Vezir Aktas

Assistant Professor of Psychology
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Associate Professor of Social Psychology


Vezir Aktas trained at Hacettepe University in Ankara, Turkey, and gained his bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees from its Faculty of Letters, Department of Psychology. His research interests mainly focus on two fields: aggression and altruism. However, social representations, attribution, stereotyping, inter-group relations and inter-group
conflicts are also of interest.

Aktas’ doctoral thesis tested Bernard Weiner’s Judgement of
Responsibility Model in a Turkish context of prosocial and antisocial behaviours.


Since Aktas gained his PhD, he has served 4 years as Head of Department at Dicle University, Diyarbakir, administrating and teaching several of the main fields of psychology including research methods and statistics.

In 2011 Aktas started working at Jönköping University and since 2014 he holds a position as Assistant Professor of Social Psychology. He is assigned to the research programme Lifelong Learning and is thereby also tied to the Human Resource Management Program and non-programme courses in psychology. He teaches general psychology, social psychology, political psychology, research methods and statistics.


Aktaş, V., Nilsson, M., Kindap Tepe, Y. (2023). Gendered aspects of policies to fight the COVID-19 outbreak Humanitas, 11(22), 42-64. More information
Rapp, S., Aktaş, V., Ståhlkrantz, K. (2022). Schoolboards' expectations of the superintendent–a Swedish national survey Educational review (Birmingham), 74(6), 1101-1118. More information
Kındap-Tepe, Y., Aktaş, V. (2021). The mediating role of needs satisfaction for prosocial behavior and autonomy support Current Psychology, 40, 5212-5224. More information
Aktaş, V., Tepe, Y., Persson, R. (2021). Investigating Turkish university students’ attitudes towards refugees in a time of Civil War in neighboring Syria Current Psychology, 40(2), 553-562. More information
Aktaş, V., Nilsson, M., Borell, K., Persson, R. (2020). Taking to the streets: A study of the street academy in Ankara British Journal of Educational Studies, 68(3), 365-388. More information
Borell, K., Nilsson, M., Aktaş, V. (2019). Den akademiska friheten i Turkiet har snöpts , 1, 30-35. More information
Aktaş, V., Nilsson, M., Borell, K. (2019). Social scientists under threat: Resistance and self-censorship in Turkish academia British Journal of Educational Studies, 67(2), 169-186. More information
Rapp, S., Segolsson, M., Aktaş, V. (2017). The Director of Education and Research-Based Education: Exploring the Tensions between Policy and What Directors Actually Report , 2(4). More information
Aktaş, V., Coştur, R. (2007). Sorumluluk Yüklemesi Çerçevesinde Öfke ve Sempati Duyguları ile Yardım Etme ve Saldırganlık Davranışları (Judgments of Responsibility, Feelings of Anger/Sympathy and Social Conduct of Help-giving and Aggression) Türk Psikoloji Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Psychology), 22(59), 15-37. More information
Cirhinlioğlu, F., Aktaş, V. (2006). Sosyal Temsil Kuramı’na genel bir bakış (A General Approach to the Social Representation Theory) C.Ü. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Cumhuriyet University-Journal of Social Sciences), 30(2), 163-174. More information
Güvenç, G., Aktaş, V. (2006). Ergenlik Döneminde Yaş, Toplumsal Cinsiyet, Bireysel ve İlişkisel Tutumlar, Benlik Değeri ve Yaşam Becerilerine İlişkin Algı Arasındaki İlişkiler (Age, Gender, Prejudice, Interpersonal Sensitivity and Locus of Control as Predictors of Self Esteem, Assertiveness and Communication Skills in Adolescence) Türk Psikoloji Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Psychology), 21(57), 45-62. More information
Aktaş, V., Güvenç, G. (2006). Kız ve erkek ergenlerde saldırgan ve olumlu sosyal davranışlar ile yaş, ilişkisel bağlam ve kişiler-arası duyarlılık arasındaki ilişkiler (Relations Between Age, Parental and Peer Attachment, Interpersonal Reactivity, Aggressive and Prosocial Behavior of Adolescents) Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (Hacettepe University-Journal of Faculty of Letters), 23(2), 233-264. More information
Aktaş, V., Deniz, Ş., Aydın, O. (2005). Saldırgan Olan ve Olmayan Çocuklarda Düşmanca Niyet Yükleme Yanlılığının Cinsiyete Bağlı Olarak İncelenmesi (Hostile attributional bias in aggressive and nonaggressive children) Türk Psikoloji Dergisi (Turkish Journal of Psychology), 20(55), 43-59. More information
Aktaş, V., Cirhinlioğlu, F., Özkan, B. (2004). Türk örnekleminde avukat olan ile olmayanların adalete ve Türkiye’deki hukuk sistemine ilişkin sosyal temsilleri (Social representations of justice system among lawyers vs. non lawyers in a Turkish sample) Hacettepe Üniversitesi Edebiyat Fakültesi Dergisi (Hacettepe University-Journal of Faculty of Letters), 21(2), 61-80. More information

Book chapter

Foss, L., Aktaş, V. (2022). Skolchefers nätverk och samarbete. In: Lene Foss & Joakim Krantz (Ed.), Skolchefers arbete: att leda ansvarsfullt i en föränderlig tid (pp. 109 -130). Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB More information
Foss, L., Krantz, J., Engström, A., Johansen, S., Aktaş, V. (2022). Kontextuella aspekter på skolchefens arbete. In: Lene Foss & Joakim Krantz (Ed.), Skolchefers arbete: att leda ansvarsfullt i en föränderlig tid (pp. 147 -174). Malmö: Gleerups Utbildning AB More information
Persson, R., Aktaş, V. (2019). Understanding why an immigrant neurosurgeon is driving your taxi: On highly qualified foreign labour looking for work in your country. In: H. Ahl, I. Bergmo-Prvulovic & K. Kilhammar (Ed.), Human resource management: A Nordic perspective (pp. 153 -162). London, UK: Routledge More information
Persson, R., Aktas, V. (2019). Those who know more than you: Talent management in the Google era. In: H. Ahl, I. Bergmo-Prvulovic & K. Kilhammar (Ed.), Human resource management: A Nordic perspective (pp. 190 -202). London, UK: Routledge More information
Persson, R., Aktaş, V. (2017). De som kan mer än du: Talent management i Googles tidevarv för särskilda begåvningar i svenska organisationer. In: Helene Ahl, Ingela Bergmo-Prvulovic & Karin Kilhammar (Ed.), HR: Att ta tillvara mänskliga resurser (pp. 237 -256). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Aktaş, V., Persson, R. (2017). Fel person på fel plats: Om högutbildade invandrare på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. In: Helene Ahl, Ingela Bergmo-Prvulovic & Karin Kilhammar (Ed.), HR: Att ta tillvara mänskliga resurser (pp. 191 -206). Lund, SE: Studentlitteratur AB More information

Conference paper

Pantelic, D., Aktaş, V., Florin Samuelsson, E., Weissova, L. (2022). Measuring intercultural competence: lessons from a pilot project. Cross-Cultural Business Conference, 12th-13th May 2022, Steyr Campus, Wels, Austria. More information
Aktaş, V., Nilsson, M. (2022). İsveç’teki Müslümanların algıladıkları dini ayırımcılığın incelenmesi [Examining the perceived religious discrimination by Muslims in Sweden]. 21. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 13-16 Ekim 2022, Doğuş Üniversitesi, Çengelköy Yerleşkesi, İstanbul, Türkiye [21. National Psychology Congress, 13-16 October 2022, Dogus University, Cengelkoy Campus, Istanbul, Turkey]. More information
Aktaş, V., Tepe, Y., Nilsson, M., Persson, R. (2022). Mültecilere yönelik tutumlar üzerine kültürlerarası bir çalışma [A cross-cultural study on attitudes towards refugees]. 21. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi, 13-16 Ekim 2022, Doğuş Üniversitesi, Çengelköy Yerleşkesi, İstanbul, Türkiye [21. National Psychology Congress, 13-16 October 2022, Dogus University, Cengelkoy Campus, Istanbul, Turkey]. More information
Ishäll, L., Aktaş, V., Bjursell, C., Ozturkcan, S., Bäcklund, J. (2021). Upplevelser av digitaliseringens effekter på lärandet, sociala interaktioner och arbetsmiljön: en kvalitativ pilotstudie under global pandemi. FALF 2021, "Hälsosamt arbetsliv - utopi eller verklighet?", Online, June 14-16, 2021. More information
Lecusay, R., Mrak, L., Aktaş, V. (2019). Rethinking the Relation between Pedagogy and Sustainability: The Views of Preschool Teachers in Sweden. Symposium: Barn, lek, lärande och hållbarhet i utomhusmiljöer, 28 augusti, 2019, Jönköping. More information
Aktaş, V., Kindap Tepe, Y. (2019). Düşmanca niyet yükleme eğilimi ölçeğinin psikometrik özelliklerinin incelenmesi [Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Hostile Attribution of Intent Scale]. Cumhuriyet Zirvesi 2. Uluslararasi Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Ekim 28-30, Ankara, Türkiye [2nd International Congress of Social Sciences, October 28-30, Ankara, Turkey]. More information
Aktaş, V., Kindap Tepe, Y. (2019). Düşmanca niyet yükleme eğilimi ölçeği geliştirme çalışması [Evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Hostile Attribution of Intent Scale]. 1. Uluslararası Harran Multidisipliner Çalışmalar Kongresi, Mart 08-10, Urfa, Türkiye [1st International Harran Multidisciplinary Studies Congress, March 08-10, Urfa, Turkey]. More information
Kindap Tepe, Y., Aktaş, V. (2019). Evlilik öncesi cinsel ilişkiye yönelik tutum ölçeği geliştirme çalışması [The development of a scale to measure attitudes towards premarital sex]. Cumhuriyet 1. Uluslararası Multidisipliner Çalışmalar Kongresi, Nisan 19-21, Sivas, Türkiye [Republic 1st International Multidisciplinary Studies Congress, April 19-21, Sivas, Turkey]. More information
Kindap Tepe, Y., Aktaş, V. (2019). Eşlerin algıladığı özerk irade ve psikolojik kontrol ölçeklerinin uyarlama çalışması [The adaptation of Autonomy Support Scale-Spouse Form and Psychological Control Scale-Spouse Form]. 2. Uluslararası Sosyal Bilimler Kongresi, Ekim 28-30, Ankara, Türkiye [2nd International Congress of Social Sciences, October 28-30, Ankara, Turkey]. More information
Samuelsson, M., Hugo, M., Aktaş, V., Söderström, Å., Ekholm, M. (2018). Social pressure and standpoints in moral dilemmas made by twelve year olds in 1973 and in 2017. 46th Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA), 8-10 March 2018, Oslo, Norway. More information
Abayhan, Y., Aktaş, V., Gülüm, İ. (2008). “Bir standardizasyon çalışması: İntihara yönelik tutumlar ölçeği’nin Türk kültürüne uyarlanması” (The Application of Suicide Opinion Questionnaire to Turkish Culture), Istanbul/Turkey, September, 3-5 2008. 15. Ulusal Psikoloji Kongresi (15. National Psychology Congress). More information
Aktaş, V. (2008). Genç akademisyenlerin yeni kurulan psikoloji bölümlerinde karşılaşabilecekleri sorunlar ve çözüm önerileri (The Problems And Solutions Suggestions That The Young Academicians From Recently Established Psychology Departments May Face). 2. Psychology Postgraduate Students Congress, Ankara University Psychology Department, - Çankiri/Turkey, June, 26-29 2008. More information
Şahin Nafia, D., Orhan, A., Aktaş, V. (2002). A decade-Span View to Changes in The Beliefs in A Just World in The Turkish Culture. The IXth International Social Justice Conference, University of Skövde, Sweden, June, 17-20 2002. More information