Paula Bergman

Doctoral Student
Research School of Health and Welfare , School of Health and Welfare


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Paula Bergman is a PhD student in Welfare and Social Sciences at the School of Health and Welfare. In her doctoral project, she studies the effects and sustainability of a new rehabilitation program based on participation in creative arts activities, called Creative Arts Rehabilitation (C.A.R.)

C.A.R. is offered by referral from primary care to people on sick leave due to commom mental disorders (CMD) and / or musculoskeletal pain.

The overall aim of the dissertation is to study whether C.A.R. can contribute to increased well-being, reduced sick leave and increased return to work for individuals in the target group.

The dissertation comprises studies using both qualitative and quantitative methods.

Paula works as a Public Health Developer in Jönköping County and holds a master's degree in public health science.


Andresson, I., Björkdahl, A., Fristedt, S., Bergman, P., Filipowicz, K., Johansson, I., Santos Tavares Silva, I. (2024). Dance for Parkinson, multifaceted experiences of persons living with Parkinson's Disease Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 31(1). More information
Bergman, P., Rusaw, D., Bülow, P., Skillmark, M., Jansson, I. (2023). Effects of arts on prescription for persons with common mental disorders and/or musculoskeletal pain: A controlled study with 12 months follow-up Cogent Public Health, 10(1). More information
Bergman, P., Jansson, I., Bülow, P. (2021). ‘No one forced anybody to do anything – and yet everybody painted’: Experiences of Arts on Referral, a focus group study Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health, 3(1-2), 9-20. More information
Elmqvist, C., Lindahl, J., Bergman, P., Ekeberg, B., Svensson, I. (2019). Benefits of a slideshow with nature pictures and music in the emergency department waiting room - a pilot study European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare, 7(2). More information
Carlsson, N., Kullberg, A., Johansson, I., Bergman, P., Skagerström, J., Andersson, A. (2018). Exploring experiences among adopters during the diffusion of a novel dance intervention in Sweden International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 13(1). More information


Johansson, A., Bergman, P., Timén, E. (2022). Möten med minnen: Ett samverkansprojekt mellan Jönköpings läns Hembygdsförbund, Region Jönköpings län och Hälsohögskolan, Jönköping University. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare More information