Annika Moscati

Associate Professor ICT-BIM in building


Annika's research focuses on the digitalization of the built environment and the needed digital information flow at all scales (from products to the urban scale). Her research aims to advance the understanding of how digital technologies, such as digital product passports (DPPs), building information modelling (BIM) and geographic information systems (GIS), can be used to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the built environment. 

The digitalization of the built environment can contribute to a more efficient and sustainable built environment by enhancing efficiency, reducing waste, improving monitoring, contributing to better decision-making, cutting time and costs during the construction process, and allowing the creation of digital models to predict and control buildings’ performances. 

While her research has the potential to have a significant impact on the design, construction, and operation of the built asset, the final goal is to obtain a more sustainable and environmentally friendly built environment. 

Currently, Annika is the project manager for the Vinnova project ProFlow (link). She is also involved in other research projects.



Annika teaches at bachelor's and master's levels courses about BIM, GIS, Parametric Design, and Digital Twins. She is also the examiner and supervisor for the final thesis and all levels and supervisor of several PhD candidates.



Annika was born in Italy in 1981. She studied architecture at Ascoli Piceno, University of Camerino from 2002 to 2007 when she graduated with honors. The year after, she started as a PhD candidate in Representation and Survey at La Sapienza, University of Rome, Italy. She conducted part of her thesis at the CNRS/MCC MAP-Gamsau Laboratory in Marseilles, France. She defended her thesis titled “Integrated Information Systems for the Enhancement of the Urban / Architectural Heritage, including 3D GIS, AIS (Architectural Information Systems) and Web” in June 2012. The same year, Annika moved with her family to Sweden where she worked as an architect before obtaining, in 2015, the position of Assistant Professor at the School of Engineering, Jönköping University. 


Kebede, R., Moscati, A., Tan, H., Johansson, P. (2024). A modular ontology modeling approach to developing digital product passports to promote circular economy in the built environment Sustainable Production and Consumption, 48, 248-268. More information
Söderlund, J., Weber, O., Ericson, P., Moscati, A. (2024). Exploring the use of parametric design in the AEC sector to improve and ensure quality of drawings Journal of Information Technology in Construction, 29, 850-863. More information
Moscati, A., Johansson, P., Kebede, R., Pula, A., Törngren, A. (2023). Information Exchange between Construction and Manufacturing Industries to Achieve Circular Economy: A Literature Review and Interviews with Swedish Experts. More information
Nuñez Varela, E., Öhrling, K., Moscati, A. (2022). Analysis of the Challenges in the Swedish Urban Planning Process: A Case Study about Digitalization Sustainability, 14(24). More information
Kebede, R., Moscati, A., Tan, H., Johansson, P. (2022). Integration of manufacturers' product data in BIM platforms using semantic web technologies Automation in Construction, 144. More information
Moscati, A. (2012). Integrated Information Systems DISEGNARECON, 5, 249-254. More information
Ippoliti, E., Meschini, A., Moscati, A., Rossi, D. (2012). Interfacce e tecnologie visual 3D per conoscere, condividere e valorizzare il patrimonio culturale DISEGNARECON, 45-54. More information
Ippoliti, E., Meschini, A., Moscati, A. (2008). Architettura delle informazioni e Architrttura informatica sul caso studio di Appignano del Tronto DISEGNARECON. More information
Ippoliti, E., Moscati, A., Rossi Brunori, A. (2008). Un’ ipotesi per l'uso delle risorse ambientali Paysage Topscape Milano: Paysage . More information

Doctoral thesis

Moscati, A. (2012). Sistemi informativi integrati per la valorizzazione del patrimonio urbano-architettonico, tra 3D GIS, AIS e Web (Doctoral thesis, Rome: PADIS). More information

Book chapter

Håkansson, O., Jacobsson, M., Linderoth, H., Moscati, A., Samuelsson, O. (2021). Challenges in measuring performance of collaborative R&D projects. In: G. Fernandes, L. Dooley, D. O'Sullivan & A. Rolstadas (Ed.), Managing collaborative R&D projects: Leveraging open innovation knowledge-flows for co-creation (pp. 317 -329). More information
Ippoliti, E., Meschini, A., Moscati, A., Rossi, D. (2013). Modelli informativi integrati per conoscere, valorizzare e condividere il patrimonio urbano: tra interfacce 3D e tecnologie visual 3D. In: Modelli complessi per il patrimonio architettonico-urbano Rome: Gangemi Editore More information
Moscati, A. (2012). La pratica della prospettiva – gli strumenti per costruire la prospettiva. In: Laura Carlevaris, Laura De Carlo, Riccardo Migliari (Ed.), Attualità della geometria descrittiva (pp. 457 -466). Rome: Gangemi More information
Ippoliti, E., Moscati, A. (2010). Interfacce di accesso alle informazioni: tra 3D, 3D-GIS e Web GIS. In: S. Brusaporci (Ed.), Sistemi informativi integrati per la tutela, la conservazione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio architettonico e urbano Rome: Gangemi Editore More information
Moscati, A. (2010). Architettura delle informazioni e dati geografici 2D: database e GIS. In: S. Brusaporci (Ed.), Sistemi informativi integrati per la tutela, la conservazione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio architettonico e urbano Rome: Gangemi Editore More information
Moscati, A. (2010). Architettura delle informazioni: il database. In: S. Brusaporci (Ed.), Sistemi informativi integrati per la tutela, la conservazione e la valorizzazione del patrimonio architettonico e urbano Rome: Gangemi Editore More information

Conference paper

Tabbah, A., Aries, M., Moscati, A., Johansson, P. (2024). Exploring Simulation Workflows, Tools, and Metrics for Beyond-Vision Effects in Multi-Objective Optimization: A Scoping Review. Light Symposium 2023: Architecture Lighting Environments - Space With(Out) Light, 4th-6th December 2023, Stockholm, Sweden. More information
Sabaa, S., Moscati, A., Kebede, R., Jansson, T., Johansson, P. (2024). Towards a Harmonized Information Exchange in the Construction Industry: An Approach Using Modular Ontology Modelling and LOIN. 41st International Conference of CIB W78, Marrakech, Morocco, 2-3 October. More information
Jochems, B., Johansson, P., Kebede, R., Moscati, A. (2024). Product Data Provision from Manufacturers to the Construction Industry: A Scoping Literature Review and Case Study Analysis. 41st International Conference of CIB W78, Marrakech, Morocco, 2-3 October. More information
Tan, H., Kebede, R., Moscati, A., Johansson, P. (2024). Semantic interoperability using ontologies and standards for building product properties. 12th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop, Bochum, Germany, June 13-14, 2024. More information
Kafuluma, K., Moscati, A. (2023). Standardization of visual representation of noise and air quality for social consequences in urban planning. Urban Economy Forum 5 + World Planning Congress 59 (UEF5+WPC59), 10-13 October, Toronto, Canada. More information
Tabbah, A., Aries, M., Moscati, A., Johansson, P. (2023). Simulation workflows in multi-objective lighting design optimisation for human well-being and building performance metrics: a scoping review. CISBAT International Conference, 13-15 September, 2023, Lausanne, Switzerland. More information
Kebede, R., Moscati, A., Tan, H., Johansson, P. (2023). Circular economy in the built environment: a framework for implementing digital product passports with knowledge graphs. 2023 European Conference on Computing in Construction and the 40th International CIB W78 Conference, Crete, Greece, 10-12 July, 2023. More information
Nuñez Varela, E., Moscati, A. (2022). GIS and Open Data for Sustainable Construction and Risk Analysis: The Case Study of a School in Zambia. Creative Construction e-Conference, 9–11 July 2022. More information
Linderoth, H., Håkansson, O., Moscati, A. (2021). Unpacking the Black Box of Digitalization: Challenges when Implementing Governmental Initiatives. 37th Annual ARCOM Conference, 6-7 September 2021, UK, Association of Researchers in Construction Management. More information
Xue, R., Moscati, A., Kebede, R., Johansson, P. (2021). Information Exchange Process Analysis between Authoring Design Tools and Lighting Simulation Tools. ICCIBIM 2021: International Conference on Construction Informatics and Building Information Modeling, Singapore, July 5-6, 2021. More information
Kebede, R., Moscati, A., Johansson, P. (2020). Semantic web for information exchange between the building and manufacturing industries: a literature review. 37th International Conference of CIB W78, Sao Paulo - online, Brazil, 18-20 August. More information
Moscati, A., Engström, S. (2019). Digitalisation and industrialisation: Exploration of the current and future challenges in the Swedish built environment sector. 35th Annual Conference on Association of Researchers in Construction Management, ARCOM 2019, 2-4 September 2019. More information
Ippoliti, E., De Luca, L., Meschini, A., Moscati, A., Rossi, D. (2012). Shedding light on the city: discovering, appreciating and sharing Cultural Heritage using 3D Visual Technology. 18th International Conference on Virtual Systems and Multimedia Virtual Systems in the Information Society. More information
Borgogni, F., Calvano, M., Moscati, A. (2012). The dome of Saint Yves at La Sapienza in Rome: Digital modelling as method of knowledge. Florence: TecnoConference, First International Congress Domes in the World, Florence, March 19 - 23, 2012. More information
Moscati, A., Lombardo, J., Losciale, L., De Luca, L. (2011). Visual browsing of semantic descriptions of heritage buildings morphology. Amman: The Center for the Study of Architecture in the Arab Region, DMACH 2011. More information
Ippoliti, E., Meschini, A., Rossi, D., Moscati, A. (2011). An approach towards the construction of a Digital Atlas for the documentation of cloister and courtyards in Ascoli Piceno. Trento, Italy International Conference in 3D Virtual Reconstruction and Visualization of Complex Architectures. More information
Ippoliti, E., Moscati, A. (2010). New means of knowledge: 3D, 3D-GIS and Web GIS. Valencia, Spain XIII International Congress of Architectural Graphic Expression. More information