Events in Swedish


Cybersecurity Day in Science Park Towers

23 October - 23 October

10:00 - 15:00

Science Park Towers

<p>Cyberattacks are increasing in number and complexity, and a lack of security can lead to huge financial and personal losses. At the Cybersecurity Day in Science Park Towers in J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping on 23 October, you will have the chance to learn from experts on how to protect yourself against the latest threats. With experts from BankID, AFRY, Bodforss Consulting and J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University, you will gain insight into everything from regulations to concrete strategies to counter ransomware and data breaches. In addition, you will have the opportunity to participate in one of the day&#39;s educational workshops.</p><p><a href="">Read more and register here by 21 October (in Swedish only)</a></p>
23 October - 23 October
10:00 - 15:00


Science Park Towers

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Cybersecurity Day in Science Park Towers

Cyberattacks are increasing in number and complexity, and a lack of security can lead to huge financial and personal losses. At the Cybersecurity Day in Science Park Towers in Jönköping on 23 October, you will have the chance to learn from experts on how to protect yourself against the latest threats. With experts from BankID, AFRY, Bodforss Consulting and Jönköping University, you will gain insight into everything from regulations to concrete strategies to counter ransomware and data breaches. In addition, you will have the opportunity to participate in one of the day's educational workshops.

Read more and register here by 21 October (in Swedish only)

Organizer: Jönköping University

Data Methods Initiative seminar presented by Vejune Zemaityte: Data-driven film industry research

23 October - 23 October

13:15 - 14:45

Online-contact for zoom link

<p><strong>Dr&nbsp;Vejune Zemaityte</strong>&nbsp;is a Senior Research Fellow&nbsp;in Film Data Analytics&nbsp;at the Baltic Film, Media and Arts School (BFM), Tallinn University, Estonia. Vejune uses data analysis and&nbsp;visualisation&nbsp;techniques, including network analysis, to study global screen industries. She researches film production, theatrical film distribution, film festival circuit, public service television, and historical newsreels.</p><p>Participation in international film festivals is crucial for films, particularly for independent productions in smaller markets, as they facilitate critical recognition, audience engagement, and distribution opportunities. Our research utilizes the Cinando database, managed by March&eacute; du Film - Festival de Cannes, to conduct data-driven analyses of the festival circuit, modeling festivals as a global network and examining the diversity and public value of festival programming. This investigation helps understand why certain films succeed internationally and includes a discussion on the challenges and insights gained from working with &quot;found&quot; data not originally intended for research purposes. This talk will discuss some of the&nbsp;quantitative&nbsp;approaches&nbsp;we applied to the film festival database, highlighting not only our results but also the process of working with so-called &ldquo;found&rdquo; data&nbsp;created&nbsp;for reasons other than research.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="">Find out more via the&nbsp;Data Methods Initiative website&nbsp;</a></p>
23 October - 23 October
13:15 - 14:45


Online-contact for zoom link

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Data Methods Initiative seminar presented by Vejune Zemaityte: Data-driven film industry research

Dr Vejune Zemaityte is a Senior Research Fellow in Film Data Analytics at the Baltic Film, Media and Arts School (BFM), Tallinn University, Estonia. Vejune uses data analysis and visualisation techniques, including network analysis, to study global screen industries. She researches film production, theatrical film distribution, film festival circuit, public service television, and historical newsreels.

Participation in international film festivals is crucial for films, particularly for independent productions in smaller markets, as they facilitate critical recognition, audience engagement, and distribution opportunities. Our research utilizes the Cinando database, managed by Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes, to conduct data-driven analyses of the festival circuit, modeling festivals as a global network and examining the diversity and public value of festival programming. This investigation helps understand why certain films succeed internationally and includes a discussion on the challenges and insights gained from working with "found" data not originally intended for research purposes. This talk will discuss some of the quantitative approaches we applied to the film festival database, highlighting not only our results but also the process of working with so-called “found” data created for reasons other than research. 

Find out more via the Data Methods Initiative website 

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Open AI lecture at JTH on machine learning

23 October - 23 October

15:30 - 17:00

School of Engineering

<p>AI expert Dr. Teddy Lazebnik, who has more than a decade of experience in translating AI into tangible business outcomes, will give an open lecture at JTH on 23 October. He is also an active researcher focusing on personalised clinical treatment design for autoimmune diseases and cancer. At the same time, he collaborates with a large network of international professionals to bring AI solutions to as many areas as possible. At JTH, he will, among other things, talk about technical applications of AI for machine learning.<br />The lecture, which requires no pre-registration, will be held on 23 October at 15.30-17.00 in room E1405 at JTH.<br />For questions, please contact Einav Peretz Andersson, Programme Manager for AI Engineering at JTH.</p>
23 October - 23 October
15:30 - 17:00


School of Engineering

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Open AI lecture at JTH on machine learning

AI expert Dr. Teddy Lazebnik, who has more than a decade of experience in translating AI into tangible business outcomes, will give an open lecture at JTH on 23 October. He is also an active researcher focusing on personalised clinical treatment design for autoimmune diseases and cancer. At the same time, he collaborates with a large network of international professionals to bring AI solutions to as many areas as possible. At JTH, he will, among other things, talk about technical applications of AI for machine learning.
The lecture, which requires no pre-registration, will be held on 23 October at 15.30-17.00 in room E1405 at JTH.
For questions, please contact Einav Peretz Andersson, Programme Manager for AI Engineering at JTH.

Organizer: School of Engineering

Dissertation defence - Akram Mahmoudi

25 October - 25 October



<p>Welcome to a&nbsp;doctoral defence in Statistics by Akram Mahmoudi.</p><p>The title of Akram&rsquo;s thesis is &ldquo;Improving Estimation Precision through Optimal Designs and Shrinkage Methods&rdquo;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Faculty examiner/opponent</strong>:&nbsp;Professor Martin Singull, Link&ouml;ping University</p><p><strong>Members of the Examining Committee:</strong>&nbsp;Professor Subir Ghosh, University of California, Riverside,&nbsp;Professor Frank Miller, Link&ouml;ping University,&nbsp;Associate Professor Claudia von Br&ouml;mssen, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.</p><p><strong>Reserve member of the committee:</strong> Associate Professor Andrea Schneider, JIBS</p><p><strong>Chairperson at the defence:</strong>&nbsp;Professor Scott Hacker, JIBS</p><p><strong>Principal supervisor:</strong>&nbsp;Professor Kristofer M&aring;nsson, JIBS<br /><strong>Deputy supervisors:</strong>&nbsp;Assistant Professor Zangin Zeebari, JIBS and Professor Saumen Mandal, University of Manitoba.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>MOST WELCOME TO ATTEND IN ROOM B1014!</p>
25 October - 25 October



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Dissertation defence - Akram Mahmoudi

Welcome to a doctoral defence in Statistics by Akram Mahmoudi.

The title of Akram’s thesis is “Improving Estimation Precision through Optimal Designs and Shrinkage Methods”


Faculty examiner/opponent: Professor Martin Singull, Linköping University

Members of the Examining Committee: Professor Subir Ghosh, University of California, Riverside, Professor Frank Miller, Linköping University, Associate Professor Claudia von Brömssen, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Reserve member of the committee: Associate Professor Andrea Schneider, JIBS

Chairperson at the defence: Professor Scott Hacker, JIBS

Principal supervisor: Professor Kristofer Månsson, JIBS
Deputy supervisors: Assistant Professor Zangin Zeebari, JIBS and Professor Saumen Mandal, University of Manitoba.



Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

Sustainability day for all JU staff and students

29 October - 29 October

09:00 - 16:30


<p>On 29 October, a sustainability day will be organized at HLK and JTH for all JU staff and students. Pre-registration is required for the lunch seminar and two of the sustainability day&#39;s activities by 24 October. See link below.</p><p>The first part of the day takes place in the JU auditorium at HLK with presentations by climate researcher Markku Rummukainen from Lund University and climate strategist Simon Klintefors from J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping Municipality. They will also take part in a panel discussion together with Kerstin Johansson, Associate Dean of Research at JTH, and JIBS student Micaela Stella, who was one of the winners of this year&#39;s edition of the sustainability competition &quot;Impact challenge&quot;.</p><p>The second part of the day takes place at JTH with a lunch seminar, workshops and competitions for students with nice prizes to win.<br />Sustainability Day is organized by JTH.</p><p><a href="">For questions, contact Jonelilja Zelic, lecturer and environmental manager at JTH</a></p><p><strong>Program</strong></p><p><strong>09.00-11.45</strong>&nbsp;Morning session in He102 (JU Aulan).</p><p><strong>09.00 - 09.15</strong>&nbsp;Opening<strong> </strong>&ndash; Salem Seifeddine, Executive Vice President JU.</p><p><strong>09.15 - 10.15</strong>&nbsp;Keynote speaker, climate researcher <a href="">Markku Rummukainen</a>:&nbsp;&quot;The Climate Today, Almost a Decade After the Paris Agreement<em>&quot;.&nbsp;</em>Get the newest climate update by listening to Markku Rummukainen, an outstanding climate researcher and advisor in UN climate negotiations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the Swedish Climate Policy Council.</p><p><strong>10.15 - 10.30</strong>&nbsp;Coffee Break.</p><p><strong>10.30 - 11.00</strong> <a href=";;sdata=GnPOLrRCcesCqHkjpf9bZ0PAwsmvTdRH3MLvW0J6LG8%3D&amp;reserved=0">Simon Klintefors</a>, sustainability strategist at J&ouml;nk&ouml;pings kommun: &quot;Working With Sustainability in J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping<em>&quot;.&nbsp;</em>Find out more about how the municipality of J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping works with climate and other sustainability issues by listening to Simon, a sustainability strategist.</p><p><strong>11.00 - 11.10</strong> Short break.</p><p><strong>11.10 - 11.50</strong> Panel discussion - &quot;Step by Step Towards a Sustainable Future<em>&quot;.&nbsp;</em>Discuss with our panelists how we can reach a sustainable future together.&nbsp;Participants:&nbsp;Markku Rummukainen, climate researcher and professor at Lunds Universiteit, Simon Klintefors, climate strategist at the municipality of&nbsp;J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping, Micaela Stella, JIBS student one of the winners of the competition &ldquo;Impact challenge&rdquo;, Kerstin Johansen, Associate Dean of Research School of Engineering.</p><p><strong>12.00-13.00</strong> Lunch session in E 1419&nbsp;Seminar with researchers<strong>&nbsp;</strong><a href="">Sign up here</a> before October 24&nbsp;(the number of participants is limited). JTH researchers <a href="">Anders Jarfors</a> and <a href="">Kristina S&auml;fsten</a> will present some examples on how research can contribute to a sustainable future. A lunch wrap is provided for all participants.</p><p><strong>&nbsp;13.15-16.30 </strong>Afternoon session in E 1418 and E 1419. Workshops and competitions for students with many nice prizes to win. The number of participants is limited.</p><p><strong>13.15-16.15</s
29 October - 29 October
09:00 - 16:30



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Sustainability day for all JU staff and students

On 29 October, a sustainability day will be organized at HLK and JTH for all JU staff and students. Pre-registration is required for the lunch seminar and two of the sustainability day's activities by 24 October. See link below.

The first part of the day takes place in the JU auditorium at HLK with presentations by climate researcher Markku Rummukainen from Lund University and climate strategist Simon Klintefors from Jönköping Municipality. They will also take part in a panel discussion together with Kerstin Johansson, Associate Dean of Research at JTH, and JIBS student Micaela Stella, who was one of the winners of this year's edition of the sustainability competition "Impact challenge".

The second part of the day takes place at JTH with a lunch seminar, workshops and competitions for students with nice prizes to win.
Sustainability Day is organized by JTH.

For questions, contact Jonelilja Zelic, lecturer and environmental manager at JTH


09.00-11.45 Morning session in He102 (JU Aulan).

09.00 - 09.15 Opening – Salem Seifeddine, Executive Vice President JU.

09.15 - 10.15 Keynote speaker, climate researcher Markku Rummukainen: "The Climate Today, Almost a Decade After the Paris Agreement". Get the newest climate update by listening to Markku Rummukainen, an outstanding climate researcher and advisor in UN climate negotiations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the Swedish Climate Policy Council.

10.15 - 10.30 Coffee Break.

10.30 - 11.00 Simon Klintefors, sustainability strategist at Jönköpings kommun: "Working With Sustainability in Jönköping". Find out more about how the municipality of Jönköping works with climate and other sustainability issues by listening to Simon, a sustainability strategist.

11.00 - 11.10 Short break.

11.10 - 11.50 Panel discussion - "Step by Step Towards a Sustainable Future". Discuss with our panelists how we can reach a sustainable future together. Participants: Markku Rummukainen, climate researcher and professor at Lunds Universiteit, Simon Klintefors, climate strategist at the municipality of Jönköping, Micaela Stella, JIBS student one of the winners of the competition “Impact challenge”, Kerstin Johansen, Associate Dean of Research School of Engineering.

12.00-13.00 Lunch session in E 1419 Seminar with researchers Sign up here before October 24 (the number of participants is limited). JTH researchers Anders Jarfors and Kristina Säfsten will present some examples on how research can contribute to a sustainable future. A lunch wrap is provided for all participants.

 13.15-16.30 Afternoon session in E 1418 and E 1419. Workshops and competitions for students with many nice prizes to win. The number of participants is limited.

Organizer: School of Engineering

Workshop - Get started with LinkedIn

29 October - 29 October

12:15 - 13:00


<p>Do you want to get started with LinkedIn? Do you want to know how recruiters work with Linkedin for recruiting? How to you build your network? Bring your computer for practical exercises. For beginners. Limited number of participants.</p><p>Tuesday October 29th&nbsp;12.15-1 pm<br />B3008 J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School</p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
29 October - 29 October
12:15 - 13:00



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Workshop - Get started with LinkedIn

Do you want to get started with LinkedIn? Do you want to know how recruiters work with Linkedin for recruiting? How to you build your network? Bring your computer for practical exercises. For beginners. Limited number of participants.

Tuesday October 29th 12.15-1 pm
B3008 Jönköping International Business School

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

MMTC research seminar with Claus Rerup and Joseph Porac

30 October - 30 October

12:00 - 13:00

B6046 and online

<p>MMTC research seminar with Claus Rerup and Joseph Porac</p><p>&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Interorganizational Sensemaking, Updating, and the Emergence of the MS Estonia Ferry Disaster&rdquo;</strong>.</p>
30 October - 30 October
12:00 - 13:00


B6046 and online

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MMTC research seminar with Claus Rerup and Joseph Porac

MMTC research seminar with Claus Rerup and Joseph Porac

 “Interorganizational Sensemaking, Updating, and the Emergence of the MS Estonia Ferry Disaster”.

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Master Programme Fair - JIBS

30 October - 30 October

12:00 - 14:00

<p><em>Master your future! Discover the advantages of a masters&#39; degree at JIBS. Find out more about our programmes, their future career perspectives and what distinguishes JIBS. Connect with current master students, and faculty&nbsp;at the event to get answers to all your questions.</em><br /><br /><em>We warmly welcome you to Master Programme Fair at JIBS 2024!</em></p>
30 October - 30 October
12:00 - 14:00



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Master Programme Fair - JIBS

Master your future! Discover the advantages of a masters' degree at JIBS. Find out more about our programmes, their future career perspectives and what distinguishes JIBS. Connect with current master students, and faculty at the event to get answers to all your questions.

We warmly welcome you to Master Programme Fair at JIBS 2024!

Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

Final seminar - Anna-Maria Petisme

31 October - 31 October



<p><strong>Anna-Marie Petisme</strong>, PhD. Candidate in Business Administration will present her Final Seminar entitled:</p><p><em>Conformity and contradictions &ndash; Exploring return management and sustainability in fashion E-retail through institutional theory</em></p><p><strong>Discussant:</strong> Professor Maria Norb&auml;ck, G&ouml;teborg University</p><p><strong>Principal supervisor:</strong> Professor Tomas M&uuml;llern, JIBS</p><p>Please send a request to Anna-Maria to receive a copy of her manuscript.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>MOST WELCOME TO ATTEND IN ROOM B7030!</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
31 October - 31 October



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Final seminar - Anna-Maria Petisme

Anna-Marie Petisme, PhD. Candidate in Business Administration will present her Final Seminar entitled:

Conformity and contradictions – Exploring return management and sustainability in fashion E-retail through institutional theory

Discussant: Professor Maria Norbäck, Göteborg University

Principal supervisor: Professor Tomas Müllern, JIBS

Please send a request to Anna-Maria to receive a copy of her manuscript.




Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

Nailing ceremony Paula Bergman

1 November - 1 November

10:00 - 10:30

Röda Rummet HHJ

<p>Title of thesis:&nbsp;</p><p>&quot;Health promoting potential of Arts on prescription - Studies of people on sick leave for common mental disorders and/or non-specific musculoskeletal pain&quot;</p><p>Time: 1 November 2024, 10 am</p><p>Place: R&ouml;da Rummet, HHJ</p><p>Welcome to join!</p>
1 November - 1 November
10:00 - 10:30


Röda Rummet HHJ

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Nailing ceremony Paula Bergman

Title of thesis: 

"Health promoting potential of Arts on prescription - Studies of people on sick leave for common mental disorders and/or non-specific musculoskeletal pain"

Time: 1 November 2024, 10 am

Place: Röda Rummet, HHJ

Welcome to join!

Organizer: School of Health and Welfare

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

4 November - 4 November

08:30 - 09:30

6th floor lounge

<p>MMTC breakfast information meeting&nbsp;</p>
4 November - 4 November
08:30 - 09:30


6th floor lounge

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MMTC breakfast information meeting 

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Nailing ceremony - Muhammad Qasim

11 November - 11 November


on the second floor in the entrance hall of JIBS.

<p>The official ceremony during which <strong>Muhammad Qasim </strong>literally nails his doctoral thesis in Statistics to the wall takes place on Monday, 11th of November at 1:15 pm,&nbsp;on the second floor in the entrance hall of JIBS.</p><p>The title of Qasim&rsquo;s thesis is &nbsp;<em>Model averaging and variable selection methods for causal models</em></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Muhammad Qasim will defend his doctoral thesis in Statistics at a public defence on Monday, 2nd of December 2024 at 1.15 pm in B1014 at JIBS.<br />&nbsp;</p>
11 November - 11 November


on the second floor in the entrance hall of JIBS.

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Nailing ceremony - Muhammad Qasim

The official ceremony during which Muhammad Qasim literally nails his doctoral thesis in Statistics to the wall takes place on Monday, 11th of November at 1:15 pm, on the second floor in the entrance hall of JIBS.

The title of Qasim’s thesis is  Model averaging and variable selection methods for causal models


Muhammad Qasim will defend his doctoral thesis in Statistics at a public defence on Monday, 2nd of December 2024 at 1.15 pm in B1014 at JIBS.

Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

Internships in Sweden and abroad - how to get them and where to start

12 November - 12 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>Want to do an&nbsp;internship,&nbsp;even&nbsp;in a foreign country? Get information about different opportunities for professional internships, information about how to find them and how to apply.&nbsp;</p><p>Tuesday November 12th&nbsp;12.15-1 pm&nbsp;<br />B1033, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School&nbsp;</p><p>Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that sign up before Nov 6th.</p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
12 November - 12 November
12:15 - 13:00



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Internships in Sweden and abroad - how to get them and where to start

Want to do an internship, even in a foreign country? Get information about different opportunities for professional internships, information about how to find them and how to apply. 

Tuesday November 12th 12.15-1 pm 
B1033, Jönköping International Business School 

Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that sign up before Nov 6th.

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Job hunting and networking

18 November - 18 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>How to find jobs and how to use and grow your network during your time as a student.</p><p>Monday November 18th&nbsp;12.15- 1 pm</p><p>Hb116, School of Education and Communication</p><p><em>Registered participants will be offered a free lunch. Please sign up before November&nbsp; 12th to be guaranteed lunch.&nbsp;</em></p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
18 November - 18 November
12:15 - 13:00



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Job hunting and networking

How to find jobs and how to use and grow your network during your time as a student.

Monday November 18th 12.15- 1 pm

Hb116, School of Education and Communication

Registered participants will be offered a free lunch. Please sign up before November  12th to be guaranteed lunch. 

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Write a winning job application

19 November - 19 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>Information about CV &amp; Cover letters, do&acute;s and don&acute;ts!&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Tuesday November 19th&nbsp;12.15-1 pm&nbsp;<br />Hb116, School of Education and Communication&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that register before Nov 12th</p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
19 November - 19 November
12:15 - 13:00



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Write a winning job application

Information about CV & Cover letters, do´s and don´ts!  

Tuesday November 19th 12.15-1 pm 
Hb116, School of Education and Communication  

Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that register before Nov 12th

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Nailing the job interview

21 November - 21 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>Information about common interview questions and how you should prepare yourself to land your dream position.<br />Thursday Nov 21st&nbsp;12.15-1 pm</p><p>Hb116, School of Education and Communication&nbsp;</p><p><em>Registered participants will be offered a free lunch. Please sign up before &nbsp;Nov 14th to be guaranteed lunch.</em></p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
21 November - 21 November
12:15 - 13:00



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Nailing the job interview

Information about common interview questions and how you should prepare yourself to land your dream position.
Thursday Nov 21st 12.15-1 pm

Hb116, School of Education and Communication 

Registered participants will be offered a free lunch. Please sign up before  Nov 14th to be guaranteed lunch.

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Seminar with Stephen Billett, Griffith University, Australia - Integrating innovations and learning at work

25 November - 25 November

10:00 - 12:00

Ga934 or Zoom

<p>This presentation draws on two investigations undertaken in small to medium size enterprises in Singapore and how the processes of innovation were initiated, supported, enacted and evaluated, and the reciprocal learning that arose.</p><p><a href="">More info on Stephen &gt;</a></p><p>This seminar will be held in English and is conducted in hybrid form, with the possibility to participate at the School of Health and Welfare, room Ga934, alternatively through the link</p>
25 November - 25 November
10:00 - 12:00


Ga934 or Zoom

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Seminar with Stephen Billett, Griffith University, Australia - Integrating innovations and learning at work

This presentation draws on two investigations undertaken in small to medium size enterprises in Singapore and how the processes of innovation were initiated, supported, enacted and evaluated, and the reciprocal learning that arose.

More info on Stephen >

This seminar will be held in English and is conducted in hybrid form, with the possibility to participate at the School of Health and Welfare, room Ga934, alternatively through the link

Organizer: The Jönköping Academy

Personal branding

26 November - 26 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>The future&nbsp;labor&nbsp;market requires personal branding. How do you do it and why? Andreas Tor&eacute;n, Career Counsellor&nbsp;<br />Tuesday November 26th&nbsp;12-15&nbsp;&ndash; 1&nbsp;pm&nbsp;</p><p>E1029, School of Engineering&nbsp;</p><p>Lunch is offered for pre-registered students&nbsp;that sign up before Nov 21st</p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
26 November - 26 November
12:15 - 13:00



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Personal branding

The future labor market requires personal branding. How do you do it and why? Andreas Torén, Career Counsellor 
Tuesday November 26th 12-15 – 1 pm 

E1029, School of Engineering 

Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that sign up before Nov 21st

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Career Planning

27 November - 27 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>&nbsp;</p><p>Career development and the 4 steps for successful career planning!&nbsp;</p><p>Andreas Tor&eacute;n, Career Counsellor&nbsp;</p><p>Wednesday Nov 27th&nbsp;12.15-1 pm&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>E1405, School of Engineering&nbsp;</p><p>Lunch is offered for pre-registered students&nbsp;that register before Nov21st.</p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
27 November - 27 November
12:15 - 13:00



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Career Planning


Career development and the 4 steps for successful career planning! 

Andreas Torén, Career Counsellor 

Wednesday Nov 27th 12.15-1 pm  

E1405, School of Engineering 

Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that register before Nov21st.

Registration at


Organizer: Career Center

Final seminar - Mattias Sandgren

28 November - 28 November

10:00 - 12:00


<p><strong>Mattias Sandgren</strong> PhD. Candidate in Business Administration will present his Final Seminar entitled:</p><p><em>Financial and non-financial reporting in family firms</em></p><p><strong>Discussant:</strong> Professor Mervi Niskanen, University of Eastern Finland</p><p><strong>Principal supervisor:</strong> Professor Timur Uman, JIBS</p><p>Please send a request to Mattias to receive a copy of his manuscript.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>MOST WELCOME TO ATTEND IN ROOM B7030!</p>
28 November - 28 November
10:00 - 12:00



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Final seminar - Mattias Sandgren

Mattias Sandgren PhD. Candidate in Business Administration will present his Final Seminar entitled:

Financial and non-financial reporting in family firms

Discussant: Professor Mervi Niskanen, University of Eastern Finland

Principal supervisor: Professor Timur Uman, JIBS

Please send a request to Mattias to receive a copy of his manuscript.



Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

2 December - 2 December

08:30 - 09:30

6th floor lounge

<p>MMTC breakfast information meeting&nbsp;</p>
2 December - 2 December
08:30 - 09:30


6th floor lounge

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MMTC breakfast information meeting 

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

MMTC funding lab

2 December - 2 December

09:30 - 12:00

B2009 (The Studio)

<p>MMTC funding lab</p>
2 December - 2 December
09:30 - 12:00


B2009 (The Studio)

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MMTC funding lab

MMTC funding lab

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Dissertation defence - Muhammad Qasim

2 December - 2 December



<p>Welcome to a&nbsp;doctoral defence in Statistics by Muhammad Qasim.</p><p>The title of Qasim&rsquo;s thesis is <em>Model averaging and variable selection methods for causal models</em></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Faculty examiner/opponent:</strong> Professor Syed Ejaz Ahmed, Brock University &nbsp;</p><p><strong>Members of the Examining Committee</strong>: Associate Professor Jenny H&auml;ggstr&ouml;m, Ume&aring; University, Associate Professor Stepen Mazur, &Ouml;rebro University, Associate Professor Jonas Wallin, Lund University.</p><p><strong>Reserve member of the committee</strong>: Associate Professor Andreas Schneider, JIBS, JIBS</p><p><strong>Chairperson at the defence</strong>: Associate Professor Johannes Hagen, JIBS</p><p><strong>Principal supervisor:</strong> Professor Kristofer M&aring;nsson, JIBS<br /><strong>Deputy supervisors:</strong> Professor P&auml;r Sj&ouml;lander, JIBS, Assistant professor Toni Duras, JIBS, and Professor B.M Golan Kibria, Florida International University</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>MOST WELCOME TO ATTEND IN ROOM B1014!</p>
2 December - 2 December



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Dissertation defence - Muhammad Qasim

Welcome to a doctoral defence in Statistics by Muhammad Qasim.

The title of Qasim’s thesis is Model averaging and variable selection methods for causal models


Faculty examiner/opponent: Professor Syed Ejaz Ahmed, Brock University  

Members of the Examining Committee: Associate Professor Jenny Häggström, Umeå University, Associate Professor Stepen Mazur, Örebro University, Associate Professor Jonas Wallin, Lund University.

Reserve member of the committee: Associate Professor Andreas Schneider, JIBS, JIBS

Chairperson at the defence: Associate Professor Johannes Hagen, JIBS

Principal supervisor: Professor Kristofer Månsson, JIBS
Deputy supervisors: Professor Pär Sjölander, JIBS, Assistant professor Toni Duras, JIBS, and Professor B.M Golan Kibria, Florida International University



Organizer: Jönköping International Business School

MMTC / Data Methods Initiative Seminar presented by Jukka Huhtamäki

4 December - 4 December

13:15 - 14:45


<p>Jukka Huhtam&auml;ki: Developing computational methodology for digital trace data.&nbsp;</p><p>Jukka is a Senior Research Fellow at the Unit of Information and Knowledge Management at the Faculty of Business and Management at Tampere University. He is a computational method specialist who has joined investigations on the dynamics of large-scale business ecosystems, the aftermath of terror attacks in hybrid media, and professional social matching. Over the last few years, he has focused on developing a methodology for using digital trace data to investigate and theorize the role of communicative AIs in organizing on digital platforms.<br /><br />The talk will discuss computational methodology for inductively structuring digital trace data for insights on communicative organizing, using the case organizational routines on Slack.</p>
4 December - 4 December
13:15 - 14:45



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MMTC / Data Methods Initiative Seminar presented by Jukka Huhtamäki

Jukka Huhtamäki: Developing computational methodology for digital trace data. 

Jukka is a Senior Research Fellow at the Unit of Information and Knowledge Management at the Faculty of Business and Management at Tampere University. He is a computational method specialist who has joined investigations on the dynamics of large-scale business ecosystems, the aftermath of terror attacks in hybrid media, and professional social matching. Over the last few years, he has focused on developing a methodology for using digital trace data to investigate and theorize the role of communicative AIs in organizing on digital platforms.

The talk will discuss computational methodology for inductively structuring digital trace data for insights on communicative organizing, using the case organizational routines on Slack.

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

MMTC External Enablement Workshop 3

9 December - 10 December

12:00 - 20:00

Jönköping International Business School

<p>MMTC External Enablement Workshop 3</p><p>Details to come</p><p></p>
9 December - 10 December
12:00 - 20:00


Jönköping International Business School

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MMTC External Enablement Workshop 3

MMTC External Enablement Workshop 3

Details to come

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre