Azzurra Morreale

Senior Associate Professor Finance
Economics , Jönköping International Business School

Azzurra Morreale is a Senior Associate Professor in Finance at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) in Sweden. Currently, she is also a Visiting Associate Professor at LUT University, Finland, where she serves as the Co-Head of the Viipuri Lab.

She was awarded the title of Docent (Strategic Financing, Economic Behavior, and Decision-making) at LUT Business School in Finland for the period September 2021 – 31 August 2026. Additionally, she received the "Teacher of the Year" award in 2022 by the LUT School of Business for the Master's program in Strategic Finance and Analytics. 

She received her Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Management from the University of Palermo, Italy. She has been a visiting scholar at the University of California, Santa Cruz (USA), and she is a regular visiting scholar at the University of Trento, Italy. She is also a member of the Cognitive and Experimental Economics Laboratory (CEEL) at the University of Trento, Italy.

Her research interests and expertise lie in finance and behavioral economics, with a particular focus on strategic decision-making under uncertainty.


Mittone, L., Morreale, A., Ritala, P. (2024). Initial conditions and path dependence in explorative and exploitative learning: An experimental study Technovation, 129. More information
Guida, V., Mittone, L., Morreale, A. (2024). Innovative search and imitation heuristics: an agent-based simulation study Journal of Economic Interaction and Coordination, 19, 231-282. More information
Engel, C., Mittone, L., Morreale, A. (2024). Outcomes or participation? Experimentally testing competing sources of legitimacy for taxation Economic Inquiry, 62(2), 563-583. More information
D'Arcangelo, C., Morreale, A., Mittone, L., Collan, M. (2023). Ignorance is bliss? Information and risk on crowdfunding platforms PLOS ONE, 18(6 JUNE). More information
Mittone, L., Morreale, A., Vu, T. (2022). What drives innovative behavior? An experimental analysis on risk attitudes, creativity and performance Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 98. More information
Argentiero, A., Casal, S., Mittone, L., Morreale, A. (2021). Tax evasion and inequality: some theoretical and empirical insights Economics of Governance, 22(4), 309-320. More information
Engel, C., Mittone, L., Morreale, A. (2020). Tax morale and fairness in conflict an experiment Journal of Economic Psychology, 81. More information
Stoklasa, J., Morreale, A., Talášek, T., Collan, M. (2020). The Mean & Range Effect – A Sweet Spot Stimulating Risk-Seeking in Managerial Decision Support The Nordic Journal of Business, 69(1), 21-43. More information
Morreale, A., Mittone, L., Vu, T., Collan, M. (2020). To wait or not to wait? Use of the flexibility to postpone investment decisions in theory and in practice Sustainability, 12(8). More information
Morreale, A., Mittone, L., Lo Nigro, G. (2019). Risky choices in strategic environments: An experimental investigation of a real options game European Journal of Operational Research, 279(1), 143-158. More information
Morreale, A., Stoklasa, J., Collan, M., Lo Nigro, G. (2018). Uncertain outcome presentations bias decisions: experimental evidence from Finland and Italy Annals of Operations Research, 268(1-2), 259-272. More information
Morreale, A., Robba, S., Lo Nigro, G., Roma, P. (2017). A real options game of alliance timing decisions in biopharmaceutical research and development European Journal of Operational Research, 261(3), 1189-1202. More information
Lo Nigro, G., Morreale, A., Abbate, L. (2016). An Open Innovation Decision Support System to Select a Biopharmaceutical R&D Portfolio Managerial and Decision Economics, 37(6), 392-406. More information
Morreale, A., Stoklasa, J., Talášek, T. (2016). Fuzzy grouping variables in economic analysis: A pilot study of a verification of a normative model for R&D alliances Fuzzy Economic Review, 21(2), 19-46. More information
Lo Nigro, G., Morreale, A., Enea, G. (2014). Open innovation: A real option to restore value to the biopharmaceutical R&D International Journal of Production Economics, 149, 183-193. More information
Nigro, G., Morreale, A., Robba, S., Roma, P. (2013). Biopharmaceutical alliances and competition: A real options games approach International Journal of Innovation Management, 17(6). More information
Lo Nigro, G., Enea, G., Morreale, A. (2013). A user friendly Real Options based model to optimize a pharmaceutical R&D portfolio Journal of Applied Operational Research, 5(3), 83-95. More information

Conference paper

Mittone, L., Morreale, A., Ritala, P. (2022). Individual-level routinization and exploration-exploitation choice: An experimental study. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, 2022. More information
Morreale, A., Vu, T., Mittone, L., Collan, M. (2021). Decision-maker behavior to postpone investment decisions – in theory and in experimental practice. Real Options: Theory meets Practice, 24th Annual International Conference, 2-4 September 2021, Porto, Portugal. More information
Jantunen, A., Mittone, L., Morreale, A., Tuppura, A., Vu, T., Tarkiainen, A. (2020). An Experimental Approach for Measuring Cognitive Diversity. Strategic Management Society Virtual Conference 2020. More information
Mittone, L., Morreale, A., Vu, T. (2019). Risk preference and creativity in process innovation: a lab experiment. XXX ISPIM Innovation Conference: Celebrating Innovation – 500 years since Da Vinci, Florence, Italy 16-29 June 2019. More information
Kozlova, M., Morreale, A., Collan, M., Lo Nigro, G. (2017). Modeling bio-pharmaceutical alliance games: Studying the effect of information availability on decision-making. ROW17 - Real Options Workshop. Lappeenranta, Finland, 4-5 October 2017. More information
Kosonen, T., Morreale, A., Collan, M. (2017). What attracts investors to equity-based crowdfunding? Results from an exploratory survey in Finland. International Scientific Conference on Knowledge for Market Use 2017: People in Economics - Decisions, Behavior and Normative Models (Knowledge for Market Use 2017), 7-8 September 2017, Olomuniec, Czechy. More information
Karhu, P., Morreale, A., Ritala, P., Mittone, L. (2017). Paradox versus dilemma framing in sustaining innovation: an experimental investigation. Manchester: The International Society for Professional Innovation Management (ISPIM), The XXVIII ISPIM Innovation Conference – Composing the Innovation Symphony, Austria, Vienna, 18-21 June 2017. More information
Morreale, A., Stoklasa, J., Collan, M., Talasek, T., Lo Nigro, G. (2016). The effect of multiple possible outcomes representation on managerial decision-making under uncertainty: an exploratory survey. Nineteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, February 22-26, Innsbruck, Austria. More information
Lo Nigro, G., Morreale, A., Roma, P. (2016). Should conference pricing mechanisms incorporate options?. Nineteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, February 22-26, Innsbruck, Austria. More information
Morreale, A., Stoklasa, J., Talasek, T. (2016). Decision-making under different risk presentation forms: an empirical investigation from Czech Republic. NSAIS’16 Workshop on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems, Lappeenranta, Finland, August 16-17, 2016. More information
Morreale, A., Rose, L., Lo Nigro, G. (2015). R&D alliances timing under uncertainty: from theory toward experiments. Real Option Workshop, Lappeenranta, Finland, August 18-19, 2015. More information
Lo Nigro, G., Morreale, A., Robba, S., Roma, P. (2014). An alliance timing game under real options in biopharmaceutical industry. Eighteenth International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, February 20-24, 2014. More information
Lo Nigro, G., Morreale, A., Robba, S., Roma, P. (2013). Biopharmaceutical alliances and competition: a real options game approach. 24th ISPIM conference – Innovating in global markets: Challenges for Sustainable Growth, Helsinki, Finland 16-19 June 2013. More information
Lo Nigro, G., Morreale, A. (2012). A real options based support system to open innovation. 23rd ISPIM conference – Action for innovation: innovating from experience, Barcelona, Spain, 17-20 June 2012. More information
Lo Nigro, G., Morreale, A., Enea, G. (2012). Real Option Analysis (ROA) Opens Innovation: the biopharmaceutical case. 17th International Working Seminar on Production Economics, Innsbruck, Austria, February 20-24, 2012. More information