Mattias Nordqvist

CeFEO - Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership , Jönköping International Business School
Professor Business Administration
Business Administration , Jönköping International Business School
PhD in Business Administration


Mattias Nordqvist is Professor in Business Administration and The Hamrin International Professor of Family Business and Director of CeFEO at JIBS. He has previously served as Associate Dean at JIBS. Mattias is a former Co-Director of the Global STEP Project and Visiting Scholar at Babson College, USA, University of Alberta, Canada and Bocconi University, Italy. He has served on the board of the International Family Enterprise Research Academy — IFERA — and is currently on the scientific committee of the Center for Young and Family Enterprise (Cyfe) at the University of Bergamo, Italy. He has been selected as a Family Owned Business Institute Scholar twice; 2007-2008 and 2011-2012 by the Seidman College of Business, Grand Valley State University, Grand Rapids in the USA, and has won the Family Firm Institute (FFI) Award for Best Unpublished Research Paper twice; 2005 and 2011. Mattias is also a recipient of the Young Entrepreneurship Researcher Award 2006 from the Swedish Entrepreneurship Forum and the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth.

Mattias the founding associate editor of the Journal of Family Business Strategy, and serves on the editorial board of the Family Business Review, Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, Journal of Management and Governance and Journal of Small Business Management. He is also co-editor of the SAGE Handbook of Family Business (with Leif Melin and Pramodita Sharma) published by SAGE Publications in November 2013.


Mattias received his MSc and PhD from Jönköping International Business School in Sweden. His specific research focus is on family firms, with a particularly focus on entrepreneurial, strategic and governance processes. To learn more about Mattias´ research, please see the section on publications. Mattias has been invited to present his research and to give lectures to various audiences at many universities in Europe, USA, Latin America, Africa and Australia. He publishes widely in the leading international journals and in edited books in both Sweden and abroad. His research is regularly presented at international conferences and workshops, such as the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, IFERA World Conference, EIASM Workshop on Family Firm´s Management and the Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. During his time as Associate Dean, Mattias initiated and built JIBS' growing program in the area of international development cooperation. The focus lies on capacity building in higher education in African countries, mainly through Master and PhD training in Business Administration and Economics in collaboration with the Swedish International Development Agency (Sida)


Mattias teaches strategic management and family business at undergraduate, master and doctoral levels.



Daspit, J., Madison, K., Nordqvist, M., Sieger, P. (2024). Advancing Family Firm Research: The Importance of Multilevel Considerations Family Business Review, 37(1), 4-17. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Chirico, F., Gómez-Mejia, L., Ashforth, B., Swartz, R., Melin, L. (2024). From “FIBER” to “FIRE”: construct validation and refinement of the socioemotional wealth scale in family firms Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2024). The role of the strategic apex in shaping the disclosure strategy: A family firm in crisis The British Accounting Review, 56(3). More information
Hashim, S., McAdam, M., Nordqvist, M. (2024). An exploration of women entrepreneurs “doing context” in family business in the Gulf States International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 16(2), 227-255. More information
Banerjee, A., Carlsson-Wall, M., Nordqvist, M. (2024). Hybrid board governance: Exploring the challenges in implementing social impact measurements The British Accounting Review, 56(5). More information
Smith, C., Rondi, E., De Massis, A., Nordqvist, M. (2023). Rising Every Time We Fall: Organizational Fortitude and Response to Adversities Journal of Management. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2023). Accountants in family firms: a systematic literature review. More information
Ramirez-Pasillas, M., Lundberg, H., Nordqvist, M. (2021). Next generation external venturing practices in family owned businesses Journal of Management Studies, 58(1), 63-103. More information
Criaco, G., van Oosterhout, J., Nordqvist, M. (2021). Is blood always thicker than water?: Family firm parents, kinship ties, and the survival of spawns Journal of Business Venturing, 36(6). More information
Eze, N., Nordqvist, M., Samara, G., Parada, M. (2021). Different Strokes for Different Folks: The Roles of Religion and Tradition for Transgenerational Entrepreneurship in Family Businesses Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 45(4), 792-837. More information
Smith, C., Nordqvist, M., De Massis, A., Miller, D. (2021). When so much is at stake: Understanding organizational brinkmanship in family business The Journal of Family Business Strategy, 12(4). More information
Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Nordqvist, M., Baù, M., Sharma, P., Sharma, S., Radu-Lefebvre, M. (2021). Embracing the Biosphere, Supporting Humanity - A Call to Explore Sustainable Development in Family Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. More information
Nordqvist, M., Gartner, W. (2020). Literature, Fiction, and the Family Business Family Business Review, 33(2), 122-129. More information
Muñoz-Bullón, F., Sanchez-Bueno, M., Nordqvist, M. (2020). Growth intentions in family-based new venture teams: The role of the nascent entrepreneur’s R&D behavior Management Decision, 58(6), 1190-1209. More information
van Helvert-Beugels, J., Nordqvist, M., Flören, R. (2020). Managing tensions as paradox in CEO succession: The case of nonfamily CEO in a family firm International Small Business Journal, 38(3), 211-242. More information
Chirico, F., Gómez-Mejia, L., Hellerstedt, K., Withers, M., Nordqvist, M. (2020). To merge, sell or liquidate? Socioemotional wealth, family control, and the choice of business exit Journal of Management, 46(8), 1342-1379. More information
Banerjee, A., Nordqvist, M., Hellerstedt, K. (2020). The role of the board chair: A literature review and suggestions for future research. More information
Fitz-Koch, S., Nordqvist, M., Carter, S., Hunter, E. (2018). Entrepreneurship in the agricultural sector: A literature review and future research opportunities. More information
Waldkirch, M., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2018). CEO turnover in family firms: How social exchange relationships influence whether a non-family CEO stays or leaves Human Resource Management Review, 28(1), 56-67. More information
Boers, B., Ljungkvist, T., Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M. (2017). Going private: A socioemotional wealth perspective on why family controlled companies decide to leave the stock-exchange The Journal of Family Business Strategy, 8(2), 74-86. More information
Fitz-Koch, S., Nordqvist, M. (2017). The Reciprocal Relationship of Innovation Capabilities and Socioemotional Wealth in a Family Firm Journal of small business management (Print), 55(4), 547-570. More information
Nordqvist, M. (2016). Socio-symbolic ownership: extending the socio-emotional wealth perspective Management Research, 14(3), 244-257. More information
De Massis, A., Kotlar, J., Frattini, F., Chrisman, J., Nordqvist, M. (2016). Family governance at work: Organizing for new product development in family SMEs Family Business Review, 29(2), 189-213. More information
Fletcher, D., Massis, A., Nordqvist, M. (2016). Qualitative research practices and family business scholarship: A review and future research agenda The Journal of Family Business Strategy, 7(1), 8-25. More information
Nordqvist, M., Aygören, H. (2015). Gender, ethnicity and identity work in the family business European Journal of International Management, 9(2), 160-178. More information
Sciascia, S., Nordqvist, M., Mazzola, P., De Massis, A. (2015). Family ownership and R&D intensity in small- and medium-sized firms The Journal of product innovation management, 32(3), 349-360. More information
Botero, I., Cruz, C., De Massis, A., Nordqvist, M. (2015). Family business research in the European context European Journal of International Management, 9(2), 139-159. More information
Minichilli, A., Nordqvist, M., Corbetta, G., Daniele, M. (2014). CEO Succession Mechanisms, Organizational Context, and Performance: A Socio-Emotional Wealth Perspective on Family-Controlled Firms Journal of Management Studies, 51(7), 1153-1179. More information
Nordqvist, M., Sharma, P., Chirico, F. (2014). Family firm heterogeneity and governance: a configuration approach Journal of small business management (Print), 52(2), 192-209. More information
De Massis, A., Kotlar, J., Nordqvist, M. (2013). Le imprese familiari percepiscono il capitale sociale come vantaggio o come svantaggio competitivo? Un’analisi esplorativa delle percezioni degli Amministratori Delegati . More information
De Massis, A., Kotlar, J., Nordqvist, M. (2013). Capitale sociale e vantaggio competitivo nel family business. Un’analisi esplorativa delle percezioni degli amministratori delegati: [Social capital and the competitive advantage of the family firm. An exploratory study of CEO perceptions] , 40(2), 5-28. More information
Nordqvist, M., Wennberg, K., Baù, M., Hellerstedt, K. (2013). An Entrepreneurial Process Perspective on Succession in Family Firms Small Business Economics, 40(4), 1087-1122. More information
Wiklund, J., Nordqvist, M., Hellerstedt, K., Bird, M. (2013). Internal Versus External Ownership Transition in Family Firms: An Embeddedness Perspective Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 37(6), 1319-1340. More information
Zellweger, T., Nason, R., Nordqvist, M., Brush, C. (2013). Why Do Family Firms Strive for Nonfinancial Goals? An Organizational Identity Perspective Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 37(2), 229-248. More information
Nordqvist, M. (2012). Understanding strategy processes in family firms: Exploring the roles of actors and arenas International Small Business Journal, 30(1), 24-40. More information
Cruz, C., Nordqvist, M. (2012). Entrepreneurial orientation in family firms: A generational perspective Small Business Economics, 38(1), 33-49. More information
Arregle, J., Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Hitt, M. (2012). Internationalization of Family-Controlled Firms: A Study of the Effects of External Involvement in Governance Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 36(6), 1115-1143. More information
Zellweger, T., Nason, R., Nordqvist, M. (2012). From Longevity of Firms to Transgenerational Entrepreneurship of Families: Introducing Family Entrepreneurial Orientation Family Business Review, 25(2), 136-155. More information
Chirico, F., Nordqvist, M., Colombo, G., Mollona, E. (2012). Simulating Dynamic Capabilities and Value Creation in Family Firms: Is Paternalism an "Asset" or a "Liability"? Family Business Review, 25(3), 318-338. More information
Wennberg, K., Nordqvist, M., Wiklund, J., Hellerstedt, K. (2011). Implications of Intra-Family and External Ownership Transfer of Family Firm: short-term and long-term performance differences Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 5(4), 352-372. More information
Machold, S., Huse, M., Minichilli, A., Nordqvist, M. (2011). Board Leadership and Strategy Involvement in Small Firms: A Team Production Approach Corporate governance: An International Review, 19(4), 368-383. More information
Parada, M., Nordqvist, M., Gimeno, A. (2010). Institutionalizing the Family Business: The Role of Professional Assocations in Fostering a Change of Values Family Business Review, 23(4), 355-372. More information
Chirico, F., Nordqvist, M. (2010). Dynamic capabilities and trans-generational value creation in family firms: The role of organizational culture International Small Business Journal, 28(5), 487-504. More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2010). Entrepreneurial families and family firms Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 22(3/4), 211-239. More information
Nordqvist, M., Picard, R., Pesämaa, O. (2010). Industry Associations as Change Agents: The Institutional Roles of Newspaper Associations Journal of Media Business Studies, 7(3), 51-69. More information
Llach, J., Nordqvist, M. (2010). Innovation in Family and Non-Family Businesses: A Resource Perspective International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 2(3/4), 381-399. More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2010). The promise of the strategy as practice perspective for family business strategy research Journal of Family Business Strategy, 1(1), 15-25. More information
Nordqvist, M., Hall, A., Melin, L. (2009). Qualitative Research on Family Businesses: The Relevance and Usefulness of the Interpretive Approach Journal of Management and Organization, 15(3), 294-308. More information
Nordqvist, M. (2008). Unternehmerische Ausrichtung in Familienunternehmen Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship, 56(1/2), 62-78. More information
Hall, A., Nordqvist, M. (2008). Professional management in family businesses: Toward an extended understanding Family Business Review, 21(1), 51-69. More information
Brundin, E., Nordqvist, M. (2008). Beyond Facts and Figures: The Role of Emotions in Boardroom Dynamics Corporate governance: An International Review, 16(4), 326-341. More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2008). Strategic Planning Champions: Social Craftspersons, Artful Interpreters and Known Strangers Long range planning, 41(3), 326-344. More information
Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M., Wiklund, J. (2007). Corporate governance and strategic change in SMEs: The effect of ownership, board composition and top management teams Small Business Economics, 29(3), 295-308. More information
Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2007). The reflexive dynamics of institutionalization: the case of the family business Strategic Organization, 5(3), 321-333. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Hellerstedt, K., Wiklund, J. (2007). Entrepreneurial orientation, risk taking, and performance in family firms Family Business Review, 20(1), 33-47. More information
Nordqvist, M. (2005). Familiness in Top Management Teams: Commentary on Ensley and Pearson's "an exploratory comparison of the behavioral dynamics of top management teams in family and nonfamily new ventures: Cohesion, conflict, potency, and consensus" Entrepreneurship: Theory & Practice, 29(3), 285-291. More information
Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M. (2004). Ownership Structure, Board Composition and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Family Firms and Venture-Capital Backed Firms International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behaviour & Research, 10(1/2), 85-105. More information
Hall, A., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2001). Entrepreneurship as Radical Change in the Family Business: Exploring the Role of Cultural Patterns Family Business Review, 14(3), 193-208. More information
Melander, A., Nordqvist, M. (2001). Investing in Social Capital: Networks, trust, and beliefs in the Swedish furniture industry International Studies of Management and Organization, 31(4), 89-108. More information


Melin, L., Brundin, E., Haag, K., Hall, A., Nordqvist, M., Wigren, C. (2007). Ägarskifte med förnuft och känsla: Vägledning inför ägar- och ledarskiften i företag. Stockholm: Verket för näringslivsutveckling (NUTEK) More information
Bjuggren, P., Melin, L., Ericsson, A., Hall, A., Haag, K., Nordqvist, M. (2004). Ägarskiften och ledarskiften i företag: En fördjupad analys. Stockholm: Nutek More information

Doctoral thesis

Nordqvist, M. (2005). Understanding the Role of Ownership in Strategizing: A Study of Family Firms (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Internationella Handelshögskolan). More information

Book chapter

Kuiken, A., Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M. (2021). Internationalization of family firms as a discontinuous process: The role of behavioral theory. In: T. Leppäaho & S. Jack (Ed.), The Palgrave handbook of family firm internationalization (pp. 135 -171). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Nordqvist, M. (2021). Because family cares: Building engagement for family entrepreneurship through sustainability. In: M. R. Allen, & W. B. Gartner (Ed.), Family entrepreneurship: Insights from leading experts on successful multi-generational entrepreneurial families (pp. 315 -329). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Boers, B., Nordqvist, M. (2020). Family businesses as hybrid organisations. In: D. Billis & C. Rochester (Ed.), Handbook on hybrid organisations (pp. 507 -521). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
van Helvert-Beugels, J., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2020). Engaging practitioners in qualitative family business research: an engaged scholarship approach. In: A. De Massis & N. Kammerlander (Ed.), Handbook of qualitative research methods for family business (pp. 399 -417). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Ponomareva, Y., Nordqvist, M., Umans, T. (2019). Family firm identities and firm outcomes: A corporate governance bundles perspective. In: E. Memili & C. Dibrell (Ed.), The Palgrave handbook of heterogeneity among family firms (pp. 89 -114). Cham: Palgrave Macmillan More information
Meineke, A., Hellerstedt, K., Nordqvist, M. (2019). The changing role of the chairperson of the board: an analysis of business press articles in the UK, US and Germany. In: Jonas Gabrielsson, Wafa Khlif & Sibel Yamak (Ed.), Research handbook on boards of directors (pp. 229 -254). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Hellerstedt, K. (2019). Professionalisering och entreprenörskapi små företag. In: Karl Wennberg (Ed.), Entreprenörskap för en levande landsbygd: 15 texter om landsbygdsutveckling och entreprenörskap i Norrland (pp. 201 -218). Växjö: Familjen Kamprads stiftelse More information
Melander, A., Nordqvist, M., Österström, S. (2018). Strategier är inte bara något man säger. In: Stefan Österström (Ed.), 1 sammanhållen socialtjänst: en långsiktig strategi för att utveckla en innovativ, sammanhållen och hållbar socialtjänst (pp. 125 -146). Jönköping: Jönköpings kommun More information
van Helvert, J., Nordqvist, M. (2017). Entrepreneurship from a Family Business Perspective. In: Robert Blackburn, Dirk De Clercq & Jarna Heinonen (Ed.), The SAGE Handbook of Small Business and Entrepreneurship (pp. 7 -123). More information
Waldkirch, M., Nordqvist, M. (2017). Finding benevolence in family firms: The case of stewardship theory. In: Franz Kellermanns, Frank Hoy (Ed.), The Routledge companion to family business (pp. 401 -414). New York: Routledge More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L., Waldkirch, M., Kumeto, G. (2015). Introducing theoretical perspectives on family business. In: Mattias Nordqvist, Leif Melin, Matthias Waldkirch and Gershon Kumeto (Ed.), Theoretical Perspectives on Family Businesses (pp. 1 -17). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Sharma, P., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2014). Introduction: Scope, evolution and future of family business studies. In: Melin, L., Nordqvist, M., Sharma, P. (Ed.), The SAGE handbook of family business (pp. 1 -23). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications More information
Sharma, P., Nordqvist, M. (2013). Using the Configuration Approach to Understand the Reasons for and Consequences of Varied Family Involvement in Business. In: Kosmas X. Smyrnios, Panikkos Z. Poutziouris and Sanjay Goel (Ed.), Handbook of research on family business (pp. 142 -160). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Baù, M., Hellerstedt, K., Nordqvist, M., Wennberg, K. (2013). Succession in Family Firms. In: Ritch L. Sorenson, Andy Yu, Keith H. Brigham and G. T. Lumpkin (Ed.), The Landscape of Family Business (pp. 167 -197). More information
Melin, L., Nordqvist, M., Boers, B. (2012). Familjeföretagets bolagsstyrning. In: Brundin, E., Johansson, A.W., Johannisson, B., Melin,. L & Nordqvist, M. (Ed.), Familjeföretagande: affärer och känslor (pp. 125 -145). Stockholm: SNS förlag More information
Brundin, E., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2012). Kultur och entreprenörskap över generationer. In: Ethel Brundin, Anders W. Johansson, Bengt Johannisson, Leif Melin, Mattias Nordqvist (Ed.), Familjeföretagande: affärer och känslor (pp. 69 -89). Stockholm: SNS förlag More information
Boers, B., Nordqvist, M. (2012). Understanding Hybrid-Identity Organizations: The Case of Publicly Listed Family Businesses. In: A. Casrud and M. Brännback (Ed.), Understanding family businesses: Undiscovered Approaches, Unique Perspectives, and Neglected Topics (pp. 251 -269). New York: Springer More information
Kjellander, B., Nordqvist, M., Welter, F. (2012). Identity Dynamics in the Family Business Context: A Novel('s) Perspective. In: Alan Carsrud & Malin Brännback (Ed.), Understanding Family Businesses: Undiscovered Approaches, Unique Perspectives, and Neglected Topics (pp. 39 -53). New York: Springer More information
Nordqvist, M., Marzano, G., Brenes, E., Jimenéz, G., Fonseca, M. (2011). Entrepreneurial Family Businesses in Latin America. In: Nordqvist, M., Marzano, G., Brenes, E., Jimenéz, G & Fonseca, M. (Ed.), Understanding Entrepreneurial Family Businesses in Uncertain Environments: Opportunities and Resources in Latin America Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Melander, A., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2010). The Strategic Arena Approach to Strategy Process Research. In: Pietro Mazzola; Franz W Kellermanns (Ed.), Handbook of Research on Strategy Process (pp. 67 -89). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Habbershon, T., Nordqvist, M., Zellweger, T. (2010). Transgenerational Entrepreneurship. In: Mattias Nordqvist and Thomas Zellweger (Ed.), Transgenerational entrepreneurship: Exploring growth and performance in family firms across generations (pp. 1 -38). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Nordqvist, M., Zellweger, T. (2010). A qualitative research approach to the study of transgenerational entrepreneurship. In: Mattias Nordqvist and Thomas Zellweger (Ed.), Transgenerational entrepreneurship: exploring growth and performance in family firms across generations (pp. 39 -57). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
Brundin, E., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2010). Entrepreneurial orientation across generations in family firms: the role of owner-centric culture for proactiveness and autonomy. In: Mattias Nordqvist and Thomas M. Zellweger (Ed.), Transgenerational Entrepreneurship: Exploring Growth and Performance in Family Firms Across Generations (pp. 123 -141). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M. (2009). Family firms venturing into international markets: A resource dependence perspective. In: Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2008: Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference Wellesley, Mass.: Babson College More information
Nordqvist, M., Goel, S. (2008). No family is an island: A social network approach to governance in family firms. In: Theoretical Developments and Future Research in Family Business (pp. 27 -48). Charlotte, N.C.: IAP - Information Age Publishing More information
Sharma, P., Nordqvist, M. (2008). A Classification Scheme for Family Firms: From family values to effective governance to firm performance. In: Family Values and Value Creation: The Fostering Of Enduring Values Within Family-Owned Businesses (pp. 71 -101). Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan More information
Nordqvist, M., Habbershon, T., Melin, L. (2008). Transgenerational entreprenuership: exploring enterpreneurial orientation in family firms. In: Entrepreneurship, Sustainable Growth and Performance: Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research (pp. 93 -116). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Nordqvist, M., Minichilli, A. (2008). What makes boards in small firms active?. In: The Value Creating Board: Corporate Governance and Organizational Behaviour London: Routledge More information
Nordqvist, M., Melander, A. (2008). Att Förstå Strategi: en introduktion. In: Att Förstå Strategi: Process och Kontext (pp. 11 -32). Lund: Studentlitteratur More information
Nordqvist, M. (2008). Bolagsstyrning och strategiska processer, speciellt i familjeföretag. In: Att förstå strategi: process och kontext (pp. 151 -176). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information
Nordqvist, M., Hall, A., Melin, L. (2007). The Relevance of the Interpretive Research Approach in Family Business Studies. In: Juha Kansikas & Stiina Lehti (Ed.), Dimensions on Family Business Research: Vol. 1, Values and responsible ownership (pp. 25 -45). Jyväskylä: University of Jyväskylä More information
Hall, A., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2006). Understanding Strategizing in the Family Business Contexts. In: Handbook of research on family business (pp. 253 -268). Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2002). The Dynamics of Family Firms: An Institutional Perspective on Corporate Governance and Strategic Change. In: Denise E. Fletcher (Ed.), Understanding the small family business (pp. 94 -). London: Routledge More information
Nordqvist, M. (2002). No Family is an Island: A Social Network Approach to Corporate Governance and the Strategy Process in Family Firms. In: Henrik Agndal and Björn Axelsson (Ed.), Networks and Business Renewal Jönköping: Jönköping International Business School More information
Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M. (2001). Board Composition and Strategic Change: Some Findings from Family Firms and Venture Capital Backed Firms. In: Morten Huse, Hans Landström (Ed.), Corporate Governance in SMEs (pp. 45 -68). Halmstad: Scandinavian Institute for Research in Entrepreneurship (SIRE) More information
Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2000). Ägande och strategisk ledning i familjeföretag. In: Familjeföretag och familjeföretagande Örebro: Forum för småföretagsforskning (FSF) More information

Conference paper

Waldkirch, M., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2023). TOO MUCH OF A GOOD THING?: PROFESSIONALIZATION AS A MULTIPLE PRACTICE ADOPTION PROCESS. 83rd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2023 Boston 4 August 2023 through 8 August 2023. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2022). The upper apex role in shaping a disclosure strategy: A family firm in crisis. 44th Annual European Accounting Association Congress, 11‐13 May 2022, Bergen, Norway. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2022). The upper apex role in shaping a disclosure strategy: A family firm in crisis. National Accounting Conference (NSAC), 1-2 December 2022, Lund, Sweden. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2021). The accountant in family firms – A systematic literature review. IFERA 2021 Annual Conference, June 14-25, 2021, Virtual edition. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2021). The accountant in family firms – A systematic literature review. 43rd European Accounting Association Annual Meeting, Virtual Congress 2021, 26-28 May 2021. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2021). What shapes disclosure strategy in a family firm: A case of crisis. FIRE conference 2021, 9th November 2021. More information
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., Nordqvist, M. (2020). The accountant in family firms – A systematic literature review. CeFEO Writing Workshop 2020, 7th edition. More information
Banerjee, A., Nordqvist, M., Hellerstedt, K. (2019). Board leadership and the chairperson of the board: A review and suggestions for future research. AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings, August 9-13 2019, Boston, USA. More information
Fitz-Koch, S., Nordqvist, M., Akhter, N. (2019). Positive Identity Development and Portfolio Entrepreneurship: The Role of Entrepreneurial Identity in Family Businesses. International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA) 17-21 of June, Bergamo, Italy. More information
Fitz-Koch, S., Nordqvist, M., Akhter, N. (2019). Portfolio Entrepreneurship as Pathway for Positive Identity Development in Family Businesses. AOM Annual Meeting Proceedings, August 9-13 2019, Boston, USA. More information
Ramirez-Pasillas, M., Lundberg, H., Nordqvist, M. (2018). Everyday practices of corporate venturing. 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2018, Chicago, Ill., United States, 10 - 14 August 2018. More information
Lundberg, H., Ramirez-Pasillas, M., Nordqvist, M. (2018). ‘The Other Within’ as Entrepreneurial Agency. 3rd Annual Entrepreneurship as Practice Conference and PhD Consortium, April 17-20, 2018, Växjö, Sweden. More information
Brumana, M., Minola, T., Waldkirch, M., Nordqvist, M. (2018). Investigating resource exchanges in internal corporate venturing: Decision framing, risk and consequences for venture autonomy. The International Family Enterprise Research Academy (IFERA), Zwolle, The Netherlands, 3rd – 6th July 2018. More information
Criaco, G., Nordqvist, M. (2017). The survival of family-firm spawns. 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2017; Atlanta; United States; 4 - 8 August 2017. More information
Waldkirch, M., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2017). When the cure turns counterproductive: Parallel professionalization in family firms. 77th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, AOM 2017; Atlanta; United States; 4 - 8 August 2017. More information
Kuiken, A., Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M. (2016). Why do some family firms exit from export markets?. 12th Workshop On Family Firm Management Research bridging The Gap - Integrating Family Business Theory & Practice, Zwolle, The Netherlands, May 13-14, 2016. More information
Zehra, K., Nordqvist, M. (2015). Informal Entrepreneurship and Dynamic Governance Mechanisms: Role of Entrepreneurial Resourcefulness. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Vancouver, August 7-11, 2015.. More information
Boers, B., Ljungkvist, T., Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M. (2015). Going private: Why family controlled, publicly-listed companies decide to leave the stock-exchange. 11th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research Shifting Boundaries in Family Firm Research, Lyon, France, May 29-30, 2015. More information
Ramirez-Pasillas, M., Lundberg, H., Nordqvist, M. (2015). New everyday practices of corporate venturing in family businesses. EURAM Annual Conference ‘Uncertainty is a great opportunity’, June 17-20, 2015, Warsaw, Poland. More information
Kuiken, A., Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M. (2015). The Influence of Family Involvement on De-internationalization of SMEs. 41st EIBA Annual Conference, Rio de Janeiro, December 1-3, 2015. More information
Criaco, G., Nordqvist, M. (2014). Back To The Roots: Inherited Ownership Effects and Spawns’ Performance. SMS 34th Annual International Conference, Strategic Management Society, Madrid, September 20-23, 2014.. More information
Kumeto, G., Brundin, E., Nordqvist, M. (2014). Inter-firm cooperation of family firms: Past research, contradictory conclusions and future research. 74th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, August 1-5, 2014.. More information
Akhter, N., Chirico, F., Nordqvist, M. (2014). Exit strategies in family firm portfolios. EIASM 10th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research, May 23-24, 2014, University of Bergamo, Italy. More information
Akhter, N., Nordqvist, M. (2014). Entrepreneurial exit in family firm portfolios. The Academy of Management Meeting, Philadelphia, USA, August 2014. More information
Fletcher, D., De Massis, A., Nordqvist, M. (2014). Qualitative research in family business inquiry. IFERA 2014 Annual Conference, June 24 –27, 2014, Lappeenranta, Finland, "Co-operation Within and Amongst Family Businesses". More information
Akhter, N., Chirico, F., Nordqvist, M. (2013). Entrepreneurial exit strategies in family firm portfolios. Marcus Wallenberg Entrepreneurial Exit Conference, September 27-28, 2013, Stockholm School of Economics, Stockholm, Sweden. More information
Chirico, F., Hellerstedt, K., Mattias, N. (2012). Business Exit in Family vs. Non-Family Firms: When Emotional Logic Overrules Rational Judgment. the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA. USA, August. More information
Chirico, F., Hellerstedt, K., Nordqvist, M. (2012). “Do Family Firms Exit Less?”. Texas, USA 32nd Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 6-9, 2012, Fort Worth, Texas. More information
Baù, M., Nordqvist, M., Hellerstedt, K. (2012). A Family Embeddedness Perspective on the Entrepreneurial Entry Process: Operationalization and Consequences. Texas, USA 32nd Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 6-9, 2012, Fort Worth, Texas. More information
Ramírez-Pasillas, M., Lundberg, H., Nordqvist, M. (2011). Everyday practices as organizing context for entrepreneurial orientation in family businesses. The 7th Workshop on Family Firms Management Research: The Challenge of Family Businesses to Balance Tradition and Change, Witten Germany, May 27-29. More information
Baù, M., Nordqvist, M. (2011). Family embeddedness and the family capital. WOA 2011 – XII Workshop dei Docenti e dei Ricercatori di Organizzazione Aziendale, Napoli, 16-18 Giugno 2011. More information
Baù, M., Nordqvist, M. (2011). Family embeddedness and the family capital. 11th Annual Ifera World Family Business Research Conference, 2011 University of Palermo, Italy. More information
Baù, M., Nordqvist, M. (2011). Entrepreneurial Entry and the Family Dimension: A Family Embeddedness Analysis. Palermo, Italy the IFERA 2011 World Conference, Palermo, Italy.. More information
Minichilli, A., Nordqvist, M., Corbetta, G. (2010). CEO succession in family controlled firms: the impact of leaving and succeeding CEOs on firm performance. 2010 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Montréal, Canada - August 6-10. More information
Baù, M., Hellerstedt, K., Nordqvist, M., Wennberg, K. (2010). What do we know on firm succession and the entrepreneurial process: A Synthesis of the literature. 10th Annual Ifera World Family Business Research Conference. More information
Hellerstedt, K., Nordqvist, M., Wennberg, K. (2010). Different Paths of Ownership Transition in Entrepreneurial Firms. The 2010 Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), June 9-12, Lausanne, Switzerland. More information
Wennberg, K., Nordqvist, M., Baù, M., Hellerstedt, K. (2010). Succession in private firms as an entrepreneurial process: a review and a research agenda. The IFERA World Conference 2010, Lancaster, UK, 6 - 9 July, 2010. More information
Brundin, E., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2009). Entrepreneurial orientation across generations in family firms: the role of owner-centric culture in for proactiveness and autonomy. Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference, June 3-6, 2009, Babson, Ma., USA. More information
Nordqvist, M., Minichilli, A., Corbetta, G. (2009). CEO Succession in Family Controlled Firms: The Impact of Leaving and Succeeding CEOs on Firm Performance. the 29th Strategic Management Society Annual Conference, Washington DC, USA. More information
Arregle, J., Mari, I., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2009). Board Creation and Composition in Family Firms: A Conflict-resolution Perspective. 5th EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management, Hasselt University, Hasselt, Belgium, June. More information
Aygören, H., Nordqvist, M., Phan, P., Trevinyo-Rodríguez, R. (2009). Entrepreneurship and Social Responsibility: A Review and a Research Agenda. the Carey-Darden Entrepreneurship Scholars' Retreat, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, USA. More information
Zellweger, T., Nordqvist, M., Nason, R., Brush, C. (2009). Why Do Firms Strive for Non-Pecuniary Performance Outcomes: The Case of the Family Firm. Theories of the Family Enterprise Conference, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA, June. More information
Gimeno, A., Nordqvist, M., Parada, M. (2008). The Tranformation of Values in Family Businesses: An Institutional Approach. 4th EIASM Workshop on Family Firms' Management, Naples, June 8-10, 2008. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2008). Strategic Dialogue as an Important Practice of Strategizing. The 24th EGOS Colloquium in Amsterdam, July 10-12, 2008. More information
Zellweger, T., Nordqvist, M., Nason, R. (2008). Why do firms strive for non-pecuniary performance outcomes?. Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Anaheim, USA. More information
Cruz, C., Nordqvist, M. (2008). A Lifecycle Approach to Entrepreneurial Orientation in Family Businesses. EURAM Annual Conference 2008, Ljubljana, Slovenia. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2008). Strategic Dialogues: An Important Practice in Family Businesses. 4th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Milwaukee, WI, April, 2008. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Zellweger, T. (2008). Intangible resources and the performance in family firms: the moderating Role of Familiness. 4th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Milwaukee, WI, April, 2008. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M. (2008). Internationalization in family firms: A resource dependence perspective. 4th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Milwaukee, WI, April, 2008. More information
Nordqvist, M., Boers, B. (2007). Corporate Governance in Family Controlled Firms on the Stock Exchange: An exploratory study on Swedish Firms. 4th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Milwaukee, WI, April, 2008. More information
Brundin, E., Nordqvist, M. (2007). Emotionalizing the board: emotions as power and status energizers in board processes. 4th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Milwaukee, WI, April, 2008. More information
Cruz, C., Nordqvist, M. (2007). Environmental factors and entrepreneurial orientation in family firms: a generational perspective. 4th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Milwaukee, WI, April, 2008. More information
Brundin, E., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. (2007). Keep the flow going: The strategic dialogue as a key to transgenerational entrepreneurial behavior. 4th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Milwaukee, WI, April, 2008. More information
Kjellander, B., Nordqvist, M., Welter, F. (2007). Gender and Identity Dynamics at the Nexus of Entrepreneurship and Family Business: An Analysis of Two Novels. 4th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Milwaukee, WI, April, 2008. More information
Kjellander, B., Nordqvist, M., Welter, F. (2007). Entrepreneurship, Family Firms and the Role of Women: An Analysis of Two Swedish Novels. 4th Family Enterprise Research Conference (FERC), Milwaukee, WI, April, 2008. More information
Florin Samuelsson, E., Nordqvist, M. (2007). Family Businesses in Movies: Popular Culture and Organizational Identities. EIASM 3rd Workshop on Family Firms Management Research. More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2006). Conceptualizing Strategizing: Actors and Arenas in teh Everyday Strategic Work of Family Firms. EIASM 3rd Workshop on Family Firms Management Research. More information
Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2006). The Practice of Strategic Planning in the Family Firm Context. EIASM 3rd Workshop on Family Firms Management Research. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Sjöberg, K., Wiklund, J. (2005). Entrepreneurial Orientation and Performance: Comparing Risk Taking in Family and Non-family Firms. Wellesley, MA 24th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Sjöberg, K., Wiklund, J. (2005). Entrepreneurial orientation and performance: comparing risk taking in family and non-family firms. Babson Park, Mass.: Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship, Babson College, 24th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M., Wiklund, J. (2005). Corporate Governance and Strategic Change in Small Firms: Untangling and Combining the Effects of Ownership, Board Structure and Top Management Teams. 24th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Brundin, E., Nordqvist, M. (2003). Emotions as Power Energizers: The Role of Emotions in Strategizing. 24th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Melander, A., Nordqvist, M. (2003). Industry Governance and the Regulation of Knowledge Production. 24th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Brundin, E., Nordqvist, M. (2002). Emotions in the Boardroom. 24th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Melander, A., Nordqvist, M., Melin, L. (2002). Governance Forms in Competition: Business Networks and Trade Associations in the Wood Processing Sector. 24th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Brunninge, O., Nordqvist, M. (2000). Corporate Governance and Strategic Change in Small and Medium Sized Enterprises: The Influence of Ownership, Board and Managerial Characteristics. 24th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information
Melander, A., Lundgren, M., Nordqvist, M. (1999). Governance Structures in Competition: Strategic Networks and Trade Associations in the Wood Processing Sector. 24th Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference. More information

Other publications

Akhter, N., Chirico, F., Nordqvist, M. . Surviving the legacy: Sensemaking of emotions and exit in portfolio firms. More information
Waldkirch, M., Melin, L., Nordqvist, M. . Tonic or toxin? Investigating the adoption of  ‘professional’ practices in family firms. More information


(2015). Theoretical perspectives on family businesses. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
(2014). The SAGE handbook of family business. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications More information
(2014). Theory and empirical research in social entrepreneurship. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
(2012). Familjeföretagande: Affärer och känslor. Stockholm: SNS förlag More information
(2011). Understanding Entrepreneurial Family Businesses in Uncertain Environments: Opportunities and Resources in Latin America. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing More information
(2011). In Search of Practice. More information
(2010). Transgenerational Entrepreneurship: exploring growth and performance in family firms across generations. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar More information
(2008). Att förstå strategi: Process och kontext. Lund: Studentlitteratur More information


Andersson, J., Andersson, F., Håkansson, M., Nordqvist, M., Hellerstedt, K. (2014). Kartläggning av ägarskiften i företag: Utveckling och dokumentation av dataunderlag. Östersund: Myndigheten för tillväxtpolitiska utvärderingar och analyser More information
Mattias, N., Kjellander, B., Welter, F. (2009). The Novelist as Entrepreneur, the Novel as Entrepreneurship. Jönköping: Centre for Family Enterprise and Ownership, Jönköping International Business School More information
Nordqvist, M., Hall, A., Melin, L. (2008). Methodology and Family Business Studies: The Interpretive Approach. Jönköping: Center for Family Enterprise and Ownership, Jönköping International Business School More information