Annika Wappelhorst

Doctoral Student in Media and Communications
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Doctoral Programmes , School of Education and Communication



Annika is a PhD student in Media and Communication Science at the School of Education and Communication (HLK).

In her research project, she focuses on bicycle activism in Germany and Sweden. Her research interests revolve around environmental communication & sociology, activism, urban mobility, postcolonialism, human-animal relationships, cross-national analyses and social justice.


Annika holds a double bachelor’s degree (B.A./License) in media and communication science from Bauhaus-Universität Weimar in Germany and Université Lumière Lyon 2 in France.

She also has a Master of Social Science (M.A. equivalent) in Sustainable Communication from Jönköping University. At the University of Jena in Germany, she completed one year in the M.A. in Sociology focused on societal transformation and sustainability before starting her PhD.

Annika was a lecturer in several courses at HLK and a scientific assistant in the EU-funded research project 'KIDS4ALLL' that creates inclusive learning strategies and material for children and teenagers. Furthermore, she worked and interned as an online editor in a startup incubator, an NGO and a PR agency.

Conference paper

Wappelhorst, A. (2024). Revisiting Colonialism: Decolonial and Postcolonial City Walking Tours as Political Education for Inclusive Cities. The Common City Conference, 11-13 September 2024, Uppsala, Sweden. More information
Wappelhorst, A., Sartoretto, P., Till, A. (2024). One bicycle at a time – An autoethnography of the communicative potential of spatial practices. The 16th NESS – Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference, 4-6 June 2024, Turku, Finland. More information
Wappelhorst, A. (2022). Forging New Narratives, Step by Step: Postcolonial and Decolonial City Walking Tours in Germany. Preconference of the International Association for Media and Communication Research (IAMCR), "A World of Narratives", 9-10 July 2022, Xi’an Jiaotong - Liverpool University, Suzhou (China). More information
Wappelhorst, A. (2022). In the Net: Marine Conservation Communication and Biocentrism in the Campaign "Operation Dolphin Bycatch". International Communication Association 72nd Conference, 26-30 May 2022 in Paris. More information

Blog Post

Other publications

Wappelhorst, A. (2024). What do cycling researchers do? [blog post]. More information
Wappelhorst, A. (2024). Who feels unheard in a car-centric world? Insights into forced (non)driving [blog post]. More information