Jens Alvén Sjöberg

Doctoral Student in Media and Communications
Department of Communication and Behavioral Sciences , School of Education and Communication
Doctoral Programmes , School of Education and Communication


+46 73-910 08 14
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Research groups



Jens Alvén Sjöbergs' (former Sjöberg) research is within public organizations and strategic communication. His research focuses on social media, safety, trust, participatory processes, and Critical Making. The concept of Critical Making focuses on (in short) the gap between technology and society, and here, communication and interaction are crucial factors in the work process/es.

Jens' dissertation examines the Swedish Police's social media communication for creating safety. The research project involves employees within the police authority and the public. The dissertation aims to increase knowledge and understanding surrounding Swedish Police social (partly digital) communications that focus on creating safety (sense of safety). The Agenda 2030 is also included as an umbrella in the research project.

Supervisors of the dissertation are Professor Renira Rampazzo Gambarato (main supervisor) and Associate Professor Cecilia Cassinger (co-supervisor). 

You can find the media attention on the Swedish site about Jens research.


Jens graduated from the Master's program in Strategic Media Development at Malmö University in 2016. He has always been interested in media communication and learning. Furthermore, Jens has many years of experience as a university lecturer from Malmö University and Blekinge Institute of Technology in media production, media technology, and visual communication. He has also worked with several different TV productions from Swedish public service television company (SVT) Malmö and media productions in graphic design and visual communication for various companies and organizations in southern Sweden.


Jens teaches the bachelor's program in media and communication science as a lecturer, supervisor, and examiner in the courses:

  • Thesis in Media and Communication Science I, 7.5 credits.
  • Bachelor Thesis in Media and Communication Science, 15 credits.
  • Communication and Organisation, 7.5 credits.
  • The Communicative Foundations of Organisations, 7.5 credits

Other missions at JU

Jens was involved in setting up the School of Education and Communication's own doctoral organization in 2020 and sat as one of two representatives between 2020-01-01 and 2022-08-31.

Beside that, he is also one of the co-founders of HLK's doctoral student podcast: 


Sjöberg, J., Berglez, P., Gambarato, R. (2023). “Malmö is not Sweden's Chicago”: Policing and the challenge of creating a sense of safety through social media strategies Nordicom Review, 44(1), 44-64. More information
Sjöberg, J., Cassinger, C., Gambarato, R. (2023). Communicating a sense of safety: the public experience of Swedish Police Instagram communication Journal of Communication Management. More information

Conference paper

Alvén Sjöberg, J. (2024). Frictions of public sector organizations’ strategic communication: A study about the Swedish Police’s social media use for public safety. Jönköping: Media and Communication at HLK, Jönköping University, MEDIA FRICTIONS INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM 2ND - 3RD MAY 2024 | JÖNKÖPING UNIVERSITY. More information
Alvén Sjöberg, J. (2024). Frictions Of Public Sector Organizations’ Strategic Communication: A study about the Swedish Police’s social media use for public safety. Ljubljana: ECREA, 10th European Communication Conference - ECREA 2024 Communication & Social (Dis)order, 24–27 September 2024 Slovenia. More information
Sjöberg, J. (2023). “How Do We Communicate a Sense of Safety?”: A Study to Enhance the Swedish Police Social Media Communication to Create a Sense of Safety in the Public Sphere. Tallinn: Juri Lotman Semiotics Repository, Tallinn University The School of Humanities, Tallinn University, Estonian Semiotics Association, Tallinn University, Fear in Culture and Culture of Fear, the 13th Annual Lotman Conference at Tallinn University, June 15-17, 2023. More information
Reinikainen, H., Sjöberg, J. (2023). Personal or professional?: An exploratory analysis of Finnish and Swedish police officers on social media. Bergen: Nordicom, NordMedia23, August 16 - 18, 2023.. More information
Sjöberg, J. (2023). Participatory Processes to Make Sense of Communicating Public Safety via Social Media. Toronto, Canada: International Communication Association, International Communication Association (ICA) Preconference by the Organizational Communication Division. More information
Sjöberg, J. (2023). “How do we communicate a sense of safety?”: Participatory processes to enhance the Swedish Police's social media communication regarding creating a sense of safety in the public sphere. Bergen: Nordicom, NordMedia23, August 16 - 18, 2023.. More information
Alvén Sjöberg, J. (2023). Communicating a sense of public safety: The case of the Swedish Police Authority’s strategic social media communication. Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication, Lärande och kommunikations doktorandsymposium 2023, 14 december 2023. More information
Alvén Sjöberg, J. (2023). Publics experience of the Swedish Police Instagram regarding a sense of safety. Lund: Department of Communication and Media, Lund University, CFP Media Imaginaries, a Marcus Wallenberg International Symposium, 16th March 2023, Lund University, Sweden. More information
Sjöberg, J. (2022). Swedish Police Employees Reflect on the Swedish Police Authority’s Use of Social Media to Raise Trust and Safety in Society. Lund: Department of Communication and Media, Lund University, MEDIA BREAKDOWN AND RECOVERY | INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM | 16TH MARCH 2022 | LUND UNIVERSITY. More information
Sjöberg, J., Stjerna Doohan, I. (2021). Swedish police students' perspective on the Swedish Police Authority's use of digital media and its role in creating the sense of safety for the public. 8th Nordic Police Research Conference, 14-16 June, 2021. More information
Sjöberg, J. (2021). How Swedish Police Authority Communicate on Social Media to Create the Sense of Safety to the Public. Reykjavik: NordMedia Network, NordMedia2021, 18–20 August 2021.. More information
Sjöberg, J. (2021). Co-Creation Processes, a Way to Develop how the Swedish Police Communicate Safety to the Swedish Society. Braga: ECREA, 8th ECREA European Communication Conference, 6-9 September 2021. More information

Blog Post

Other publications

Sjöberg, J., Blom, K., Rostedt, J. (2023). Balans mellan undervisning och forskning + besök av prof. Tobias Samuelsson! Doktorandpodd@HLK: Avsnitt 15 av HLKs doktorandpodd [podcast]. Jönköping: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikations doktorandorganisation, Jönköping University More information
Sjöberg, J., Blom, K., Rostedt, J. (2023). Nyfiken på MKV-doktoranden Annika W!: Avsnitt 17 av HLKs doktorandpodd [podcast]. Jönköping: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikations doktorandorganisation, Jönköping University More information
Sjöberg, J., Blom, K., Rostedt, J. (2023). Vad är det här om HLKs doktorandsymposium och ska Jens bli pappa?: Avsnitt 18 av HLKs doktorandpodd [podcast]. Jönköping: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikations doktorandorganisation, Jönköping University More information
Sjöberg, J., Blom, K., Rostedt, J. (2023). Vara på konferens om rädsla och vad gör andra doktorander?: Avsnitt 16 av HLKs doktorandpodd [podcast]. Jönköping: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikations doktorandorganisation, Jönköping University More information
Sjöberg, J. (2022). POLISER PÅ SOCIALA MEDIER. Jönköping: Kommunikationsdagen JKPG (JU) More information
Sjöberg, J., Blom, K., Rostedt, J. (2022). HLK:s doktorandpodd 2022: En doktorandpodd av doktorander vid Högskolan för Lärande och Kommunikation, Jönköping University [podcast]. Jönköping: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikations doktorandorganisation, Jönköping University More information
Sjöberg, J., Blom, K., Rostedt, J. (2021). HLK:s doktorandpodd 2021: En doktorandpodd av doktorander från Högskolan för Lärande och Kommunikation vid Jönköping University [podcast]. Jönköping: Högskolan för lärande och kommunikations doktorandorganisation, Jönköping University More information
Sjöberg, J., Blom, K., Rostedt, J. (2020). HLK:s doktorandpodd 2020: En doktorandpodd av doktorander vid Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation vid Jönköping University [podcast]. Jönköping: Jönköping University, Högskolan för lärande och kommunikation More information

Conference proceedings (editor)

Blom, K., Rostedt, J., Alvén Sjöberg, J. (Eds.). (2023). Lärande och kommunikations doktorandsymposium 2023: Abstrakt bok. , Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication More information