Robert Lecusay


Robert is an Associate Professor of Education at Södertörn University, and Project Researcher at Malmö University. He is also an Affiliate Researcher in Jönköping University’s Preschool Education Research Group. His current teaching and research focuses on questions of play, teaching, and education for sustainability in Swedish preschools. This includes ongoing case study research of related activities in preschools in the Stockholm region (funded via Södertörn’s Teacher Education program and a European Union Horizon 2020 grant).


Prior to moving to Sweden Robert was a doctoral student (Interdisciplinary PhD Program in Communication & Cognitive Science ) and lecturer at the University of California, San Diego’s Laboratory of Comparative Human Cognition. There he collaborated with colleagues on a variety of university-community educational research partnerships and on a project for the MacArthur Foundation to survey the state of the art in methods for documenting and assessing informal learning. He remains an affiliate researcher at LCHC. 


Lecusay, R., Mrak, L., Nilsson, M. (2022). What is Community in Early Childhood Education and Care for Sustainability?: Exploring Communities of Learners in Swedish Preschool Provision International Journal of Early Childhood, 54, 51-74. More information
Lindstrand, S., Lecusay, R., Mrak, L. (2022). Lyssnande undervisning i förskolan Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 19(4), 206-226. More information
Anderstaf, S., Lecusay, R., Nilsson, M. (2021). ‘Sometimes we have to clash’: how preschool teachers in Sweden engage with dilemmas arising from cultural diversity and value differences Intercultural Education, 32(3), 296-310. More information
Nilsson, M., Lecusay, R., Alnervik, K. (2018). Undervisning i förskolan: Holistisk förskoledidaktik byggd på lek och utforskande Utbildning och Demokrati, 27(1), 9-32. More information
Nilsson, M., Lecusay, R., Alnervik, K., Ferholt, B. (2018). Iscensättning av undervisning: målrelationellt lärande i förskolan Barn, 36(3-4), 109-126. More information
Nilsson, M., Ferholt, B., Lecusay, R. (2018). 'The Playing-Exploring Child': Re-conceptualizing the Relationship between Play and Learning in  Early Childhood Education Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 19(3), 231-245. More information
Lecusay, R. (2014). Building zones of proximal development with computer games in a U-C Links after-school program International Journal of Research in Extended Education, 2(2), 13-26. More information
Cole, M., Lecusay, R., Rosero, I. (2012). Creating hybrid after-school enrichment activities LEARNing Landscapes, 5(2), 35-43. More information
Barkhuus, L., Lecusay, R. (2012). Social infrastructures as barriers and foundation for informal learning: Technology integration in an urban after-school center Computer Supported Cooperative Work: The Journal of Collaborative Computing and Work Practices, 21(1), 81-103. More information
Downing-Wilson, D., Lecusay, R., Cole, M. (2011). Design experimentation and mutual appropriation: Two strategies for university/community collaborative after-school interventions Theory & psychology, 21(5), 656-680. More information
Rosero, I., Lecusay, R., Cole, M. (2011). Ambiguous Coordination: Collaboration in Informal Science Education Research Versus: Quaderni di Studi Semiotici, 112/113, 215-240. More information
Ferholt, B., Lecusay, R. (2010). Adult and child development in the zone of proximal development: Socratic dialogue in a playworld Mind, culture and activity, 17(1), 59-83. More information
Lecusay, R., Rossen, L., Cole, M. (2008). Cultural-historical activity theory and the zone of proximal development in the study of idioculture design and implementation Cognitive Systems Research, 9(1-2), 92-103. More information
Baumer, S., Ferholt, B., Lecusay, R. (2005). Promoting narrative competence through adult-child joint pretense: Lessons from the Scandinavian educational practice of playworld Cognitive development, 20(4), 576-590. More information
Shor-Posner, G. Lecusay, R. Miguez, M. Moreno-Black, G. Zhang, G. Rodriguez, N. , ... Wilkie F. (2003). Psychological burden in the era of Haart: Impact of selenium therapy International Journal of Psychiatry in Medicine, 33(1), 55-69. More information
Wilkie, F. Goodkin, T. Khamis, L. van Zuilen, M. Lee, D. Lecusay, R. , ... Eisdorfer C. (2003). Cognitive functioning in younger and older HIV-1 - Infected adults Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 33, S93-S105. More information
Goodkin, K. Heckman, T. Siegel, K. Linsk, M. Khamis, I. Lee, D. , ... Eisdorfer C. (2003). "Putting a face" on HIV infection/AIDS in older adults: A psychosocial context. More information
Ardila-Ardila, A. Goodkin, K. Concha-Bartolini, M. Lecusay-Ruiz, R. O'Mellan-Fajardo, S. Suarez-Bustamante, P. , ... Wilkie F. (2003). HUMANS: una batería neuropsicologica para la evaluación de pacientes infectados con VIH-1: [Humans: a neuropsychological battery for evaluating HIV-1 infected patients]. More information
Burbano, X. Miguez-Burbano, M. McCollister, K. Zhang, G. Rodriguez, A. Ruiz, P. , ... Shor-Posner G. (2002). Impact of a selenium chemoprevention clinical trial on hospital admissions of HIV-infected participants HIV Clinical Trials, 3(6), 483-491. More information
Shor-Posner, G. Miguez, M. Pineda, L. Rodriguez, A. Ruiz, P. Castillo, G. , ... Baum M. (2002). Impact of selenium status on the pathogenesis of mycobacterial disease in HIV-1-infected drug users during the era of highly active antiretroviral therapy Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 29(2), 169-173. More information
Shor-Posner, G., Lecusay, R., Morales, G., Campa, A., Miguez-Burbano, M. (2002). Neuroprotection in HIV-positive drug users: Implications for antioxidant therapy Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 31, S84-S88. More information
Miguez-Burbano, M. Pineda-Medina, L. Lecusay, R. Page, J. Castillo, G. Burbano, X. , ... Shor-Posner G. (2002). Continued high risk behaviors in HIV infected drug abusers Journal of Addictive Diseases, 21(4), 67-80. More information
Miguez-Burbano, M., Burbano, X., Rodriguez, A., Lecusay, R., Rodriguez, N., Shor-Posner, G. (2002). Development of thrombocytosis in HIV plus drug users: Impact of antiretroviral therapy Platelets, 13(3), 183-185. More information
Valcour, V. Goodkin, K. Shiramizu, B. Shikuma, C. Asthana, D. Shapshak, P. , ... Linsk N. (2002). Aging, HIV-1 infection and neurocognitive function: Clinical correlates The Gerontologist, 42((Special issue I)), 81-82. More information
Burbano, X. Miguez, M. Lecusay, R. Rodriguez, A. Ruiz, P. Morales, G. , ... Shor-Posner G. (2001). Thrombocytopenia in HIV-infected drug users in the HAART era Platelets, 12(8), 456-461. More information
Shor-Posner, G. Lecusay, R. Miguez-Burbano, M. Quesada, J. Rodriguez, A. Ruiz, P. , ... Baum M. (2000). Quality of life measures in the Miami HIV-1 infected drug abusers cohort: Relationship to gender and disease status Journal of Substance Abuse, 11(4), 395-404. More information


Lemke, J., Lecusay, R., Cole, M., Michalchik, V. (2015). Documenting and assessing learning in informal and media-rich environments. Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press More information

Doctoral thesis

Lecusay, R. (2013). Telementoring Physics: University-Community After-school Collaborations and the Mediation of the Formal/ Informal Divide (Doctoral thesis). University of California, San Diego More information

Book chapter

Lecusay, R., Nilsson, M. (2020). Lek i förskolan. In: G. Åsén (Ed.), Vad säger forskningen om svensk förskola? (pp. 77 -91). Stockholm: Liber More information
Ferholt, B., Nilsson, M., Lecusay, R. (2019). Preschool teachers being people alongside young children: The development of adults' relational competences in playworlds. In: Sophie Alcock & Nicola Stobbs (Ed.), Rethinking play as pedagogy (pp. 17 -32). New York: Routledge More information
Ferholt, B., Lecusay, R., Nilsson, M. (2018). Adult and Child Learning in Playworlds. In: J. Roopnarie and P. Smith (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Play: Developmental and Disciplinary PerspectivesMore information
Downing-Wilson, D., Lecusay, R., Rosero, I., Cole, M. (2012). A cultural-historical approach to university/community collaborative interventions. In: Jaan Valsiner (Ed.), The Oxford handbook of culture and psychology (pp. 885 -898). Oxford: Oxford University Press More information


Lecusay, R. (2016). Book Review: Play, playfulness, creativity and innovation. More information

Conference paper

Lecusay, R., Mrak, L., Nilsson, M. (2021). Sustainability in early childhood: perspectives of professionals and children. 30th EECERA Annual Conference, Democratic Early Childhood Pedagogies, Online Festival, 1st – 17th September 2021. More information
Rainio, A., Lecusay, R., Ferholt, B. (2020). They needed the chaos to learn: Exploring Playworlds as Real Utopias. Exploring Ethnography, Language and Communication 8 (EELC8), 24-25 September 2020, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway. More information
Ferholt, B., Lecusay, R., Rainio, A. (2020). Using Playworlds and Film-play to Study Experience. First International Symposium on Cultural-Historical Psychology, Novosibirsk, Russia, November 17-19, 2020. More information
Lecusay, R., Mrak, L., Aktaş, V. (2019). Rethinking the Relation between Pedagogy and Sustainability: The Views of Preschool Teachers in Sweden. Symposium: Barn, lek, lärande och hållbarhet i utomhusmiljöer, 28 augusti, 2019, Jönköping. More information
Lecusay, R., Mrak, L., Nilsson, M. (2018). Teachers Making Sense of Children’s Sense-making: Negotiating Pretense, Exploration, and Teaching in Sustainable, Multi-functional Preschool Environments.. VIII Conference on Childhood Studies: Childhood and Materiality 7–9 May 2018, Jyväskylä, Finland. More information
Beth, F., Monica, N., Lecusay, R. (2018). Developing the Relational Competence of Early Childhood Education Teachers Through Playworlds: Contributions From a Swedish Preschool. American Educational Research Association. More information
Anderstaf, S., Lecusay, R., Nilsson, M. (2017). "Sometimes we have to clash": How Swedish preschool teachers' engage with cultural value differences. 27th Annual Conference of the European Early Childhood Education Research Association, Bologna, 29th August–1 st September, 2017.. More information
Lecusay, R., Nilsson, M., Ferholt, B. (2017). Exploratory playworlds: Reconsidering the relationship between pretend play and exploration in early childhood education. 5th International Congress of the International Societyfor Cultural-HistoricalActivity Research, Quebec, August 28th-September1st, 2017.. More information
Nilsson, M., Ferholt, B., Lecusay, R. (2016). Professional development through participation in playworld. 26th EECERA Annual Conference, 'Happiness, Relationships, Emotion & Deep Level Learning', Dublin, Ireland, 31st August – 3rd September 2016. More information
Nilsson, M., Lecusay, R., Mrak, L., Ferholt, B., Alnervik, K. (2015). Toddlers and Teachers in Aesthetic Communication. European Early Childhood Education Research Conference, Barcelona, Spain, September 7-10 2015. More information
Nilsson, M., Lecusay, R., Ferholt, B., Alnervik, K. (2015). Preschool Didactics from Within. European Early Childhood Education Research Conference, Barcelona, Spain, September 7-10, 2015.. More information
Cole, M., Lecusay, R., Rosero, I. (2013). Social Imaginaries about digital technologies and education in the afterschool hours: The reality is more interesting than the dream. 2013 Biennial Meeting of the Society for Psychological Anthropology, San Diego, CA, USA, April 4-7, 2013. More information
Barkhuus, L., Lecusay, R. (2011). Technologies and social learning in an urban after-school center. ACM annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Extended Abstracts. More information