Björn Bradling

Doctoral Student in Education
Doctoral Programmes , School of Education and Communication

Björn Bradling is a teaching and learning doctoral student and part of the research school “Culturally Empowering Education through Language and Literature”. The position is based on a co-operation between Jönköping University and the University of Borås. He also works as an upper secondary school lecturer in the subject of Swedish.

Bradling's main research focus is aimed at upper secondary literature teaching and learning, and is inspired by the pedagogical idea of transformative learning and by comparative literature. In 2020, Bradling graduated from the third cycle programme with a licentiate thesis on how the novel Let the Right One In (Ajvide Lindqvist, 2004) can be used to bring about transformative learning in the upper secondary subject of Swedish. Before that Bradling published a chapter (co-written with Lindberg 2018) about critical perspectives as advanced reading strategies in an anthology, and thereafter (2021) an article about the relationship between so called Viking-rock and the changing Swedish political landscape. His current research targets learning possibilities through world literature teaching in upper secondary school.


Bradling, B., Lindberg, Y. (2024). Reading the world: Challenging cultural insideness in Swedish upper secondary literature education Journal of Literary Education, 114-136. More information
Bradling, B. (2022). ‘We are the Others’: A literary analysis of the rise, fall and resurrection of Ultima Thule’s Viking-rock Punk & Post Punk, 11(1), 7-33. More information
Bradling, B. (2021). När Bergman plötsligt funkade i klassrummet Svenskläraren. More information

Book chapter

Bradling, B., Lindberg, Y. (2018). Critical Perspectives as Advanced Reading Strategies: An Intersectional Approach to John Ajvide Lindqvist's Let the Right One In and Handling the Undead. In: Mark A. Fabrizi (Ed.), Horror Literature and Dark Fantasy: Challenging Genres (pp. 81 -98). Leiden: Brill Academic Publishers More information

Conference paper

Bradling, B. (2021). Vad händer nu då? – Att nyttiggöra litteraturdidaktisk forskning i och utanför gymnasieskolan. Forskningsbaserad undervisning – teori och praktik i samverkan, Jönköping University, 9 november 2021. More information
Bradling, B. (2021). ”Jag hade velat att det skulle hända nånting!” – ett lärararbetslag om tio minuters läsning varje lektion. Litteraturdidaktiskt nätverk 2021, Högskolan Kristianstad, 11-12 november 2021. More information
Bradling, B., Lindberg, Y. (2020). Kulturellt möjliggörande litteraturläsning: Skolbibliotekariers och lärares samverkan i förmedlingen av världslitteratur på gymnasiet. SMDI 14, 18-19 november 2020, Malmö universitet. More information
Bradling, B. (2020). Licentiatavhandlingen "Låt romanen komma in - Transformativt lärande i gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning". Presentation i seminarieserien "Högre seminarium UBF 2020" (Arrangör: Utbildningsförvaltningen, Jönköpings kommun), 11 september 2020, Huskvarna. More information
Bradling, B. (2019). Låt romanen komma in: litteraturundervisning för transformativt lärande på gymnasiet. LDN 2019: Litteraturstudiers samhällsrelevans, Högskolan Dalarna, Falun, Sweden, November 7-8, 2019. More information
Bradling, B. (2018). Låt romanen komma in: Litteraturdidaktik och transformativt lärande på gymnasiet. Forskningsbaserad undervisning - Teori och praktik i samverkan, 13/11, 2018, Jönköping. More information
Bradling, B. (2017). Det särskiljande och det allmänmänskliga: om gymnasieskolans litteraturdidaktik. Litteraturdidaktisk konferens, Jönköping, 6-7 oktober, 2017. More information

Licentiate thesis

Bradling, B. (2020). Låt romanen komma in – Transformativt lärande i gymnasieskolans litteraturundervisning (Licentiate thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication). More information