JIBS in Africa
JIBS has formed an innovative partnership with five African universities that works collaboratively to introduce and strengthen their research cultures.
The collaboration is called EID, which stands for Entrepreneurship and Innovation for Development, and involves the following partners:
College of Business and Economics at University of Rwanda
College of Business and Economics at Addis Ababa University
College of Business and Management Sciences at Makerere University
University of Dar es-Salaam Business School.
Within the fields of management and economics, the five institutions will work together in PhD education, research, research dissemination and private sector development. As many of the challenges and opportunities are similar for the African partners, there is a great potential to contribute to national and regional development. The project is funded by the Swedish Interntaional Development Corporation (Sida).
Meet the PhD Candidates

Meet the JIBS faculty
A large portion of the faculty at JIBS are involved in the Africa project in various ways.
Impact so far
Starting from 2015, we are now seeing proof of an emerging research culture arriving from the collaboration.
Since 2015 there have been 77 articles and there are many more in the pipeline. From seven books produced we have 10,076 downloads.
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It started with a postgraduate education, and that was nothing new in itself. Many Swedish universities have for a long time given education to students from low-middle income countries. But as graduate students built networks in the country where they received their education, few returned home, and the home country did not benefit from their new skills.