News archive
Updated information regarding the coronavirus
Since the end of January 2020, Jönköping University is monitoring the situation continuously and following the information and recommendations from the Swedish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Public Health Agency of Sweden. Students and staff are urged to stay updated with information from the authorities.
JIBS Entrepreneurship Challenge 2020
On March 30th, students from Jönköping University will compete online in a 24 hour innovation race, to compete for a prize pool of 130,000 SEK.
Nextstep - "We're meeting good students"
On Tuesday 18th February, 47 companies gathered to exhibit at the Nextstep career fair, organised by students from Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) and the School of Engineering at Jönköping University.“We’re not wasting our time being here, we’re meeting good students,” said Rikard Karlsson, Audit Senior Associate for PWC Sverige.
Review by Swedish Higher Education Authority complete
The Swedish Higher Education Authority (UKÄ) presented the result from the national evaluation of the subject teacher programmes (ämneslärarprogram ) on Wednesday. Two specialisations of the subject teacher programmes at the School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University were part of the review: subject teacher with focus on social science and subject teacher with focus on Swedish language.
Agreements signed; Eksjö, Oskarshamn and Värnamo to provide preschool teacher training
It has been a long process, but 13 February the vision became a reality when agreements were signed that allow Eksjö, Oskarshamn and Värnamo municipalities to provide preschool teacher training with the School of Education and Communication at Jönköping University, as education coordinator.
Students honour famous furniture designer with a fresh take on his design
Students on the Product development with furniture design programme at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University have honoured the famous Brazilian furniture designer, Zanine Caldas, in the project “Zanine Caldas 100 years
Pdf, 9 MB.”. The furniture was exhibited at Stockholm Furniture Fair, and is now on display in the entrance at the School of Engineering.
JU students nominated for Young Female Leader of the Year award
The selection process has now been finalized, and the 2019 list is ready. Out of 100 nominees, 24 leading profiles from Jönköping County have been selected. Among the nominees we find several former students as well as one current student from Jönköping University (JU). Congratulations to Towe Ottosson, student at the Media and Communications programme.
Information regarding the coronavirus
As we have previously advised there has been one confirmed case of the coronavirus in Jönköping. Both the Infection Control Department (Smittskyddsenheten) at Jönköping County and the Public Health Agency of Sweden
External link, opens in new window. (Folkhälsomyndigheten) consider that this is an isolated case and that there is no increased risk of infection for the general public in Jönköping county or Sweden.