Continuum Mechanics 7.5 credits

Course Contents

Continuum mechanics is a branch of mechanics that deals with the mechanical behavior of materials modeled as a continuous mass rather than discrete particles. The framework for this type of modeling, typical models and the study of phenomena in deformation of materials is studied and implemented for solving numerically. This knowledge is important when predicting and optimizing product behaviors. The course includes the following elements: • Thermodynamic framework for material modeling • Viscoelasticity models, like Maxwell, Kelvin-Voigt and Standard linear solid model, for studying phenomenon like creep, relaxation and damping • Plasticity and viscoplasticity models, with (and without) hardening and damage, for studying behavior of metals as well as non-metallic materials • Introduction to using material models in a FE-code like ABAQUS • Implementing and running material models in commercials codes like Matlab and ABAQUS


Passed courses at least 90 credits within the major subject Mechanical Engineering, 15 credits Mathematics included multivariable calculus and completed course in Numeric Analysis, proof of English proficiency is required (or the equivalent).

Level of Education: Second cycle

Coursecode/Ladok code: TMMS22

The course is conducted at: School of Engineering

Label Value
Type of course Programme instance course
Study type Normal teaching
Semester Spring 2025: week 13 – week 22
Rate of study 100%
Language English
Location Jönköping
Time Day-time
Tuition fees do NOT apply for EU/EEA citizens or exchange students 18750 SEK
Syllabus (PDF)
Application code HJ-T5059