Accommodation & General Information
Rooms at special rates for conference participants are available at John Bauer Hotel External link, opens in new window. - when making a reservation, please use G634752 reference code.
The code is valid for limited amount of:
- single rooms (7-10 April)
- double rooms (7-11 April)
City Taxi in Jönköping
Phone number: 036-34 40 00
Taxi Kurir Jönköping
Phone number: 036-12 12 12
Jönköping University
Jönköping University is located in the centre of Jönköping, within walking distance of the beach and close to the countryside. Please click here for travel details and a campus map.
Visiting Sweden
Airlines have cut their prices and introduced new classes of travel to meet the competition - and have made it possible to travel to Sweden much easier from all corners of the globe and for less money than ever.
A valid passport entitles EU and North American citizens to a three-month stay in Sweden. Citizens of other countries should check with a Swedish diplomatic representative in their home country.
The unit of currency in Sweden is SEK.
The normal electric current in Sweden is 220 volts AC in 50 cycles, and plugs and sockets may differ from those in other parts of the world, so travellers should bring adapters or transformers for electrical appliances such as hairdryers and shavers.
Some hotels and shops in larger cities can supply adapters.
Electronic equipment
Laptop computers that are made to work on both 110 and 220 volts can be used in Sweden with an adapter.
For laptop computers working on 110 volts only, transformers are also necessary.
Phone, post & internet service
Post offices are nowadays a service integrated in various shops; grocery stores, kiosks, gasstations etc. The opening hours therefore differ according to the specific store. Generally the post offices are open during normal shopping hours, but local variations may apply. Look for the blue postal sign.
Letters and postcards of up to 20 grams cost SEK 6 within Sweden and SEK 12 internationally.
Stamps are available for sale at post offices, most newsstands and supermarkets with postal service.
There are two different types of mailboxes. The blue box is for local deliveries only, and the yellow box for national and international deliveries.
When calling Sweden from abroad please dial + 46 followed by the area code (omitting the initial zero) and the number required.
When calling abroad from Sweden: dial 00 plus the country code, followed by the area code and phone number.
Banking hours
Monday-Friday 10.00 am – 3.00 pm
Thursday 10.00 am – 4.00/5.30 pm
In some cities banks may stay open until 6 pm. All banks are closed at weekends and on public holidays. Banks at airports, ports and main railway stations are generally open longer.
Credit card
Major credit cards are widely accepted throughout Sweden (some restriction may apply to American Express). Please note! In order to pay or withdraw cash with your credit card it requires that you have a card with chip and PIN (Personal Identification Number). The older magnetic-stripe cards won’t work.
You can get cash with your Visa, MasterCard, Maestro or Cirrus card at any “Bankomat” or “Uttagsautomat” ATM.
Shopping hours
Monday-Friday 9.30 am - 6 pm
Saturday 9.30 am - 2/4 pm
In larger towns, department stores remain open until 7.00 pm or longer. Some are also open on Sundays between approx. 12 noon and 4.00 pm. Shops generally close early the day before a public holiday.
All information below is taken from
Visit the website for more general information about Sweden.
Food and Drink
Tap water in Sweden is drinkable and of excellent quality. We recommend that you bring a refillable waterbottle to use during the duration of the conference.
If you want to eat good food with high quality, Jönköping have plenty of restaurants to offer. The restaurants below have been recommended in White Guide, a restaurant guide with the best restaurants, bars and cafes in Sweden.
Among the 800 restaurants that are mentioned in White Guide, some are located in Jönköping. Some of the restaurants mentioned are:
N.E.O — This is a restaurant, a bar, a bistro and a venue with lake view and good atmosphere. The food is inspired by the mediterranean cuisine. The menu offers everything from Italian confit to Spanish appetizers.
Sjön — Tommy Myllymäki, award-winning chef living in Jönköping, operates this unique restaurant, which is set just off the shore of Vättern, with a beautiful lake view.
Restaurang Hemma — This intimate restaurant, located in central Jönköping, offers lunch, after work and evening serving in a homely environment.
Restaurang Spira — In the arts center of Jönköping, Spira, this restaurant is located. Tommy Myllymäki, creative director of the menu, describes the food as follows: "It should taste Sweden and Småland. All created with a lot of love and joy".
Småländska Kolonin — This restaurant is in one of Jönköping's most historic buildings. This is a place for meetings between different kinds of people and impressions but above all for tasty food and drink.
Visit for more general information about Jönköping.
Map of Jönköping