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Från Auschwitz till Gaza Jönköpings-Posten, 27 januari, 2-3 Jönköping: Hall Media .
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Microhistories of the Holocaust: between factual and fictional narrative Prose Studies.
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Speglingar av det förgångna: Putins envälde och Sovjet Jönköpings-Posten, 15 augusti, 12-13 Jönköping: Hall Media .
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The Legionary Movement between 'Political Religion' and 'Collective Effervescence' , 16-25 Bucharest: Institutul National pentru Studiul Totalitarismului .
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Die Legion 'Erzengel Michael': Gewalt und Gemeinschaft im rumänischen Faschismus , 105-126 München: Slavica Verlag .
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V&R Unipress
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