Olof Brunninge

Associate Professor
Academic Director of International Development Collaboration
Business Administration , Jönköping International Business School
PhD in Business Administration


Olof Brunninge´s research interests lie in the areas of strategic management, organisational identity and self-understanding, corporate governance, family businesses, and social memory in organisations. His doctoral thesis is based on extensive case-studies of Handelsbanken and Scania, two highly successful Swedish multinationals. The thesis shows how the self-understanding of the two organisations has contributed to the maintenance of institutional integrity during periods of change. By purposefully relating to their organisational history, Scania and Handelsbanken have succeeded in maintaining a sense of continuity in their strategy processes. Currently, Olof Brunninge is conducting a research project investigating how firms conduct initiatives aiming at formulating, implementing and developing their core values.


Currently, Olof Brunninge is responsible for the International Management course at JIBS. He has previously been Director of Studies at the EMM department at JIBS as well as Programme Manager of the JIBS Master of Entrepreneurial Management Programme. His main teaching interests lie within the areas of strategy and organisation theory. Olof Brunninge has also been teaching at SSE Riga (Latvia), Groupe ESSCA in Angers (France), the University of the Western Cape (South Africa) and Steinbeis University (Germany).


Olof Brunninge is Assistant Professor of Business Administration at JIBS. He defended his PhD thesis entitled “Organisational self-understanding and the strategy process. Strategy dynamics in Scania and Handelsbanken" in 2005. The dissertation was awarded the Oscar Sillén Prize for the best doctoral dissertation in business administration of the year in Sweden.


Boers, B., Ljungkvist, T., Brunninge, O. (2024). Ceasing to communicate public family firm identity: the decoupling of internally experienced and externally communicated identities Journal of Family Business Management, 14(1), 199-224. More information
Melander, A., Brunninge, O., Andersson, D., Elgh, F., Löfving, M. (2024). Management innovation in SMEs – taking psychological ownership of Hoshin Kanri Production planning & control (Print), 35(14), 1687-1705. More information
Tessema, D., Brunninge, O., Cestino-Castilla, J. (2024). Transmission of entrepreneurial values in enterprising families: a systematic literature review. More information
Terfa Eticha, G., Brunninge, O., Kassa Tessema, W. (2024). Strategy research in an African context: A systematic literature review. More information
Brunninge, O. (2023). Invented corporate heritage brands Journal of Brand Management, 30, 157-169. More information
Brunninge, O., Hartmann, B. (2019). Inventing a past: Corporate heritage as dialectical relationships of past and present Marketing Theory, 19(2), 229-234. More information
Wielsma, A., Brunninge, O. (2019). “Who am I? Who are we?”: Understanding the impact of family business identity on the development of individual and family identity in business families The Journal of Family Business Strategy, 10(1), 38-48. More information
Boers, B., Ljungkvist, T., Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M. (2017). Going private: A socioemotional wealth perspective on why family controlled companies decide to leave the stock-exchange The Journal of Family Business Strategy, 8(2), 74-86. More information
Brunninge, O. (2017). Börsen bra. Hemma bäst: MSAB köps ut från börsen. Att familjebolag avnoteras har sina förklaringar. , 28-31. More information
Brunninge, O., Fridriksson, H. (2017). ”We have always been responsible”: A social memory approach to responsibility in supply chains European Business Review, 29(3), 372-383. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2017). Patterns of dynamic growth in medium-sized companies: beyond the dichotomy of organic versus acquired growth Long range planning, 50(4), 457-471. More information
Blombäck, A., Brunninge, O. (2016). Identifying the Role of Heritage Communication: A Stakeholder-Function Framework International Studies of Management and Organization, 46(4), 256-268. More information
Brunninge, O., Melander, A. (2016). The dynamics of path dependence on the individual, organizational and the field levels: MoDo, the Kempe family and the Swedish pulp and paper industry 1873–1990 Management & Organizational History, 11(2), 189-210. More information
Blombäck, A., Brunninge, O. (2013). The dual opening to brand heritage in family businesses Corporate Communications. An International Journal, 18(3), 327-346. More information
Brunninge, O., Bueno Merino, P., Grandval, S. (2011). Gestion de la tension entre renouvellement des compétences et identité de l'entreprise: Le cas des groupes de protection sociale Economies et Sociétés, 617-639. More information
Blombäck, A., Brunninge, O. (2009). Corporate identity manifested through historical references Corporate Communications. An International Journal, 14(1), 404-419. More information
Brunninge, O. (2009). Using history in organizations: How managers make purposeful reference to history in strategy processes Journal of Organizational Change Management, 22(1), 8-26. More information
Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M., Wiklund, J. (2007). Corporate governance and strategic change in SMEs: The effect of ownership, board composition and top management teams Small Business Economics, 29(3), 295-308. More information
Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M. (2004). Ownership Structure, Board Composition and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Family Firms and Venture-Capital Backed Firms International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 10(1/2), 85-105. More information

Doctoral thesis

Brunninge, O. (2005). Organisational Self-understanding and the Strategy Process: Strategy Dynamics in Scania and Handelsbanken (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Internationella Handelshögskolan). More information

Book chapter

Brunninge, O., Plate, M., Ramírez-Pasillas, M. (2020). Family business social responsibility: Is CSR different in family firms?. In: C. E. J. Härtel, W. J. Zerbe & N. M. Ashkanasy (Ed.), Emotions and service in the digital age (pp. 217 -244). Bingley, UK: Emerald Group Publishing Limited More information
Mugwaneza, O., Brunninge, O. (2020). Business networks and small and medium enterprise growth in Rwanda. In: Gouranga G. Das & Rukundo Bosco Johnson (Ed.), Rwandan Economy at the crossroads of development: Key Macroeconomic and Microeconomic Perspectives (pp. 115 -137). Singapore: Springer More information
Brunninge, O. (2017). Family heritage in corporate heritage branding: opportunities and risks. In: Foundations of Corporate Heritage Oxford: Routledge More information
Brunninge, O., Melander, A. (2015). Family firm longevity and resource management: Financial and social-emotional wealth rationalities. In: Charmine E. J. Härtel , Wilfred J. Zerbe , Neal M. Ashkanasy (Ed.), New ways of studying emotions in organizations (pp. 173 -213). More information
Brunninge, O., Melander, A. (2013). Family-Firm Identity Across Generations: The Swedish Pulp and Paper Firms MoDo (1872-1990) and Korsnäs (1855-2011). In: Hartmut Berghoff, Uffa Jensen, Christina Lubinski, Bernd Weisbrod (Ed.), History by Generations: Generational Dynamics in Modern History Göttingen: Wallstein Verlag More information
Blombäck, A., Brunninge, O., Melander, A. (2013). Imprints, Self-reinforcement and Active Reinforcement: The Case of Corporate Value Statements. In: Jörg Sydow & Georg Schreyögg (Ed.), Self-Reinforcing Processes in and Among Organizations (pp. 162 -182). Hondmills Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Brunninge, O., Melander, A. (2012). Det entreprenöriella familjeföretagets uppgång och fall. In: Ethel Brundin, Anders W Johansson, Bengt Johannisson, Leif Melin, Mattias Nordqvist (Ed.), Familjeföretagande: affärer och känslor (pp. 45 -68). Stockholm: SNS förlag More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brunninge, O. (2011). Dynamische Geschäftsmodellanpassung zur Sicherung unternehmerischer Nachhaltigkeit. In: Jörn-Axel Meyer (Ed.), Nachhaltigkeit in kleinen und mittleren Unternehmen (pp. 131 -141). Lohmar: Josef Eul Verlag More information
Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2009). Continuity in Change: Path Dependence and Transformation in Two Swedish Multinationals. In: Georg Screyögg & Jörg Sydow (Ed.), The Hidden Dynamics of Path Dependence: Institutions and Organizations (pp. 94 -109). Houndmills: Palgrave More information
Brunninge, O. (2008). Organisationers självförståelse i strategiprocessen. In: Att förstå strategi: Process och kontext (pp. 101 -126). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Brunninge, O. (2007). Handelsbanken and Internet Banking. In: Organizational Identity in Practice (pp. 63 -78). London: Routledge More information
Brunninge, O. (2007). Scania's bonneted trucks. In: Organizational Identity in Practice (pp. 19 -34). London: Routledge More information
Brunninge, O. (2002). Strategic Networks - Deliberate and Emergent?. In: Henrik Agndal and Björn Axelsson (Ed.), Networks and Business Renewal Jönköping: Jönköping International Business School More information
Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M. (2001). Board Composition and Strategic Change: Some Findings from Family Firms and Venture Capital Backed Firms. In: Morten Huse, Hans Landström (Ed.), Corporate Governance in SMEs (pp. 45 -68). Halmstad: Scandinavian Institute for Research in Entrepreneurship (SIRE) More information
Brunninge, O. (1999). Internationalisation as a Learning Process in Entrepreneurial SMEs. In: Carlo Salvato, Per Davidsson & Anders Persson (Ed.), Entrepreneurial Knowledge and Learning: Conceptual advances and directions for future research Jönköping: Jönköping International Business School More information

Conference paper

Mugwaneza, O., Brunninge, O. (2019). Business networks and SME growth in Rwanda. 4th International Conference of Eastern Africa Business and Economic Watch, 12-14 June, 2019, Kigali, Rwanda. More information
Mitiku Ferede, M., Brunninge, O. (2019). Multi-stakeholder collaboration and sustainable entrepreneurship in the Ethiopian tourism industry. 6th Responsible Management Education Research Conference, 30 September - 3 October, 2019, Jönköping, Sweden. More information
Boers, B., Ljungkvist, T., Brunninge, O. (2018). Dropping family heritage while staying a family business. 6th International Symposium on Corporate Heritage, Paris, France, 18-20 April 2016. More information
Boers, B., Ljungkvist, T., Brunninge, O. (2018). Giving up the family name while staying a family business: The family business as acquirer. 14th EIASM workshop on family firm management research, Larnaca, Cyprus, May 17-19, 2018. More information
Anisimova, T., Brunninge, O. (2018). Creating competitive brand advantage via connecting and disconnecting historical epochs through heritage brands. 2018 Global Marketing Conference, Tokyo, Japan, July 26-29, 2018. More information
Brunninge, O. (2016). Connecting and disconnecting historical epochs through heritage brands.: The case of the Latvian confectionary brand Laima.. 6th International Corporate Heritage Symposium in Aix-en-Provence. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2016). Growth strategies in medium-sized companies - Beyond the dichotomy of organic versus acquired growth. Strategic Management Society 36th Annual Conference, Berlin, September 17-20, 2016. More information
Ramirez-Pasillas, M., Plate, M., Brunninge, O. (2015). Family business social responsibility: Family capital and civic engagement. EIASM Family Business Workshop, Lyon, France, May 27-29, 2015. More information
Ramirez-Pasillas, M., Brunninge, O., Plate, M. (2015). Social responsibility in family businesses: a meta-system perspective. 11th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research, Shifting Boundaries in Family Firm Research, Lyon, France, May 29-30, 2015. More information
Boers, B., Ljungkvist, T., Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M. (2015). Going private: Why family controlled, publicly-listed companies decide to leave the stock-exchange. 11th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research Shifting Boundaries in Family Firm Research, Lyon, France, May 29-30, 2015. More information
Brunninge, O., Wramsby, G. (2014). Avoiding to get stuck in a successful business model: Dynamic business model adaptation from a path dependence perspective. 3rd International Conference on Path Dependence, February 17th - 18th 2014, Berlin, Germany. More information
Blombäck, A., Brunninge, O., Melander, A. (2013). Executive interventions in the corporate value process. 29th EGOS Colloquium in Montréal. More information
Brunninge, O., Wramsby, G. (2013). Avoiding to get stuck in a successful business model.: Business Model Adaptation at a high technology textile company. RENT XXVII. Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business. Vilnius.. More information
Blombäck, A., Brunninge, O. (2012). Corporate Brand Heritage; Not Always About Family History. 8th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research – The family business: a beauty or a beast? Jönköping, Sweden, May 31st – June 2nd, 2012. More information
Brunninge, O., Wramsby, G. (2012). Continuous business model adaptation: The case of a high-growth Swedish textile company. G-Forum. 16th Annual Interdisciplinary Entrepreneurship Conference, 8-9 November, Potsdam, Germany. More information
Brunninge, O., Melander, A., Blombäck, A. (2011). Imprints and self-reinforcement: The case of corporate value statements. 27th EGOS Colloquium in Gothenburg. More information
Blombäck, A., Brunninge, O. (2011). Family and Business Heritage Entwined: How Family Businesses Rely on Heritage to Compose Corporate Identity. The First International Corporate Brand Heritage and Corporate Heritage Identity Symposium. More information
Brunninge, O. (2011). Imprinting and Organizational Path Dependence: Studying similarities, differences, and connections between two concepts along the case of a large Swedish bank. 2nd International Conference on Path Dependence, Freie Universität Berlin. More information
Brunninge, O. (2010). Constructing family firm identity over generations: The case of the Swedish pulp and paper firm MoDo 1872-1990. Conferece at the German Historical Institute in Washington, DC in collaboration with the graduate school "Generations in modern history" at Göttingen University. More information
Boers, B., Brunninge, O. (2010). Pre identities and founding identities: How references to the early stages of firm formation are used in organizational identity construction. Second international symposium on process organization studies, 11-13 June 2010, Rhodes, Greece. More information
Brunninge, O., Melander, A. (2010). The contextual embeddedness of enactment processes the rise and fall of an entrepreneurial family firm Modo 1872-1990. 10th IFERA "Long Term Perspectives on Family Business: Theory - Practice - Policy" Lancaster, UK 6 - 9 July, 2010. More information
Blombäck, A., Brunninge, O., Melander, A. (2010). Formally stated Corporate Values in Listed Family Firms. The 6th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research. More information
Brunninge, O., Melander, A. (2010). The dynamics of path dependence on the organizational and the industry level: MoDo and the Swedish pulp and paper industry 1872-1990. 26th EGOS Colloquium in Lisbon, June 28th – July 3rd, 2010. More information
Brunninge, O., Helin, J., Kjellander, B. (2009). Corporate Museums as Creators of Organizational Memory. 6th International CMS Conference 13th - 15th July 2009, University of Warwick. More information
Brunninge, O., Helin, J., Kjellander, B. (2009). Corporate Museums, Memoralization and Organizational Memory. 25th EGOS Colloquium Barcelona. More information
Brunninge, O., Ericson, M., Helin, J. (2009). Growth Histories: How high-growth family firms relate to company history. RENT XXIII - RESEARCH IN ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMALL BUSINESS, BUDAPEST, HUNGARY, NOVEMBER 19-20, 2009. More information
Blombäck, A., Brunninge, O. (2008). Corporate identity of family firms: How family businesses refer to family and company history in their marketing efforts. 4th workshop on family firms management research, Naples, Italy, 8-10 June, 2008.. More information
Brunninge, O. (2008). Identity Dynamics in Christian Newspapers. The 24th EGOS Colloquium in Amsterdam. More information
Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2008). Continuity in change: Path dependence and transformation in two Swedish multinationals. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2007). Continuity in Chage: Strategy dynamics in two Swedish multinationals. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Achtenhagen, L., Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2007). How Do SMEs Achieve Growth?: Exploring The Modes of Organic Growth And Growth By Acquisition. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O. (2007). Identity Dynamics in a Christian Newspaper: The Case of Dagen. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O. (2006). Using history in the strategy process: How managers establish continuity by purposeful reference to history. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M., Wiklund, J. (2005). Corporate Governance and Strategic Change in Small Firms: Untangling and Combining the Effects of Ownership, Board Structure and Top Management Teams. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O. (2004). Translating Strategic Change in Companies with Strong Identities: The Dynamics of Identity and Strategic Change at Scania and Handelsbanken. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O. (2003). Identity and Strategic Change During an Acquisition Process: Micro processes around Handelsbanken’s Acquisition of Stadshypotek. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O. (2003). Managing the Dynamics of Strategic Change and a Strong Identity: The Case of the Swedish Bank Handelsbanken. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O. (2003). The Dynamics of Strategic Change and a Strong Identity: The Case of Handelsbanken. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O., Garvi, M. (2002). The Dynamics of Power and Identity in Strategy Processes: The Case of Two Venture Capital Firms. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O., Melin, L. (2001). Divergent Business Recipes - Internationalization Strategies in the Swedish Banking Sector. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O. (2001). Formation and Change of a Network in the Swedish Insurance Industry: The Case of a Small Firm's Strategic Network. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O., Gustafsson, H. (2001). Entrepreneurial Processes in the Old- and in the New Economy: A Cultural Perspective. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M. (2000). Corporate Governance and Strategic Change in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: The Influence of Ownership, Board and Managerial Characteristics. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information
Brunninge, O. (2000). SMEs in Strategic Networks: The Example of Swedish Entrepreneurs Re-organising Insurance Distribution. “Studying Path Dependencies of Business, Institutions and Technologies” at the Freie Universität Berlin February 28-29, 2008. More information


Blombäck, A., Brunninge, O., Melander, A. (2011). Corporate value statements – a means for family-controlled firms to monitor the agent?. JIBS More information
Boers, B., Brunninge, O. (2011). Towards an inclusion of founders and founding processes in organizational identity research: The case of Rheinische Post. More information
Brunninge, O., Melander, A. (2011). Constructing family firm identity over generations: The case of the Swedish pulp and paper firm MoDo 1872-1990. Jönköping: Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School More information