Level: Master
Start date: Autumn 2025
City: Jönköping
Credits: 60 credits
Degree: Degree of Master of Science (60 credits) with a major in Child Studies:
• specialisation in Disability Sciences, or
• specialisation in Health and Care Sciences, or
• specialisation in Special Education, or
• specialisation in Welfare and Social Sciences
JU Direct Application (recommended), application period: 2024-10-15 - 2025-05-02
For those who apply through universityadmissions.se, application period: Application is closed
## About the program: Supporting children and youth who need special support is crucial for creating an inclusive and just society. Through early and well-adapted interventions, we can give children and young people better opportunities to develop, participate, and feel a sense of belonging – something that benefits both the individual and society. The interdisciplinary program gives you in-depth theoretical knowledge and skills for working professionally with children in need of support and their families within social work, preschool/school, child habilitation and child health care. It provides a foundation for further development in a range of professional roles. Program students have backgrounds in social work, education, special education, nursing, psychology, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. As a student, you will gain valuable knowledge of theories and tools that you can use to critically and systematically analyze, assess, and handle complex phenomena, problems, and situations related to interventions in childhood. You will have the opportunity to tailor parts of your education to a specific area related to your professional and research interests. The program is connected to the research group CHILD (Children, Health, Intervention, Learning, Development), which collaborates in broad national and international networks, giving it an international character. During your studies, CHILD researchers will share their knowledge and experiences of working with children in need of special support. The program has a clear international character and welcomes both national and international students. All courses are taught in English and feature guest lecturers from around the world, providing global perspectives. ## After your studies After graduation, you will have specialised competence either in the field of social work, disability science, health, and welfare, or special education. Examples of workplaces are social welfare, preschool, school, rehabilitation, or healthcare. You will also be eligible to apply for doctoral programs.

The programme is conducted at School of Health and Welfare
Credits: 60 credits
Level: Master
Language: English
Rate of study: 100%
City: Jönköping
Place of study: Normal teaching
Start date: Autumn 2025
Selection: JU Direct Application: Admission is done continuously. For those who apply through universityadmissons.se: Selection is based on previous academic merits. Ranking is made in descending order.
Requirements: The applicant must hold the minimum of a bachelor’s degree (i.e. the equivalent of 180 ECTS credits at an accredited university) with at least 90 credits within health and care sciences, behavioral science, social work, disability research, or educational sciences, including independent, theoretical based work, i.e. a thesis or the equivalent work that demonstrates that the applicant has conducted independent, systematic research and formally written about this research (e.g. participation in work based research; participation in research methods courses). Proof of English language proficiency is required.
Application code: HJ-MU137
Degree: Degree of Master of Science (60 credits) with a major in Child Studies:
• specialisation in Disability Sciences, or
• specialisation in Health and Care Sciences, or
• specialisation in Special Education, or
• specialisation in Welfare and Social Sciences
Tuition fee: For the first semester: 60000 SEK
Total tuition fee: 120000 SEK

Tuition fees do NOT apply for EU/EEA citizens or exchange students

Year 1

Autumn 2025

Introduction to Interventions in Childhood, 15 credits

Theory of Science and Scientific Methods, 15 credits

Spring 2026

Developmental Sciences and Intervention processes, 15 credits

One Year Master Thesis in Interventions in Childhood, 15 credits

The master program deepens your knowledge within your occupational field. Acquired knowledge prepares you for doctoral studies or for a career within organizations cherishing the interest of children and youth. After graduating you have competence within either specialization of disability sciences, health and welfare, social work, or special education. Participation in everyday life, support and adaptations for children and youth in need of special support are focused. Examples of workplaces are preschool, school, special education, social welfare, intervention/rehabilitation and healthcare.

The programme welcomes students from Sweden and foreign students from all around the world. Courses are given in English and have guest lecturers from other parts of Europe, North America, Africa and Asia providing broad global perspectives. Some courses are held in collaboration with researchers and students from universities from different parts of the world.

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