Yvonne Johansson


Johansson, Y., Gillsjö, C., Kenne Sarenmalm, E. (2021). Symptoms and Well-Being in Older Hospitalized Patients with Cognitive Impairment, As Self-Reported and Reported in Patient Records: A Quantitative Exploratory Subgroup Analysis Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders Extra, 11(2), 71-77. More information
Johansson, Y., Tsevis, T., Nasic, S., Gillsjö, C., Johansson, L., Bogdanovic, N., Kenne Sarenmalm, E. (2021). Diagnostic accuracy and clinical applicability of the Swedish version of the 4AT assessment test for delirium detection, in a mixed patient population and setting BMC Geriatrics, 21(568). More information
Johansson, Y., Tsevis, T., Bogdanovic, N., Kenne Sarenmalm, E. (2018). Delirium bör bedömas enhetligt och strukturerat i vården Läkartidningen. More information
Johansson, Y., Ericsson, I., Bergh, I., Kenne Sarenmalm, E. (2018). Delirium in older hospitalized patients—signs and actions: a retrospective patient record review BMC Geriatrics, 18, 1-11. More information

Doctoral thesis

Johansson, Y. (2022). Delirium hos äldre patienter som vårdas på sjukhus: identifiering av symtom, tecken och riskfaktorer samt journalförda vårdåtgärder (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Health and Welfare). More information

Conference paper

Johansson, Y., Böl, I., Kenne Sarenmalm, E. (2018). Core values - A strategy to achieve person-centered care. 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON HEALTH PROMOTING HOSPITALS AND HEALTH SERVICES. Health promotion strategies to achieve reorientation of health services: evidence-based policies and practices. Bologna, Italy | June 6-8, 2018. More information
Johansson, Y., Tsevis, T., Bogdanovic, N., Kenne Sarenmalm, E. (2018). Assessment of cognitive function and delirium - Lack of clinical routines. The 13th annual meeting of the European Delirium Association 2018, Utrecht The Netherlands 1-2 nov 2018. More information
Johansson, Y., Kenne Sarenmalm, E., Böl, I. (2017). Hospital transition to person-centered care - a culture journey in practice. 30th World Congress on Advanced Nursing Practice September 04-06, 2017 | Edinburgh, Scotland. More information
Johansson, Y., Borg, C., Lundmark, R., Nils-Olof, O., Kenne Sarenmalm, E. (2016). När inträffar undvikbara och icke undvikbara skador?: Journalgranskning med Markörbaserad Journalgranskning. Nationella patientsäkerhetskonferensen 2016. More information

Other publications

Johansson, Y., Gillsjö, C., Tsevis, T., Nasic, S., Bogdanovic, N., Johansson, L., Kenne Sarenmalm, E. . Risk factors associated with delirium among older hospitalized patients, with focus on frailty and co-morbidity. More information