Luigi Servadio

Assistant Professor Business Administration
Business Administration , Jönköping International Business School

Dr. Luigi Servadio joined JIBS in 2018 as Assistant Professor in Business Administration. His research focuses on the understanding of market cocreation as intertwined between the logic of exchange and the emergence of meanings among multiple actors. Exploring the unique Nordic consumer culture, Dr. Servadio investigates its blend of societal values, welfare systems, and consensus-driven dynamics, challenging the notion of a one-size-fits-all consumer culture. His research portfolio spans various facets: from theory development to examining resistance within consumer culture, the impact of state regulations on consumer identity, and the transcendent nature of the Nordic myth across regional boundaries. Dr. Servadio´s research is rooted in qualitative methods of inquiry employing ethnography, historical research and reflexive historiography.

His teaching activities are directed primary to disseminate marketing knowledge with a focus on Brand Management, Service Marketing, Marketing Theory and Supervision of Master´s and Bachelor´s Thesis. His teaching role encompass leadership responsibilities, including positions as an examiner, course responsible, lecturer, including also seminar instructor. Dr. Servadio is a dedicated teacher, committed to integrating gender equality and fostering equal opportunities, ensuring a supportive and inclusive learning environment for all students.

Dr. Servadio is an active participant in the Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership (CeFEO), engaged in a dynamic research project focused on understanding the decision-making processes within family businesses from a ritual perspective. Recognized for his contributions, he received two years of 20% research time through internal funding provided by CeFEO.

As member of the Nordic Consumer Culture Theory (NCCT) network, Luigi contributes to ongoing research that investigates market transformations. His project sheds light on how specific governing bodies, such as Systembolaget (the Swedish Alcohol Monopoly), can significantly influence market dynamics.

Since 2011, Luigi has been an integral part of the Forskarskola, Management och IT (MIT) at Uppsala University. This graduate school offers essential doctoral courses and facilitates financial support for doctoral students enrolled in the program.


Servadio, L., Ostberg, J. (2024). The role of the state in consumer culture: the case of “Operation Vin” in Sweden Journal of Historical Research in Marketing, 16(2), 125-152. More information

Doctoral thesis

Servadio, L. (2018). Customer Rituals: Ethnographic explorations of wine rituals with families and friends (Doctoral thesis, Stockholm: Stockholm Business School, Stockholm University). More information

Conference paper

Servadio, L., Östberg, J. (2020). ‘Operation Vin’: Uncorking the Swedish Wine Market. Duluth, MN: Association for Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Research Conference 2020, October 1-4, 2020, Paris, France. More information
Servadio, L. (2017). Ritual of cocreation. “Wine and food conference”, June 5, Cá Foscari University, Venice, Italy. More information
Servadio, L. (2016). Value in cultural context. MITSC conference, March 14 – 16, Göteborg, Sweden. More information
Servadio, L. (2015). A cultural perspective of the value creating practices. MIT conference, March, 25 – 27, Linköping, Sweden. More information
Servadio, L. (2015). Value cocreation in cultural context. "The Naples forum on service”, June 9 – 12, Naples, Italy. More information
Nordin, F., Ravald, A., Servadio, L. (2013). The Complexity of Value-Creating Networks: Multiplicity, Heterogeneity, and Contingency. Napoli: Giannini Editore, The 2013 Naples Forum on Service, Naples, Italy, 18 - 21 June, 2013. More information
Servadio, L. (2013). Models of innovation and contextual complexity: a conceptual contingency model. “The Naples forum on Service”, June 18-21, Ischia – Italy. More information
Servadio, L. (2013). Value creation innovation. MIT conference, May 28 – 30, Lund, Sweden. More information
Servadio, L. (2013). Value cocreation in open innovation systems. Doctoral colloquium at 29th IMP conference, August 28 – 30, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. More information
Servadio, L. (2013). SMEs and the dynamic factors enabling competitiveness in electronic marketplaces. MIT conference, October 2 – 4, Uppsala, Sweden. More information
Servadio, L., Nordin, F. (2012). Critical issues during servitization: an in-depth case study. AMA Servsig, International Service Research Conference Hanken School of Economics, Helsinki, Finland, June 7-9, 2012. More information
Servadio, L., Brozovic, D., Nordin, F. (2012). Overcoming the Chasm: The Smart Machines Teaching Case Study. Academy of Marketing Conference 2012, Southampton, July 2-5. More information