Vladimir Tarasov

Associate Professor Computer Science
Department of Computing , School of Engineering
Ph.D. in Science


Knowledge representation and semantic technologies have been among Vladimir Tarasov's main research interests during the last years. Knowledge representation based on the use of semantic technologies such as ontologies, knowledge graphs, and logic reasoning can be utilized for solving different tasks in real-life applications.

He has applied his research in a number of domains such as software testing, materials engineering, competence management and healthcare. His recent research activities include ontology-based generation of software test cases, modelling of mechanical properties of cast components with the help of a fuzzy logic system, reshoring decision-making supported by fuzzy ontology, and hybrid reasoning in knowledge graphs. 

He has been a member of the Examination Committees for doctoral thesis defence and a supervisor for Ph.D. students. He has also served as a reviewer for journals such as Journal of Industrial Information Integration, Business & Information Systems Engineering, Complex Systems Informatics and Modeling Quarterly (CSIMQ), and international conferences such as International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (EKAW), the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC).


Vladimir Tarasov joined the School of Engineering, Jönköping University in 2004. He is Associate Professor of Computer Science at the Department of Computing and also a member of Jönköping AI Lab. He received M.Sc. in Mathematics from Petrozavodsk State University (1990). In 1991-1993 he did Ph.D. studies in St. Petersburg Institute for Informatics and Automation, RAS. He received a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Petrozavodsk State University (1996). He holds a title of associate professor (docent) of Computer Science since 2013.

His teaching interests are in computer science, artificial intelligence, and software engineering. He has been a manager of several educational programmes during his work at the School of Engineering. His research focuses on applied semantic technologies, particularly knowledge representation techniques in real-life applications. He has participated in several national and international research projects.


Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2021). A design of fuzzy inference systems to predict tensile properties of as-cast alloy The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 113(3-4), 1111-1123. More information
Tarasov, V., Tan, H., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2020). Fuzzy logic-based modelling of yield strength of as-cast A356 alloy Neural Computing & Applications, 32(10), 5833-5844. More information
Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Jarfors, A., Seifeddine, S. (2019). Fuzzy Logic Based Modelling of Cast Component Properties IFAC-PapersOnLine, 52(13), 1132-1137. More information
Sandkuhl, K., Lin, F., Shilov, N., Smirnov, A., Tarasov, V., Krizhanovsky, A. (2013). Logistics-as-a-service: Ontology-based architecture and approach Revista Investigación Operacional, 34(3), 188-194 Havana, Cuba: Universidad de La Habana . More information
Tarasov, V. (2012). Ontology-based Approach to Competence Profile Management Journal of universal computer science (Online), 18(20), 2893-2919. More information
Tarasov, V., Lundqvist, M. (2007). Modeling Collaborative Design Competence with Ontologies International Journal of e-collaboration, 3(4), 46-62. More information

Book chapter

Tarasov, V., Tan, H., Ismail, M., Adlemo, A., Johansson, M. (2017). Application of inference rules to a software requirements ontology to generate software test cases. In: Dragoni, Mauro; Poveda-Villalón, María; Jimenez-Ruiz, Ernesto (Ed.), OWL: Experiences and Directions – Reasoner Evaluation: 13th International Workshop, OWLED 2016, and 5th International Workshop, ORE 2016, Bologna, Italy, November 20, 2016, Revised Selected Papers (pp. 82 -94). Cham: Springer More information
Tarasov, V., Sandkuhl, K., Lundqvist, M. (2010). Modeling Collaborative Design Competence with Ontologies. In: In Lee (Ed.), Encyclopedia of E-Business Development and Management in the Global Economy (pp. 942 -951). More information
Tarasov, V., Sandkuhl, K., Lundqvist, M. (2009). Ontology-based Competence Model for Collaborative Design. In: Ned Kock (Ed.), Virtual Team Leadership and Collaborative Engineering Advancements: Contemporary Issues and Implications (pp. 188 -202). Hershey: Information Science Reference More information
Albertsen, T., Sandkuhl, K., Tarasov, V. (2008). Towards Competence Modeling and Competence Matching for Network-Based Defense. In: M. Norsell (Ed.), Stockholm contributions in Military-Technology 2007 (pp. 9 -22). Stockholm: Swedish National Defence College More information
Johansson, Ö., Tarasov, V. (2004). CaseMaster – an interactive tool for case-based learning over the network. In: F. Buchberger & K. Enser (Ed.), @ - Learning in Higher Education II (pp. 66 -80). Linz: Trauner Verlag More information
Tarasov, V., Paulsson, F. (2004). Development of a standard for representation of cases. In: F. Buchberger & K. Enser (Ed.), @ - Learning in Higher Education II (pp. 81 -97). Linz: Trauner Verlag More information
Tarasov, V., Johansson, B. (2002). Active learning models and instructional systems. In: F. Buchberger, S. Berghammer & K. Enser (Ed.), @ – Learning in Higher Education Linz: Trauner Verlag More information

Conference paper

Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Fourlakidis, V., Diószegi, A. (2020). Data-driven modeling of mechanical properties of cast iron using fuzzy logic. Amsterdam: IOS Press, 6th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Data Mining (FSDM 2020), 13-16 November 2020, Xiamen, China. More information
Tarasov, V., Tan, H., Adlemo, A. (2019). Automation of software testing process using ontologies. 11th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, September 17-19, 2019, Vienna, Austria. More information
Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Adlemo, A. (2019). Lessons Learned from an Application of Ontologies in Software Testing. JOWO 2019, The Joint Ontology Workshops, Graz, Austria, September 23-25, 2019.. More information
Tarasov, V., Seigerroth, U., Sandkuhl, K. (2019). Ontology development strategies in industrial contexts. Cham: Springer, 21st International Conference on Business Information Systems, BIS 2018, Berlin, Germany, in July 2018. More information
Tarasov, V., Seigerroth, U., Sandkuhl, K. (2019). Ontology Development Strategies in Industrial Contexts Workshops, Berlin, Germany, July 18-20, 2018, Revised Papers. BIS Workshops. More information
Adlemo, A., Tan, H., Tarasov, V. (2018). Test case quality as perceived in Sweden. 2018 ACM/IEEE 5th International Workshop on Requirements Engineering and Testing, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 02, 2018. More information
Adlemo, A., Hilletofth, P., Tarasov, V. (2018). Fuzzy logic based decision-support for reshoring decisions. International Conference on Operations and Supply Chain Management (OSCM), 9 – 12 September, 2018, Cranfield, UK. More information
Adlemo, A., Tarasov, V., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2018). Reshoring decision support in a Swedish context. 25th International Annual EurOMA Conference, June 24-26th, 2018 Budapest, Hungary. More information
Adlemo, A., Tarasov, V., Hilletofth, P., Eriksson, D. (2018). Knowledge intensive decision support for reshoring decisions. Kolding Proceedings of the 30th NOFOMA Conference, Kolding, Denmark, 13-15 June, 2018. More information
Tan, H., Adlemo, A., Tarasov, V., Johansson, M. (2017). Evaluation of an Application Ontology. Proceedings of the Joint Ontology Workshops 2017 Episode 3: The Tyrolean Autumn of Ontology Bozen-Bolzano, Italy, September 21–23, 2017. More information
Tan, H., Ismail, M., Tarasov, V., Adlemo, A., Johansson, M. (2016). Development and evaluation of a software requirements ontology. 7th International Workshop on Software Knowledge - SKY 2016 in conjunction with the 9th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management - IC3K 2016, November 9-10, 2016, in Porto, Portugal. More information
Resmini, A., Tan, H., Tarasov, V., Adlemo, A. (2016). #ViewFromTheOffice - Reconceptualizing the Workplace as an Information-based Ecosystem. 6th STS Conference on Socio-technical Ecosystems. More information
Lantow, B., Sandkuhl, K., Tarasov, V. (2015). Ontology Reuse Engineering and Ontology Development. International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology Development, part of the 7th International Joint Conference on Knowledge Discovery, Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management (IC3K 2015), Volume 2, Lisbon, Portugal, November 12-14, 2015. More information
Tan, H., Barakat, G., Tarasov, V. (2015). Translating XML Models into OWL Ontologies for Interoperability of Simulation Systems. 3rd Workshop on Ontologies and Information Systems (WOIS 2015), Tartu, Estonia, August 26, 2015. More information
Tarasov, V., Tan, H., Adlemo, A., Ismail, M., Mats, J., Olsson, D. (2015). Ontology-based Software Test Case Generation (OSTAG). European Projects in Knowledge Applications and Intelligent Systems, July 20-23, 2016, Lisbon, Portugal. More information
Tan, H., Resmini, A., Tarasov, V., Adlemo, A. (2015). Workplace innovation in Swedish local organizations - technology aspect: BIS 2015 International Workshops, Poznań, Poland, June 24-26, 2015, Revised Papers. 18th International Workshop on Business Information Systems (BIS), June 24-26, 2015, Poznan, Poland. More information
Lantow, B., Sandkuhl, K., Tarasov, V. (2013). Selecting Content Ontology Design Patterns for Ontology Quality Improvement. 6th International Workshop on Information Logistics, Knowledge Supply and Ontologies in Information Systems. More information
Krizhanovsky, A., Lin, F., Sandkuhl, K., Shilov, N., Smirnov, A., Tarasov, V. (2012). Logistics-as-a-service: ontology-based architecture and approach. 10th International Conference on Operations Research, Habana, March 6-9, 2012. More information
Tarasov, V., Höglund, P., de Roos, P. (2012). Ontology-Based eService Enabling Collaboration of Researchers in Healthcare. eChallenges e-2012 Conference, 17 - 19 October 2012, Lisbon, Portugal. More information
Lin, F., Neshnega, L., Subba, B., Tarasov, V. (2012). A Framework for Context Automatic Integration in Ubiquitous Computing. The 10th IEEE International Conference on Pervasive, Intelligence and Computing (PiCom 2012), Dec.17-19, 2012, Changzhou, Jiangsu, China. More information
Sandkuhl, K., Seigerroth, U., Tarasov, V. (2012). Context Modelling for Decision Making in Competence Supply: Experiences from a Military Case. Workshop on Operations Research and Data Mining (ORADM 2012), Cancun, Mexico, March 12-14, 2012. More information
Ali Fareedi, A., Tarasov, V. (2011). Modelling of the Ward Round Process in a Healthcare Unit. 4th IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference, PoEM 2011 Oslo, Norway, November 2-3, 2011. More information
Khan, N., Carstensen, A., Sandkuhl, K., Tarasov, V. (2011). Transformation of Enterprise Model to Enterprise Ontology. 4th International Workshop on Information Logistics and Knowledge Supply for Viable Enterprises (ILOG 2011), Riga, Latvia. More information
Tarasov, V., Sandkuhl, K. (2011). On the Role of Competence Models for Business and IT Alignment in Network Organizations. BIS 2011 International Workshops and BPSC International Conference, Poznań, Poland, June 15-17, 2011. More information
Tarasov, V., Krizhanovsky, A. (2011). Enrichment of Ontology-Based Competence Profiles with Semistructured Wiktionary Data. 4th International Workshop on Information Logistics and Knowledge Supply for Viable Enterprises (ILOG 2011), Riga, Latvia. More information
Hammar, K., Tarasov, V., Lin, F. (2010). Information Reuse and Interoperability with Ontology Patterns and Linked Data: First Experiences from the ExpertFinder Project. Berlin: Springer, 3rd Workshop on Information Logistics and Knowledge Supply in conjunction with 13th International Conference on Business Information Systems. More information
Albertsen, T., Sandkuhl, K., Seigerroth, U., Tarasov, V. (2010). The Practice of Competence Modelling. Berlin: Springer, Third IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference, PoEM 2010, Delft, The Netherlands, November 9-10, 2010. More information
Albertsen, T., Sandkuhl, K., Seigerroth, U., Tarasov, V. (2010). Modelling Network-based Defence: Success and Failure of an Enterprise Modelling Endeavour. Berlin: Springer, Third IFIP WG 8.1 Working Conference, PoEM 2010, Delft, The Netherlands, November 9-10, 2010. More information
Hugoson, M., Larsson, U., Tarasov, V. (2010). Interaction between Heterogeneous Autonomous Systems: Principles and Practice. BIS 2010 International Workshops, Berlin, Germany, May 3-5, 2010. More information
Sandkuhl, K., Tarasov, V. (2010). Comparison of Approaches for Competence Demand Modeling in Flexible Supply Networks. St, Petersburg, Russia The 5th German-Russian Logistics Workshop. More information
Levashova, T., Sandkuhl, K., Shilov, N., Smirnov, A., Tarasov, V. (2009). Product Design Network Self-Contextualization: Enterprise Knowledge-Based Approach and Agent-Based Technological Framework. Berlin: Springer, 4th International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems HoloMAS 2009, Linz, Austria. More information
Sandkuhl, K., Tarasov, V. (2009). Modelling Competence Demand for Flexible Supply Networks. 13th IFAC symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing, Moscow, June 3 - 5 2009. More information
Sandkuhl, K. Smirnov, A. Mazalov, V. Vdovitsyn, V. Tarasov, V. Krizhanovsky, A. , ... Ivashko E. (2009). Context-Based Retrieval in Digital Libraries: Approach and Technological Framework. Petorzavodsk XIth All-Russian research conference RCDL'2009, Petrozavodsk, Russia. More information
Kashevnik, A., Sandkuhl, K., Shilov, N., Smirnov, A., Tarasov, V. (2008). Business Community Creation Based on Competence Management. Amsterdam: IOS Press, eChallenges e-2008, 22-24 Oktober, Stockholm, Sweden. More information
Albertsen, T., Sandkuhl, K., Tarasov, V. (2007). Towards Competence Modeling and Competence Matching for Network-based Defense. The 3rd International Conference on Military Technology, MilTech3. More information
Tarasov, V., Albertsen, T., Kashevnik, A., Sandkuhl, K., Shilov, N., Smirnov, A. (2007). Ontology-Based Competence Management for Team Configuration. Berlin: Springer, The 3rd International Conference on Military Technology, MilTech3. More information
Sandkuhl, K., Lundqvist, M., Tarasov, V. (2006). COMPETENCE MODEL FOR COLLABORATIVE DESIGN. 4th Intl. Workshop on Challenges in Collaborative Engineering (CCE’06). More information
Tarasov, V., Sandkuhl, K., Henoch, B. (2006). Using Ontologies for Representation of Individual and Enterprise Competence Models. Piscataway, NJ.: IEEE Operations Center, The 4th IEEE International Conference on Computer Sciences Research, Innovation and Vision for the Future (RIVF 2006). More information
Blomqvist, E., Levashova, T., Öhgren, A., Sandkuhl, K., Smirnov, A., Tarasov, V. (2005). Configuration of Dynamic SME Supply Chains Based on Ontologies. Second International Conference on Industrial Applications of Holonic and Multi-Agent Systems, HoloMAS 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 22-24, 2005.. More information
Tarasov, V., Tarasov, V., Kyurshunov, A. (2003). Using XML and the IMS QTI standard for the development of assessment tools. Joensuu: University of Joensuu, The Sixth Inter-Karelian Conference on Mathematics and Science Education in the North-East of Europe. More information
Tarasov, V., Tarasov, V. (2003). Designing tools for testing with open-ended questions using Java technology. Joensuu: University of Joensuu, The IXX Symposium of the Finnish Mathematics and Science Education Research Association. More information
Tarasov, V. (2000). Multi-agent system architecture for supporting the process of distance learning. Joensuu: University of Joensuu, The Fifth Inter-Karelian Conference on Learning and Teaching Science and Mathematics in Secondary and Higher Education. More information
Tarasov, V., Tarasov, V. (2000). Designing answer selection tests in JavaScript. Joensuu: University of Joensuu, The Fifth Inter-Karelian Conference on Learning and Teaching Science and Mathematics in Secondary and Higher Education. More information
Vdovitsyn, V., Tarasov, V. (1999). Multi-agent system for informational support of collaborative researchers work in a computer network. Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University, Finnish Data Processing Week (FDPW'99) on Developments in Distributed Systems and Data Communications. More information
Mazalov, V., Vdovitsyn, V., Tarasov, V. (1999). Negotiation on data reallocation in distributed information systems. St. Petersburg The 1st International Workshop of Central and Eastern Europe on Multi-Agent Systems, CEEMAS’99, St. Petersburg. More information
Tarasov, V. (1998). Applying intelligent agent technology to create instruction programs. Petrozavodsk: Petrozavodsk State University, Finnish Data Processing Week (FDPW’97–98) on Developments in Distributed Systems and Data Communications. More information
Tarasov, V. (1998). Using intelligent agent technology for the development of a system teaching how to search for function limits. Joensuu: University of Joensuu, The Third Inter-Karelian Conference on Teaching Mathematics and Physics in Secondary and Higher Education. More information
Tarasov, V. (1997). Using explicit representation of inference search metarules for inference search control in expert systems. St. Petersburg The International Conference on Informatics and Control (ICI&C’97). More information
Vdovitsyn, V., Tarasov, V. (1996). Applying KBS-technology to a pulp-and-paper mill control automation. Petrozavodsk II International Scientific and Technical Conference on New Information Technologies in Pulp and Paper Industry. More information


Sandkuhl, K., Tarasov, V., Mazalov, V., Smirnov, A. (2012). Context based Retrieval in Digital Libraries: Continuing PhD Education and Experimentation (CoReLib2): Final project report. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Engineering More information
Albertsen, T., Tarasov, V., Sandkuhl, K., Seigerroth, U. (2009). Competence modeling and matching: frame concept. Jönköping University: Jönköping University More information
Albertsen, T., Seigerroth, U., Sandkuhl, K., Tarasov, V. (2009). Competence demand modeling: case study. Jönköping University: Jönköping University More information
Albertsen, T., Tarasov, V., Sandkuhl, K., Seigerroth, U. (2009). Modellering av 312. luftburna kompaniet: KOMO - Projektrapport. Jönköping University More information
Sandkuhl, K., Tarasov, V., Albertsen, T., Seigerroth, U. (2009). Competence demand modeling based on enterprise models: KOMO - project report. Jönköping University: Jönköping University More information
Sandkuhl, K., Tarasov, V., Mazalov, V., Smirnov, A. (2009). Context based Retrieval in Digital Libraries (CoReLib): Final project report. Jönköping: School of Engineering at Jönköping University More information
Sandkuhl, K., Henoch, B., Le Hieu, H., Hugoson, M., Larsson, U., Tarasov, V. (2007). ICT-Support for Formation of Business Relationships with Developing Countries Based on Immigrant Competence. Phase 2: Integrating Competence Models into Chamber Trade: Final project report. Jönköping: Jönköping University More information
Sandkuhl, K., Hao, D., Henoch, B., Hugoson, M., Larsson, U., Roren, H., Tarasov, V. (2005). ICT-Support for Formation of Business Relationships with Developing Countries Based on Immigrant Competence. Pilot Study Vietnam: Final project report. Jönköping: Jönköping University More information