Emma Stendahl

Assistant Professor
Business Administration , Jönköping International Business School
Leave of absence

Emma’s research focuses on collaborative approaches to entrepreneurship and innovation. She has worked closely with patient organizations/communities and entrepreneurs as well as multinational corporations in Europe and the U.S. on case studies and research projects.

Emma has published her work in the Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of World Business, Critical Public Health among others and has presented her papers at international conferences.

Emma has taught at various institutions in Sweden and Ireland including undergraduate, graduate and post graduate students from different disciplines. Her teaching experience spans a variety of subjects including organization theory, qualitative research methods, global strategy, international business and human resource management. 


Geiger, S., Stendahl, E. (2023). Breaching, Bridging, and Bonding: Interweaving Pathways of Social-Symbolic Work in a Flanked Healthcare Movement Journal of Management Studies. More information
Vidolov, S., Geiger, S., Stendahl, E. (2023). Affective Resonance and Durability in Political Organizing: The case of patients who hack Organization Studies, 44(9), 1413-1438. More information
Lucivero, F. Marelli, L. Hangel, N. Zimmermann, B. Prainsack, B. Galasso, I. , ... Van Hoyweghen I. (2022). Normative positions towards COVID-19 contact-tracing apps: findings from a large-scale qualitative study in nine European countries Critical Public Health, 32(1), 5-18. More information
Stendahl, E., Tippmann, E., Yakhlef, A. (2022). Practice creation in multinational corporations: Improvisation and the emergence of lateral knowledge Journal of World Business, 57(3). More information
Stendahl, E., Schriber, S., Tippmann, E. (2021). Control changes in multinational corporations: Adjusting control approaches in practice Journal of International Business Studies, 52(3), 409-431. More information

Book chapter

Stendahl, E., Tippmann, E. (2024). International control mechanisms. In: C. Geisler Asmussen, N. Hashai, and D. Minbaeva (Ed.), Encyclopedia of International Strategic Management (pp. 191 -193). More information

Conference paper

Stendahl, E., Vidolov, S., Geiger, S. (2020). Hybridity and Fluidity of Crowd Organizing in Biomedicine. Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S) Conference, Virtual, 18-21 August 2020. More information
Stendahl, E., Geiger, S. (2020). Collective does not need to be all that cohesive: Collective institutional entrepreneurship and radical flank effects. Academy of Management (AOM), virtual, 7-11 August, 2020. More information
Stendahl, E., Geiger, S., Galasso, I., Nicola, S. (2019). Innovating together for better market: STS for participatory and inclusive healthcare. Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S), New Orleans, 4-7 September, 2019. More information
Stendahl, E., Löwstedt, J., Yakhlef, A. (2019). Artefacts as control-with-abilities in HQ-subsidiary relations: The case of a new platform. Academy of Management (AOM), Boston, 9-13 August, 2019. More information
Stendahl, E., Yakhlef, A., Tippmann, E. (2017). A fused perspective on management innovation in the MNC. Academy of International Business (AIB), Dubai, July, 2017. More information
Stendahl, E., Yakhlef, A., Tippmann, E. (2016). Management practice innovation within international business studies: A translation approach. Strategic Management Society (SMS) special conference, Hong Kong, December, 2016. More information
Stendahl, E., Löwstedt, J. (2016). New governing practices at headquarters: The mediating role of technology in performance management systems. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Conference, Berlin, September, 2016. More information
Stendahl, E., Löwstedt, J. (2015). Governing headquarters-subsidiary relationships through the use of managerial technologies. Organization, Artefacts and Practices (OAP) conference, Sydney, December, 2015. More information
Stendahl, E., Schriber, S. (2015). Managing coordination in MNC strategic renewal. Nordic Academy of Management (NFF), Copenhagen, August, 2015. More information
Stendahl, E., Yakhlef, A. (2015). Managing subsidiaries: The circuit of policy practice. Strategic Management Society (SMS) Special Conference, St Gallen, May, 2015. More information
Stendahl, E., Yakhlef, A. (2013). The role of consultants in organizations. European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS), Montreal, July, 2013. More information