Andrea Atterström

Doctoral Student in Education (Special Education)
Doctoral Programmes , School of Education and Communication


Malmqvist, J., Atterström, A., Swärd, A. (2024). But was it Trustworthy? Methodological Experiences From a Study of a Hard-to-Reach Group of Students in Need of a Flexible Research Approach International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 23. More information
Atterström, A., Malmqvist, J., Anderberg, E., Swärd, A. (2023). Experiences about Reading and Writing Development Narrated by Students with Severe Speech and Physical Impairment International journal of disability, development and education, 70(6), 1101-1119. More information

Book chapter

Atterström, L., Atterström, A. (2020). Jag hör inte hemma i någon annan värld. In: A.-K. Swärd, S. Fischbein & M. Reichenberg (Ed.), Positiv specialpedagogik: Teorier och tillämpningar (pp. 119 -136). Lund: Studentlitteratur AB More information