12th to 16th of May 2025

Organized by the Department of Material and Manufacturing at School of Engineering, Jönköping University, Sweden.

Cast Iron is one of the most important materials in human life and has helped to build today's civilization. From the beginning, the knowledge of iron casting was considered superhuman, during the darker periods of history was considered witchcraft then passed it to prestigious handcraft. As basic knowledge of mathematics and physics were developed, the electricity was invented, the use of light- and later the electron microscope was introduced, the technology of iron casting has evolved into a modern science where today’s casting is first produced by virtual simulation to test how it fits into future needs.

New investigation techniques and the increased use of computer simulation necessitate continuously revision of the knowledge’s. A course on metallurgy, solidification and modeling of different cast iron types is offered with the scope to review the latest developments. The course will focus on both classic fundamental theories and newly developed models based on modern investigation and control methods.

Who should attend?

The course is recommended for PhD students, researchers, engineers, technicians, quality and laboratory personal, product developers and designers who want to refresh and update their knowledge about cast iron.

Attending participants are welcome to bring questions to be answered during the course. Samples with casting defects or other anomalies are also welcome to be sent to the course organizer. This will be prepared, color etched and discussed either during the panel discussion or separately.

PhD students can be examined according to the rules of the Research School at the School of Engineering at Jönköping University. Separate diploma for participation and for successful examination will be issued.