Events in Swedish


Master Day at the School of Engineering

15 January - 15 January

10:00 - 15:00

Galleriet, main entrance, School of Engineering

<p>Interested in a master&#39;s degree after your bachelor&#39;s degree? Take the opportunity to visit our Master Day&nbsp;at the School of Engineering.</p><p>The fair will take place in Galleriet, the main entrance of the School of Engineering. Programme Managers, current students and study counsellors will participiate.&nbsp;</p><p>The International Office will be there, prepared to answered your questions regaring exchange studies and&nbsp;internships abroad.</p><p>Both current students in engineering, as well external visitors interested in a masters&#39; degree are welcomed.<br />&nbsp;</p>
15 January - 15 January
10:00 - 15:00


Galleriet, main entrance, School of Engineering

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Master Day at the School of Engineering

Interested in a master's degree after your bachelor's degree? Take the opportunity to visit our Master Day at the School of Engineering.

The fair will take place in Galleriet, the main entrance of the School of Engineering. Programme Managers, current students and study counsellors will participiate. 

The International Office will be there, prepared to answered your questions regaring exchange studies and internships abroad.

Both current students in engineering, as well external visitors interested in a masters' degree are welcomed.

Organizer: School of Engineering

MMTC Sustainability working group

15 January - 15 January

12:00 - 13:00


<p>MMTC Sustainability working group</p>
15 January - 15 January
12:00 - 13:00



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MMTC Sustainability working group

MMTC Sustainability working group

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Feedback Sessions for Funding Applications

16 January - 16 January

10:00 - 17:00


<p>Feedback Sessions for Funding Applications</p>
16 January - 16 January
10:00 - 17:00



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Feedback Sessions for Funding Applications

Feedback Sessions for Funding Applications

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

20 January - 20 January

12:10 - 13:10


<p>Dear colleagues,<strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>You are welcome to join us for the<br /><em>&ldquo;Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&rdquo;</em><br />presented by</p><p><a href=""><strong>Jan</strong></a><strong> </strong><a href=""><strong>Amcoff</strong></a></p><p>Uppsala Universitet</p><p><strong>Ti</strong><strong>tle:</strong> Retention and establishment among new immigrants in rural areas in Sweden</p><p>Date:<strong> Monday, January 20</strong><br />Time:<strong> 12:10-13:10</strong><br />Host: Helena Nilsson</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>This presentation will be given on Zoom.<strong> </strong></p><p>Zoom link: <a href=""></a></p><p>Meeting ID: 613 7563 0943</p><p>Password: BBEFS</p><p>Please use <a href="">this link</a> to <strong>sign up for bilateral talks</strong>.<br />You can find this term&rsquo;s seminar program on our <a href="">webpage</a>.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
20 January - 20 January
12:10 - 13:10



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Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

Dear colleagues, 

You are welcome to join us for the
“Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance”
presented by

Jan Amcoff

Uppsala Universitet

Title: Retention and establishment among new immigrants in rural areas in Sweden

Date: Monday, January 20
Time: 12:10-13:10
Host: Helena Nilsson


This presentation will be given on Zoom.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 613 7563 0943

Password: BBEFS

Please use this link to sign up for bilateral talks.
You can find this term’s seminar program on our webpage.


Organizer: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

Licentiate seminar - Habib Sadri

22 January - 22 January

10:00 - 12:00

E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

<p><strong>Title of the thesis:</strong>&nbsp;<a href=""><em>Digital Transformation for Sustainable Asset Management: Integrating Blockchain and AI with Digital Twins in Building Operations</em></a><br /><strong>Doctoral student:</strong>&nbsp;Habib Sadri<br /><strong>Third-cycle subject area:</strong>&nbsp;Production Systems<br /><strong>Faculty examiner:</strong>&nbsp;Associate Professor Dimosthenis Kifokeris, Chalmers University of Technology<br /><strong>Examiner: </strong>Associate&nbsp;Professor Denis Coelho, School of Engineering<br /><strong>Principal supervisor: </strong>Associate<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Professor Ibrahim Yitman, School of Engineering<strong>Link to j</strong></p><p><strong>Welcome to attend the seminar!</strong></p>
22 January - 22 January
10:00 - 12:00


E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

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Licentiate seminar - Habib Sadri

Title of the thesis: Digital Transformation for Sustainable Asset Management: Integrating Blockchain and AI with Digital Twins in Building Operations
Doctoral student: Habib Sadri
Third-cycle subject area: Production Systems
Faculty examiner: Associate Professor Dimosthenis Kifokeris, Chalmers University of Technology
Examiner: Associate Professor Denis Coelho, School of Engineering
Principal supervisor: Associate Professor Ibrahim Yitman, School of EngineeringLink to j

Welcome to attend the seminar!

Organizer: School of Engineering

MMTC seminar presented by Brian McCauley

22 January - 22 January

12:00 - 13:00

B6046 and online

<p>Brian is presenting research titled&nbsp;<strong>&quot;Lessons Learned by a Middle-Aged Noob on the Interdisciplinary Value of Playing Esports&quot;</strong>.</p>
22 January - 22 January
12:00 - 13:00


B6046 and online

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MMTC seminar presented by Brian McCauley

Brian is presenting research titled "Lessons Learned by a Middle-Aged Noob on the Interdisciplinary Value of Playing Esports".

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

The Meeting Place!

22 January - 22 January

16:30 - 18:30

House K

<p>It can sometimes feel difficult to make contact with new people. Then maybe the Meeting Place is the thing for you? Hopefully, you will get to know new people based on your preferences, interests and the way you interact with others. You are welcome to join us for some fika, play games or just have a chat! The event will take place in Rio every other Wednesday&nbsp;between 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm!</p><p>For more information:</p><p><a href="">The Meeting Place</a></p><p>Call us if you can&#39;t get inside! Tel: 036-101169, 036-101065</p><p>We look forward to meeting you!</p><p>Marie B&ouml;wing-Lindstr&ouml;m, Counsellor/CBT therapist</p><p>Emma Pavlov, Coordinator for educational support for<br />students with disabilities</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
22 January - 22 January
16:30 - 18:30


House K

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The Meeting Place!

It can sometimes feel difficult to make contact with new people. Then maybe the Meeting Place is the thing for you? Hopefully, you will get to know new people based on your preferences, interests and the way you interact with others. You are welcome to join us for some fika, play games or just have a chat! The event will take place in Rio every other Wednesday between 4:30 pm - 6:30 pm!

For more information:

The Meeting Place

Call us if you can't get inside! Tel: 036-101169, 036-101065

We look forward to meeting you!

Marie Böwing-Lindström, Counsellor/CBT therapist

Emma Pavlov, Coordinator for educational support for
students with disabilities


Organizer: Student Health Care

Empowering young entrepreneurs: Årets Unga Idé

22 January - 22 January

17:00 - 22:00

<p>On 22 <strong>January</strong>, F&ouml;retagarna in J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping will host a regional competition for <em>&Aring;rets Unga Id&eacute;</em>&mdash;an event dedicated to showcasing young entrepreneurs with bold, innovative business ideas that aim to make a difference in society.&nbsp;</p><p>You have the chance to be part of this event! With <strong>150 investors, advisors, and business supporters</strong> gathered, it&rsquo;s a golden opportunity to connect, network, enjoy the competition, and get inspired. The evening will feature engaging panel discussions, food, and plenty of mingling opportunities. And yes &mdash;<strong>it&rsquo;s free of charge!</strong></p><p>Learn more and register here:&nbsp;<a href="">&Aring;rets Unga Id&eacute; J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Limited spots are&nbsp;available, so don&rsquo;t wait! Register today and take a step closer to realizing your entrepreneurial dreams.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>(Please note: the event will be held in Swedish)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><a target="_new" href="">Learn more and register here</a></p>
22 January - 22 January
17:00 - 22:00



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Empowering young entrepreneurs: Årets Unga Idé

On 22 January, Företagarna in Jönköping will host a regional competition for Årets Unga Idé—an event dedicated to showcasing young entrepreneurs with bold, innovative business ideas that aim to make a difference in society. 

You have the chance to be part of this event! With 150 investors, advisors, and business supporters gathered, it’s a golden opportunity to connect, network, enjoy the competition, and get inspired. The evening will feature engaging panel discussions, food, and plenty of mingling opportunities. And yes —it’s free of charge!

Learn more and register here: Årets Unga Idé Jönköping


Limited spots are available, so don’t wait! Register today and take a step closer to realizing your entrepreneurial dreams.


(Please note: the event will be held in Swedish)


Learn more and register here

Organizer: External organiser

MMTC working group focused on Diversity and Inclusion

28 January - 28 January

12:00 - 13:00


<p>MMTC working group focused on Diversity and Inclusion</p>
28 January - 28 January
12:00 - 13:00



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MMTC working group focused on Diversity and Inclusion

MMTC working group focused on Diversity and Inclusion

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Second MMTC symposium on responsible digital innovation.

30 January - 31 January

08:00 - 17:00


<p>The II Responsible Digital Innovation Symposium, hosted by the Media, Management, and Transformation Centre (MMTC), brings together academics, industry professionals, and public sector leaders to discuss the societal and environmental impacts of digital technologies. Held at J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School (JIBS) on January 30&ndash;31, 2025, the event will explore how technology can shape a more sustainable and equitable future, addressing its potential, challenges, and the responsibilities that come with it.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p></p>
30 January - 31 January
08:00 - 17:00



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Second MMTC symposium on responsible digital innovation.

The II Responsible Digital Innovation Symposium, hosted by the Media, Management, and Transformation Centre (MMTC), brings together academics, industry professionals, and public sector leaders to discuss the societal and environmental impacts of digital technologies. Held at Jönköping International Business School (JIBS) on January 30–31, 2025, the event will explore how technology can shape a more sustainable and equitable future, addressing its potential, challenges, and the responsibilities that come with it.

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Last date to register to Course in Mindfulness!

31 January - 31 January

16:00 - 17:30

House K

<p>Mindfulness is about consciously and deliberately directing our attention, in the moment and without judging what we are experiencing. The aim of this course is to learn to live in the here and now, focus more on what is going on in the moment and not dwell on what happened in the past or worry about the future. When practicing mindfulness, you will increase your attention span and your ability to concentrate on what is important to you. It will also help you cope with stress in a more helpful way. When participating in this course you will practice formal and informal mindfulness exercises both in class and between classes. You will develop new skills and cherish the tools you learn from this course your whole life.</p><p>The course will start on <strong>4 February&nbsp;4:00 pm - 5:30 pm</strong>. Two more sessions on 11 February and 18 February 4:00-5:30 pm. You need to be&nbsp;able to attend all three sessions.</p><p>Register before 31 January by sending us an e-mail:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><p>Victoria Wendel, counsellor and CBT-therapist is the instructor for this course.</p><p><a href=""></a></p>
31 January - 31 January
16:00 - 17:30


House K

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Last date to register to Course in Mindfulness!

Mindfulness is about consciously and deliberately directing our attention, in the moment and without judging what we are experiencing. The aim of this course is to learn to live in the here and now, focus more on what is going on in the moment and not dwell on what happened in the past or worry about the future. When practicing mindfulness, you will increase your attention span and your ability to concentrate on what is important to you. It will also help you cope with stress in a more helpful way. When participating in this course you will practice formal and informal mindfulness exercises both in class and between classes. You will develop new skills and cherish the tools you learn from this course your whole life.

The course will start on 4 February 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm. Two more sessions on 11 February and 18 February 4:00-5:30 pm. You need to be able to attend all three sessions.

Register before 31 January by sending us an e-mail:

Victoria Wendel, counsellor and CBT-therapist is the instructor for this course.

Organizer: Student Health Care

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

3 February - 3 February

08:30 - 09:30

6th floor lounge

<p>MMTC breakfast information meeting&nbsp;</p>
3 February - 3 February
08:30 - 09:30


6th floor lounge

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MMTC breakfast information meeting 

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

MMTC working group focused on Digital business and innovation

4 February - 4 February

12:00 - 13:00


<p>MMTC working group focused on Digital business and innovation</p>
4 February - 4 February
12:00 - 13:00



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MMTC working group focused on Digital business and innovation

MMTC working group focused on Digital business and innovation

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

MMTC working group focused on Media

5 February - 5 February

12:00 - 13:00


<p>MMTC working group focused on Media</p>
5 February - 5 February
12:00 - 13:00



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MMTC working group focused on Media

MMTC working group focused on Media

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

MMTC/ Data Methods Initiative seminar presented by Jason Burton

5 February - 5 February

13:15 - 14:45

Online-contact for zoom link

<p><a target="_blank" href="">Jason</a> is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Digitalization at Copenhagen Business School. His research uses computational and experimental methods to study human behavior in the context of a digital society, as well as agent-based simulations.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>In the seminar, Jason will talk about experiments&nbsp;designed to evaluate content-curating algorithms, as used by social media and other digital platforms. For example, he will discuss how modifications of these algorithms affect people&#39;s beliefs. Jason will also share his experiences with the pre-registration of experiments, ethical approval, and recruitment of participants.</p>
5 February - 5 February
13:15 - 14:45


Online-contact for zoom link

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MMTC/ Data Methods Initiative seminar presented by Jason Burton

Jason is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Digitalization at Copenhagen Business School. His research uses computational and experimental methods to study human behavior in the context of a digital society, as well as agent-based simulations.


In the seminar, Jason will talk about experiments designed to evaluate content-curating algorithms, as used by social media and other digital platforms. For example, he will discuss how modifications of these algorithms affect people's beliefs. Jason will also share his experiences with the pre-registration of experiments, ethical approval, and recruitment of participants.

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Women's entrepreneurship research network - MMTC workshop in collabation with esbri?

6 February - 7 February

<p>On the 6th and 7th of February an MMTC&nbsp;workshop on women entrepreneurship takes place at JIBS:&nbsp;&rsquo;Women&rsquo;s entrepreneurship research network &ndash; MMTC workshop in collabation with esbri&rsquo;</p>
6 February - 7 February



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Women's entrepreneurship research network - MMTC workshop in collabation with esbri?

On the 6th and 7th of February an MMTC workshop on women entrepreneurship takes place at JIBS: ’Women’s entrepreneurship research network – MMTC workshop in collabation with esbri’

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Job hunting and networking

6 February - 6 February

12:15 - 13:00


<p>Job-hunting and general information about how to approach the Swedish labour market.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Thursday February 6th 12.15-1 pm&nbsp;<br />B1033, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School&nbsp;</p><p>Lunch is offered for pre-registered students.&nbsp;</p><p>Registration at <a target="_blank" href=""></a>&nbsp;</p>
6 February - 6 February
12:15 - 13:00



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Job hunting and networking

Job-hunting and general information about how to approach the Swedish labour market.  

Thursday February 6th 12.15-1 pm 
B1033, Jönköping International Business School 

Lunch is offered for pre-registered students. 

Registration at 

Organizer: Career Center

Building Knowledge Together: Evaluating co-produced Support for Individuals Newly Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis ? the journey so far.

19 February - 19 February

15:00 - 16:00


<p><strong>BIO:</strong> &nbsp;<strong>Kerstin Ramfelt, MS, PhD Candidate</strong> works as a development manager in the section for co-creation with partners and residents at Qulturum, Region J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping&#39;s development unit. Her main task is to support the quality registers belonging to the Register Centre South East (RCSO). Since April 2023 Kerstin is enrolled as a PhD student at J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping Academy (JA), School of Health and Welfare. The research project is about creating and evaluating the effects of forums for knowledge and support for people with newly diagnosed MS in the Southeastern Health Care Region together with patients, relatives, healthcare professionals, patient associations and researchers.<br />Kerstins graduated in dietetics in Gothenburg in 1992 and has worked clinically as a dietitian, mainly in paediatric diabetes, until 2019.</p><p>She holds a Master of Science in Quality Improvement and Leadership in Health and Welfare. After the master&#39;s degree, the improvement work that formed the basis of the thesis was researched and a development of the project was also researched.</p><p>JA is part of Co-Lab, a seminar series on co-production led by the Dartmouth Institute with an international audience. The network organizes seminars every month and these are open to anyone who is curious about the subject. Welcome to the seminar where JA&#39;s PhD student Kerstin Ramfelt presents her work.</p><p>The seminar is in English. Please use this link: <a href=";;sdata=mvxRZ9LWKYmQKhJ2Ha0ZGLV8FQqFPKZHbgadkIJTSxE%3D&amp;reserved=0"></a><br />No notification is needed.</p>
19 February - 19 February
15:00 - 16:00



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Building Knowledge Together: Evaluating co-produced Support for Individuals Newly Diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis ? the journey so far.

BIO:  Kerstin Ramfelt, MS, PhD Candidate works as a development manager in the section for co-creation with partners and residents at Qulturum, Region Jönköping's development unit. Her main task is to support the quality registers belonging to the Register Centre South East (RCSO). Since April 2023 Kerstin is enrolled as a PhD student at Jönköping Academy (JA), School of Health and Welfare. The research project is about creating and evaluating the effects of forums for knowledge and support for people with newly diagnosed MS in the Southeastern Health Care Region together with patients, relatives, healthcare professionals, patient associations and researchers.
Kerstins graduated in dietetics in Gothenburg in 1992 and has worked clinically as a dietitian, mainly in paediatric diabetes, until 2019.

She holds a Master of Science in Quality Improvement and Leadership in Health and Welfare. After the master's degree, the improvement work that formed the basis of the thesis was researched and a development of the project was also researched.

JA is part of Co-Lab, a seminar series on co-production led by the Dartmouth Institute with an international audience. The network organizes seminars every month and these are open to anyone who is curious about the subject. Welcome to the seminar where JA's PhD student Kerstin Ramfelt presents her work.

The seminar is in English. Please use this link:
No notification is needed.

Organizer: The Jönköping Academy


20 February - 20 February

15:00 - 16:00

B1024 - Limited spaces - first come, first served

<p>Inspirational seminar for students</p><p>Arranged by NextStep JSA contact:&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><p><em>More information closer to the date</em></p>
20 February - 20 February
15:00 - 16:00


B1024 - Limited spaces - first come, first served

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Inspirational seminar for students

Arranged by NextStep JSA contact:

More information closer to the date

Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

NextStep Career Fair

25 February - 25 February

10:00 - 15:00

<p>Here you can read about what happened last year during this event&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="">2024</a></p><p>More info about NextStep can be&nbsp;<a target="_blank" href="">found here</a></p>
25 February - 25 February
10:00 - 15:00



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NextStep Career Fair

Here you can read about what happened last year during this event 2024

More info about NextStep can be found here

Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

3 March - 3 March

08:30 - 09:30

6th floor lounge

<p>MMTC breakfast information meeting&nbsp;</p>
3 March - 3 March
08:30 - 09:30


6th floor lounge

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MMTC breakfast information meeting 

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

New developments in climate change and healthcare ? forging a research agenda for Sweden

11 March - 11 March

13:00 - 15:00

Ga529 or Zoom

<p>Jeffrey Braithwaite, Professor, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University, Sydney, is coming back to us at J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping Academt (JA) to participate in a seminar on how we can use research to contribute to the understanding of how healthcare both affects and is affected by climate change, and how we can do something about this major societal challenge. In early 2024, Jeffrey participated in the Climate Day we organized at JU/JA. Jeffrey is one of the world&#39;s best-known and most published research leaders in the areas of healthcare organization, improvement science, and patient safety. Recently, Jeffrey has also been involved in research on the climate issue and has, in addition to several articles been responsible for a book on the subject <a href="">Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Health System Sustainability</a></p><p>The seminar will be held in English and in a hybrid format. Welcome to room Ga529 at HHJ or join us through this link:<br />No notification is needed.</p><p><a href="">See the other JA seminars this spring &gt;</a></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
11 March - 11 March
13:00 - 15:00


Ga529 or Zoom

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New developments in climate change and healthcare ? forging a research agenda for Sweden

Jeffrey Braithwaite, Professor, Australian Institute of Health Innovation, Macquarie University, Sydney, is coming back to us at Jönköping Academt (JA) to participate in a seminar on how we can use research to contribute to the understanding of how healthcare both affects and is affected by climate change, and how we can do something about this major societal challenge. In early 2024, Jeffrey participated in the Climate Day we organized at JU/JA. Jeffrey is one of the world's best-known and most published research leaders in the areas of healthcare organization, improvement science, and patient safety. Recently, Jeffrey has also been involved in research on the climate issue and has, in addition to several articles been responsible for a book on the subject Routledge Handbook of Climate Change and Health System Sustainability

The seminar will be held in English and in a hybrid format. Welcome to room Ga529 at HHJ or join us through this link:
No notification is needed.

See the other JA seminars this spring >


Organizer: The Jönköping Academy

Co-designing an age-friendly hospital

19 March - 19 March

14:00 - 15:00


<p><!-- x-tinymce/html --></p><p>JA is part of Co-Lab, a seminar series on co-production led by the Dartmouth Institute with an international audience. The network organizes seminars every month and these are open to anyone who is curious about the subject. Welcome to the seminar where JA&#39;s PhD student Joakim Edvinsson presents his ideas on<strong> </strong>co-designing an age-friendly hospital.</p><p>The seminar is in English. <a href="">Please use this link &gt; </a></p><p>No notification is needed.</p>
19 March - 19 March
14:00 - 15:00



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Co-designing an age-friendly hospital

JA is part of Co-Lab, a seminar series on co-production led by the Dartmouth Institute with an international audience. The network organizes seminars every month and these are open to anyone who is curious about the subject. Welcome to the seminar where JA's PhD student Joakim Edvinsson presents his ideas on co-designing an age-friendly hospital.

The seminar is in English. Please use this link >

No notification is needed.

Organizer: The Jönköping Academy

Open Day at Jönköping University

22 March - 22 March

10:00 - 14:00

Jönköping University

<p>Welcome to the Open Dat at JU! Take the chance to get more inforamtion about our programmes, internship, exchange studies and much more.<br />Information sessions are mainly held in Swedish but prospective international students are very welcome to attend the fair and talk directly to our students and staff.<br /><a href="">See more information here</a>. (in Swedish).&nbsp;</p>
22 March - 22 March
10:00 - 14:00


Jönköping University

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Open Day at Jönköping University

Welcome to the Open Dat at JU! Take the chance to get more inforamtion about our programmes, internship, exchange studies and much more.
Information sessions are mainly held in Swedish but prospective international students are very welcome to attend the fair and talk directly to our students and staff.
See more information here. (in Swedish). 

Organizer: Jönköping University

Last Application date for the course Do what matters!

28 March - 28 March

16:00 - 18:00

House K

<p>Are you having a hard time dealing with difficult thoughts and emotions? Trouble concentrating on your studies and maintaining healthy relationships? Then this popular course might be something for you! As a participant in this course, you will be provided with a variety of practical tools and strategies. You will learn skills that will help you pivot towards a richer and more meaningful life!</p><p><strong>Starts on 11 March, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm.</strong> The course will run for six Tuesday afternoons: 11 March, 18 March, 25 March, 1 April, 8 April and 15 April.</p><p>For more information: <a href="">Do what matters</a></p><p>Counsellor/CBT-therapist: Victoria Wendel.</p><p>Comments from former participants:&nbsp;</p><p>&quot;It is an amazing course! You learn so many great techniques to help you deal with stress and better manage life.&quot; &ldquo;Fun and intense. Challenging as well as motivating.&rdquo;</p>
28 March - 28 March
16:00 - 18:00


House K

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Last Application date for the course Do what matters!

Are you having a hard time dealing with difficult thoughts and emotions? Trouble concentrating on your studies and maintaining healthy relationships? Then this popular course might be something for you! As a participant in this course, you will be provided with a variety of practical tools and strategies. You will learn skills that will help you pivot towards a richer and more meaningful life!

Starts on 11 March, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. The course will run for six Tuesday afternoons: 11 March, 18 March, 25 March, 1 April, 8 April and 15 April.

For more information: Do what matters

Counsellor/CBT-therapist: Victoria Wendel.

Comments from former participants: 

"It is an amazing course! You learn so many great techniques to help you deal with stress and better manage life." “Fun and intense. Challenging as well as motivating.”

Organizer: Student Health Care

10th Entrepreneurship-as-Practice Conference.

9 April - 11 April


<p>10th Entrepreneurship-as-Practice Conference.</p><p></p>
9 April - 11 April



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10th Entrepreneurship-as-Practice Conference.

10th Entrepreneurship-as-Practice Conference.

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Framkant Sverige

7 May - 7 May

10:00 - 17:00

<p><strong>Sverige st&aring;r inf&ouml;r sp&auml;nnande men ocks&aring; utmanande tider som kr&auml;ver b&aring;de kreativitet och samarbete. Geopolitiska f&ouml;r&auml;ndringar, behovet av en effektivare integrationspolitik, och den snabba teknologiska utvecklingen med AI som en m&ouml;jlig spelv&auml;xlare p&aring; arbetsmarknaden, p&aring;verkar oss alla. L&auml;gg d&auml;rtill klimatf&ouml;r&auml;ndringarna som kommer allt n&auml;rmare och utmanar v&aring;rt s&auml;tt att leva.</strong></p><p>Fr&aring;gan vi beh&ouml;ver st&auml;lla oss &auml;r om vi kan skapa egna, h&aring;llbara v&auml;gar fram&aring;t f&ouml;r en tryggare framtid?</p><p><strong>Framkant Sverige</strong>&nbsp;&auml;r en inspirerande dag i J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping d&auml;r vi tar oss an b&aring;de dagens problem och framtidens m&ouml;jligheter! Tillsammans med ledande experter, dyker vi ner i de fr&aring;gor som formar v&aring;rt samh&auml;lle &ndash; fr&aring;n milj&ouml; och f&ouml;rsvar till AI och g&auml;ngkriminalitet. V&auml;lkommen att n&auml;tverka, f&aring; nya perspektiv och delta i dialoger som faktiskt g&ouml;r skillnad. H&auml;r l&auml;gger vi grunden f&ouml;r ett&nbsp;<strong>Sverige i framkant!</strong></p><p><strong>L&auml;s mer h&auml;r:&nbsp;</strong></p>
7 May - 7 May
10:00 - 17:00



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Framkant Sverige

Sverige står inför spännande men också utmanande tider som kräver både kreativitet och samarbete. Geopolitiska förändringar, behovet av en effektivare integrationspolitik, och den snabba teknologiska utvecklingen med AI som en möjlig spelväxlare på arbetsmarknaden, påverkar oss alla. Lägg därtill klimatförändringarna som kommer allt närmare och utmanar vårt sätt att leva.

Frågan vi behöver ställa oss är om vi kan skapa egna, hållbara vägar framåt för en tryggare framtid?

Framkant Sverige är en inspirerande dag i Jönköping där vi tar oss an både dagens problem och framtidens möjligheter! Tillsammans med ledande experter, dyker vi ner i de frågor som formar vårt samhälle – från miljö och försvar till AI och gängkriminalitet. Välkommen att nätverka, få nya perspektiv och delta i dialoger som faktiskt gör skillnad. Här lägger vi grunden för ett Sverige i framkant!

Läs mer här:

Organizer: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research: Echoes from the Past, Foundation for the Future: Legacy as a Catalyst in Family Entrepreneurship

2 October - 3 October

01:00 - 00:00


<p>More information will follow</p>
2 October - 3 October
01:00 - 00:00



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EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research: Echoes from the Past, Foundation for the Future: Legacy as a Catalyst in Family Entrepreneurship

More information will follow

Organizer: Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership

Master Programme Fair - JIBS

29 October - 29 October

12:00 - 13:30

JIBS Lobby

<p>Master your future! Discover the advantages of a master&rsquo;s degree at JIBS. Find out more about our programmes, their future career perspectives and what distinguishes JIBS. Connect with current students and faculty at the event to get answers to all your questions.</p><p><a href=";utm_medium=member_desktop">Read about last year&#39;s event on our LinkedIn account</a></p>
29 October - 29 October
12:00 - 13:30


JIBS Lobby

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Master Programme Fair - JIBS

Master your future! Discover the advantages of a master’s degree at JIBS. Find out more about our programmes, their future career perspectives and what distinguishes JIBS. Connect with current students and faculty at the event to get answers to all your questions.

Read about last year's event on our LinkedIn account

Organizer: Jönköping International Business School