 2017, Malmö, Sweden. More information
Petreski, A. (2016). Aggregate indices for financial stability as early warning indicators for monetary measures in the Republic of Macedonia. Presented at 5-th Annual NBRM Research Conference: "Economic and Financial Cycle Spillovers: Reconsidering Domestic And Cross-Border Channels And Policy Responses", hosted by National Bank of the Republic of Macedonia, April 7-8, 2016, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia. More information

Other publications

Manduchi, A., Petreski, A., Stephan, A. . Market for Apartment Swap and Rental Market. More information
Petreski, A. . Housing market segmentation and persistence in idiosyncratic risk: spatial-temporal GARCH at transactions level. More information
Petreski, A. . Household mobility across distance and neighborhoods: the role of the rental swap market. More information
Petreski, A. . Integrated swap and rental market: case of Sweden. More information


Petreski, A., Schäfer, D., Stephan, A. (2022). Green bonds’ reputation effect and its impact on the financing costs of the real estate sector. More information
Petreski, A. (2007). Test of imputation methods for missing values in currency time series – a case of European countries that have not adopted the euro. More information