Maria Brovall

Associate Professor Nursing Science
Department of Nursing , School of Health and Welfare
Leave of absence

Recent Research areas:

Digi-Do - RCT study, doctoral project as part of a major research project. Digitalized patient information material from a person-centered and a health literacy perspective - Enhance persons diagnosed with cancer perception of being well-informed, strengthened and interactive, in their planned and ongoing Radiotherapy treatment. Co-operation with Jönköping University (Maria Brovall (PI), Annika Grynne, doktorand, Sofi Fristedt,); RCC väst (Frida Smith, Thomas björk Eriksson); Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset i Göteborg (Dan Lundstedt, Hillevi Rylander).

Can-Sleep-Intervention study on Digital aids for patients with cancer and insomnia. Co-operation with Jönköping University (Anders Broström, Maria Brovall, PI); Linköping University (Sussanne Börjesson); Linköping sjukhus (Martin Ulander); Karolinska institutionen (Christina Sandlund); Regionalt Cancer Centrum (RCC) Väst (Frida Smith, Thomas björk Eriksson).

Thinking and linking- Linking, ELC (End-of-life care). The Project include developing a SG (serious game) where nursing students can care for severely ill and dying patients in a virtual environment. Co-operation with Jönköping University (Maria Brovall (PI) ); Göteborgs Universitet ( Ingela Henoch);  Ersta Sköndal Högskola (Carina Lund-Hagelin); Högskolan i Skövde (Kristina Ek, Irene Eriksson, Mikael Johannesson).

Reseache group

JA Centrumbildning


Snögren, M., Ek, K., Browall, M., Eriksson, I., Lindmark, U. (2024). Impacts on oral health attitude and knowledge after completing a digital training module among Swedish healthcare professionals working with older adults BMC Health Services Research, 24(1). More information
Zhou, L. Hong, J. Henricson, M. Qin, R. Dai, Y. Enskär, K. , ... Browall M. (2023). Factors associated with posttraumatic growth among spouses of women diagnosed with gynaecological cancer: A cross-sectional study Nursing Open, 10(2), 630-640. More information
Zhou, L., Stenmarker, M., Henricson, M., Meng, X., Zhang, Y., Hong, J., Browall, M. (2023). Perceived professional benefits and their associated factors among Chinese registered nurses caring for women diagnosed with gynecological cancer European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 66. More information
Grynne, A., Wångdahl, J., Fristedt, S., Smith, F., Browall, M. (2023). Women's experience of the health information process involving a digital information tool before commencing radiation therapy for breast cancer: a deductive interview study BMC Health Services Research, 23(1). More information
Karlsson, A., Pham, N., Olsen, M., Lundstedt, D., Smith, F., Browall, M., Sohlin, M. (2023). Is there an optimal DIBH maneuver in breast cancer radiation therapy?: A pilot study Radiotherapy and Oncology, 182(Supplement 1), S996-S997. More information
Snögren, M., Eriksson, I., Browall, M., Ek, K. (2023). Older adults’ perceptions of oral health and its influence on general health: A deductive direct content analysis Nordic journal of nursing research, 43(1). More information
Smith, F., Browall, M., Karlsson, A. (2022). Digital in-home training before breath-adapted radiotherapy Annals of Oncology, 33(7), S1355. More information
Craftman, Å., Pakpour, A., Calderon, H., Meling, A., Browall, M., Lundh Hagelin, C. (2022). Home care assistants' attitudes and perceptions of caring for people at the end of life in their homes in Sweden Health & Social Care in the Community, 30(5), e2648-e2656. More information
Hagelin, C., Melin-Johansson, C., Ek, K., Henoch, I., Österlind, J., Browall, M. (2022). Teaching about death and dying-A national mixed-methods survey of palliative care education provision in Swedish undergraduate nursing programmes Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 36(2), 545-557. More information
Grynne, A., Browall, M. (2022). Women with breast cancer stories about divergent approaches of obtaining information of health, diagnosis, and treatment: A deductive approach based on dimensions of health literacy Annals of Oncology, 33(7), S1354. More information
Snögren, M., Pakpour, A., Eriksson, I., Stensson, M., Ek, K., Browall, M. (2022). Psychometric evaluation of a short-form version of the Swedish "Attitudes to and Knowledge of Oral Health" questionnaire BMC Geriatrics, 22. More information
Ventura, F., Browall, M., Smith, F. (2022). Beyond effectiveness evaluation: Contributing to the discussion on complexity of digital health interventions with examples from cancer care Frontiers in Public Health, 10. More information
Fristedt, S., Grynne, A., Melin-Johansson, C., Henoch, I., Hagelin, C., Browall, M. (2021). Registered nurses and undergraduate nursing students' attitudes to performing end-of-life care Nurse Education Today, 98. More information
Grynne, A., Browall, M., Fristedt, S., Ahlberg, K., Smith, F. (2021). Integrating perspectives of patients, healthcare professionals, system developers and academics in the co-design of a digital information tool PLOS ONE, 16(7 July). More information
Fristedt, S., Smith, F., Grynne, A., Browall, M. (2021). Digi-Do: a digital information tool to support patients with breast cancer before, during, and after start of radiotherapy treatment: an RCT study protocol BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, 21. More information
Zhou, L., Hong, J., Qin, R., Henricson, M., Stenmarker, M., Browall, M., Enskär, K. (2021). Post-traumatic growth and its influencing factors among Chinese women diagnosed with gynecological cancer: A cross-sectional study European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 51. More information
Browall, M., Pakpour, A., Melin-Johansson, C., Lundh Hagelin, C., Österlind, J., Henoch, I. (2021). Development and Psychometric Evaluation of a New Short Version of the Swedish Frommelt Attitudes Toward Care of the Dying Scale Cancer Nursing, 44(4), 305-313. More information
Lin, C. Cheng, A. Nejati, B. Imani, V. Ulander, M. Browall, M. , ... Pakpour A. (2020). A thorough psychometric comparison between Athens Insomnia Scale and Insomnia Severity Index among patients with advanced cancer Journal of Sleep Research, 29(1). More information
Browall, M., Fristedt, S., Smith, F., Abelsson, A., Grynne, A. (2020). Digi-Do: A digital information tool to support patients with breast cancer before, during, and after start of radiotherapy treatment Annals of Oncology, 31(Supplement 4), S1126. More information
Nejati, B. Lin, C. Aaronson, N. Cheng, A. Browall, M. Lin, C. , ... Pakpour A. (2019). Determinants of satisfactory patient communication and shared decision making in patients with multiple myeloma Psycho-Oncology, 28(7), 1490-1497. More information
Nejati, B., Lin, C., Imani, V., Browall, M., Lin, C., Broström, A., Pakpour, A. (2019). Validating patient and physician versions of the shared decision making questionnaire in oncology setting Health Promotion Perspectives, 9(2), 105-114. More information
Browall, M., Mijwel, S., Rundqvist, H., Wengstrom, Y. (2018). Physical Activity During and After Adjuvant Treatment for Breast Cancer: An Integrative Review of Women's Experiences. More information
Mijwel, S. Backman, M. Bolam, K. Jervaeus, A. Sundberg, C. Margolin, S. , ... Wengström Y. (2018). Adding high-intensity interval training to conventional training modalities: optimizing health-related outcomes during chemotherapy for breast cancer: the OptiTrain randomized controlled trial Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, 168(1), 79-93. More information
Feo, R. Conroy, T. Jangland, E. Muntlin Athlin, Å. Browall, M. Parr, J. , ... Kitson A. (2018). Towards a standardised definition for fundamental care: a modified Delphi study Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(11-12), 2285-2299. More information
Göransson, C. Eriksson, I. Ziegert, K. Wengström, Y. Langius-Eklöf, A. Browall, M. , ... Blomberg K. (2018). Testing an app for reporting health concerns-Experiences from older people and home care nurses International Journal of Older People Nursing, 13(2). More information
Melin-Johansson, C., Österlind, J., Henoch, I., Ek, K., Bergh, I., Lundh Hagelin, C., Browall, M. (2018). Undergraduate nursing students’ transformational learning during clinical training International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 24(4), 184-192. More information
Ek, K., Browall, M., Eriksson, M., Eriksson, I. (2018). Healthcare providers’ experiences of assessing and performing oral care in older adults International Journal of Older People Nursing, 13(2). More information
Muntlin Athlin, Å., Browall, M., Wengström, Y., Conroy, T., Kitson, A. (2018). Descriptions of Fundamental Care needs in cancer care - an exploratory study Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(11-12), 2322-2332. More information
Henoch, I. Melin-Johansson, C. Bergh, I. Strang, S. Ek, K. Hammarlund, K. , ... Browall M. (2017). Undergraduate nursing students' attitudes and preparedness toward caring for dying persons: A longitudinal study Nurse Education in Practice, 26, 12-20. More information
Browall, M., Forsberg, C., Wengström, Y. (2017). Assessing patient outcomes and cost effectiveness of nurse-led follow-up for women with breast cancer: have relevant and sensitive evaluation measures been used?. More information
Gustavell, T., Sundberg, K., Frank, C., Wengström, Y., Browall, M., Segersvärd, R., Langius-Eklöf, A. (2017). Symptoms and self-care following pancreaticoduodenectomy: Perspectives from patients and healthcare professionals - Foundation for an interactive ICT application European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 26, 36-41. More information
Browall, M. Brandberg, Y. Nasic, S. Rydberg, P. Bergh, J. Rydén, A. , ... Wengström Y. (2017). A prospective exploration of symptom burden clusters in women with breast cancer during chemotherapy treatment Supportive Care in Cancer, 25(5), 1423-1429. More information
Wengström, Y. Bolam, K. Mijwel, S. Sundberg, C. Backman, M. Browall, M. , ... Rundqvist H. (2017). Optitrain: a randomised controlled exercise trial for women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy BMC Cancer, 17. More information
Blomberg, K., Wengström, Y., Sundberg, K., Browall, M., Isaksson, A., Nyman, M., Langius-Eklöf, A. (2016). Symptoms and self-care strategies during and six months after radiotherapy for prostate cancer - Scoping the perspectives of patients, professionals and literature European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 21, 139-145. More information
Browall, M., Kenne Sarenmalm, E., Persson, L., Wengström, Y., Gaston-Johansson, F. (2016). Patient-reported stressful events and coping strategies in post-menopausal women with breast cancer European Journal of Cancer Care, 25(2), 324-333. More information
Hagelin, C. Melin-Johansson, C. Henoch, I. Bergh, I. Ek, K. Hammarlund, K. , ... Browall M. (2016). Factors influencing attitude toward care of dying patients in first-year nursing students International Journal of Palliative Nursing, 22(1), 28-36. More information
Backman, M., Browall, M., Sundberg, C., Wengström, Y. (2016). Experiencing health - Physical activity during adjuvant chemotherapy treatment for women with breast cancer European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 21, 160-167. More information
Henoch, I., Strang, S., Browall, M., Danielson, E., Melin-Johansson, C. (2015). Development of an existential support training program for healthcare professionals Palliative & Supportive Care, 13(6), 1701-1709. More information
Browall, M., Henoch, I., Melin-Johansson, C., Strang, S., Danielson, E. (2014). Existential encounters: Nurses' descriptions of critical incidents in end-of-life cancer care European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 18(6), 636-644. More information
Kenne Sarenmalm, E., Browall, M., Gaston-Johansson, F. (2014). Symptom Burden Clusters: A Challenge for Targeted Symptom Management. A Longitudinal Study Examining Symptom Burden Clusters in Breast Cancer Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 47(4), 731-741. More information
Henoch, I. Browall, M. Melin-Johansson, C. Danielson, E. Udo, C. Johansson Sundler, A. , ... Strang S. (2014). The Swedish version of the Frommelt attitude toward care of the dying scale: Aspects of validity and factors influencing nurses' and nursing students' attitudes Cancer Nursing, 37(1), E1-E11. More information
Strang, S., Henoch, I., Danielson, E., Browall, M., Melin-Johansson, C. (2014). Communication about existential issues with patients close to death—nurses' reflections on content, process and meaning Psycho-Oncology, 23(5), 562-568. More information
Browall, M., Kenne Sarenmalm, E., Nasic, S., Wengström, Y., Gaston-Johansson, F. (2013). Validity and Reliability of the Swedish Version of the Memorial Symptom Assessment Scale (MSAS): An Instrument for the Evaluation of Symptom Prevalence, Characteristics, and Distress Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 46(1), 131-141. More information
Browall, M., Östlund, U., Henoch, I., Wengström, Y. (2013). The course of health related quality of life in postmenopausal women with breast cancer from breast surgery and up to five years post-treatment Breast, 22(5), 952-957. More information
Kenne Sarenmalm, E., Browall, M., Persson, L., Fall-Dickson, J., Gaston-Johansson, F. (2013). Relationship of sense of coherence to stressful events, coping strategies, health status, and quality of life in women with breast cancer Psycho-Oncology, 22(1), 20-27. More information
Henoch, I., Danielson, E., Strang, S., Browall, M., Melin-Johansson, C. (2013). Training Intervention for Health Care Staff in the Provision of Existential Support to Patients With Cancer: A Randomized, Controlled Study Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 46(6), 785-794. More information
Browall, M., Koinberg, I., Falk, H., Wijk, H. (2013). Patients' experience of important factors in the healthcare environment in oncology care International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 8(1). More information
Gaston-Johansson, F., Fall-Dickson, J., Nanda, J., Kenne Sarenmalm, E., Browall, M., Goldstein, N. (2013). Long-term effect of the self-management comprehensive coping strategy program on quality of life in patients with breast cancer treated with high-dose chemotherapy Psycho-Oncology, 22(3), 530-539. More information
Melin-Johansson, C., Henoch, I., Strang, S., Browall, M. (2012). Living in the Presence of Death: An Integrative Literature Review of Relatives' Important Existential Concerns when Caring for a Severely Ill Family Member Open Nursing Journal, 6, 1-12. More information
Henoch, I., Danielson, E., Strang, S., Browall, M., Melin-Johansson, C. (2011). Patients', family members', and healthcare staffs' opinions about existential issues as a base for an educational intervention BMJ Supportive & Palliative Care, 1(1), 84-. More information
Browall, M., Melin-Johansson, C., Strang, S., Danielson, E., Henoch, I. (2010). Health care staff's opinions about existential issues among patients with cancer Palliative & Supportive Care, 8(1), 59-68. More information
Browall, M., Persson, L., Ahlberg, K., Karlsson, P., Danielson, E. (2009). Daily assessment of stressful events and coping among post-menopausal women with breast cancer treated with adjuvant chemotherapy: Original article European Journal of Cancer Care, 18(5), 507-516. More information
Browall, M., Ahlberg, K., Karlsson, P., Danielson, E., Persson, L., Gaston-Johansson, F. (2008). Health-related quality of life during adjuvant treatment for breast cancer among postmenopausal women European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 12(3), 180-189. More information
Browall, M., Ahlberg, K., Persson, L., Karlsson, P., Danielson, E. (2008). The impact of age on Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) and symptoms among postmenopausal women with breast cancer receiving adjuvant chemotherapy Acta Oncologica, 47(2), 207-215. More information
Browall, M., Gaston-Johansson, F., Danielson, E. (2006). Postmenopausal women with breast cancer: Their experiences of the chemotherapy treatment period Cancer Nursing, 29(1), 34-42. More information
Molassiotis, A. Panteli, V. Patiraki, E. Ozden, G. Platin, N. Madsen, E. , ... Margulies A. (2006). Complementary and alternative medicine use in lung cancer patients in eight European countries Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 12(1), 34-39. More information
Molassiotis, A., Browall, M., Milovics, L., Panteli, V., Patiraki, E., Fernandez-Ortega, P. (2006). Complementary and alternative medicine use in patients with gynecological cancers in Europe International Journal of Gynecological Cancer, 16(Suppl. 1), 219-224. More information
Molassiotis, A. Ozden, G. Platin, N. Scott, J. Pud, D. Fernandez-Ortega, P. , ... Kearney N. (2006). Complementary and alternative medicine use in patients with head and neck cancers in Europe European Journal of Cancer Care, 15(1), 19-24. More information
Molassiotis, A. Fernandez-Ortega, P. Pud, D. Ozden, G. Scott, J. Pantelil, V. , ... Patiraki E. (2005). Use of complementary and alternative medicine in cancer patients: a European survey Annals of Oncology, 16(4), 655-663. More information
Molassiotis, A. Margulies, A. Fernandez-Ortega, P. Pud, D. Panteli, V. Bruyns, I. , ... Patiraki E. (2005). Complementary and alternative medicine use in patients with haematological malignancies in Europe Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 11(2), 105-110. More information
Browall, M., Carlsson, M., Horvath, G. (2004). Information needs of women with recently diagnosed ovarian cancer - A longitudinal study European Journal of Oncology Nursing, 8(3), 200-207. More information

Other publications

Zhou, L., Stenmarker, M., Henricson, M., Li, Z., Dai, Y., Hong, J., Browall, M. . The effect of perceived social support on posttraumatic growth among couples coping with gynecological cancer: An actor-partner interdependence modeling approach. More information
Snögren, M., Ek, K., Lindmark, U., Browall, M., Eriksson, I. . Oral healthcare for older adults in Swedish municipal care: Healthcare professionals’ experiences. More information