Mikael Skillmark

Senior Lecturer Social Work
Department of Social work , School of Health and Welfare


Thulin, J., Landberg, Å., Skillmark, M. (2024). Juggling conflicting demands when using a new intervention to combat child physical abuse in the Swedish child welfare services Nordic Social Work Research. More information
Östlund, L., Sandberg, J., Skillmark, M., Ernsth-Bravell, M., Johansson, L. (2024). A Swedish study about how staff reason and act when they suspect domestic abuse perpetrated by relatives of persons with dementia European Journal of Social Work, 27(2), 387-400. More information
Agevall Gross, L., Thulin, J., Denvall, V., Kjellgren, C., Skillmark, M. (2024). The sounds of silence: Making sense of the absence of domestic violence victims help seeking during the COVID-19 pandemic Violence against Women. More information
Bergman, P., Jansson, I., Bülow, P., Rusaw, D., Skillmark, M., Eriksson, O. (2024). Arts on prescription’s influence on sense of coherence: A one-year follow up controlled study with people having mental health problems Nordic Journal of Arts, Culture and Health, 6(2), 1-19. More information
Bergman, P., Rusaw, D., Bülow, P., Skillmark, M., Jansson, I. (2023). Effects of arts on prescription for persons with common mental disorders and/or musculoskeletal pain: A controlled study with 12 months follow-up Cogent Public Health, 10(1). More information
Skillmark, M., Denvall, V., Kjellgren, C., Thulin, J., Agevall-Gross, L. (2023). Balancing in the pandemic: how social workers respond to new risks when supporting clients who experience domestic violenceBalansera i pandemin [Socialarbetares responser på nya risker när stöd ges till klienter som upplever våld i nära relation] European Journal of Social Work, 26(5), 935-947. More information
Denvall, V., Skillmark, M. (2021). Bridge over Troubled Water—Closing the Research–Practice Gap in Social Work. More information
Denvall, V., Agevall Gross, L., Kjellgren, C., Skillmark, M. (2021). Lost in comparison: a program theory analysis of performance measurement in social work Nordic Social Work Research, 11(3), 249-263. More information
Börjesson, U., Skillmark, M., Bülow, P., Bülow, P., Vejklint, M., Wilińska, M. (2021). “It’s about Living Like Everyone Else”: Dichotomies of Housing Support in Swedish Mental Health Care Social Inclusion, 9(3), 276-285. More information
Skillmark, M., Oscarsson, L. (2020). Applying standardisation tools in social work practice from the perspectives of social workers, managers, and politicians: a Swedish case study European Journal of Social Work, 23(2), 265-276. More information
Skillmark, M., Kullberg, C. (2020). The significance of context and victim–offender relationship for Swedish social workers’ understandings of young men’s violent victimization International Review of Victimology, 26(3), 295-313. More information
Skillmark, M., Agevall Gross, L., Kjellgren, C., Denvall, V. (2019). The pursuit of standardization in domestic violence social work: A multiple case study of how the idea of using risk assessment tools is manifested and processed in the Swedish social services Qualitative Social Work, 18(3), 458-474. More information
Skillmark, M., Denvall, V. (2018). The standardizers: social workers' role when implementing assessment tools in the Swedish social services Nordic Social Work Research, 8(1), 88-99. More information
Kullberg, C., Skillmark, M. (2017). Reluctant Help-Seekers and Agentic Victims: Swedish Social Workers’ Talk about Young Men Victimised by Violence Practice, 29(4), 259-277. More information
Kullberg, C., Skillmark, M. (2017). The significance of position for Swedish social workers’ understanding of young men’s victimization of violence Nordic Social Work Research, 7(1), 54-66. More information
Skillmark, M. (2017). Riskbedömningens logiker i arbetet med mäns våld mot kvinnor Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 24(3/4), 201-218. More information
Arnesson, K., Börjeson, M., Denvall, V., Johansson, K., Skillmark, M., Wallinder, M. (2016). Socialtjänstens kris kräver lösningar Stockholm: Hb Svenska Dagbladets AB . More information
Agevall Gross, L., Denvall, V., Kjellgren, C., Skillmark, M. (2015). Brottsoffer i indikatorland: Öppna jämförelser inom socialtjänstens brottsofferstödjande arbete Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 22(3-4), 341-358. More information


Kullberg, C., Herz, M., Fäldt, J., Wallroth, V., Skillmark, M. (2012). Genus i socialt arbete. Malmö: Liber More information

Doctoral thesis

Skillmark, M. (2018). Uppdrag standardisering: införande och användning av manualbaserade utrednings- och bedömningsverktyg i socialtjänsten (Doctoral thesis). Linnaeus University Press More information

Book chapter

Skillmark, M. (2023). Standardisering inom människobehandlande organisationer. In: S. Johannson, P. Dellgran & S. Höjer (Ed.), Människobehandlande organisationer: Villkor för ledning, styrning och professionellt välfärdsarbete (pp. 275 -293). Stockholm: Natur och kultur More information
Skillmark, M., Kullberg, C. (2022). Att stödja våldsutsatta män och kvinnor: former, omfattning och innehåll. In: Mikael Skillmark & Christian Kullberg (Ed.), Att möta våldsutsatta män: förståelse, bedömningar och hjälpinsatser (pp. 101 -126). More information
Kullberg, C., Skillmark, M. (2022). Män som våldsoffer – en introduktion. In: Mikael Skillmark & Christian Kullberg (Ed.), Att möta våldsutsatta män: förståelse, bedömningar och hjälpinsatser (pp. 13 -44). More information
Skillmark, M., Kullberg, C. (2022). Konstruktioner av genus, våld och hjälpbehov. In: Mikael Skillmark & Christian Kullberg (Ed.), Att möta våldsutsatta män: förståelse, bedömningar och hjälpinsatser (pp. 151 -178). More information
Skillmark, M. (2021). Att bedöma risk för våld i socialtjänsten – mellan standardiserade bedömningar och individuella behov. In: L. Moser Hällen (Ed.), Intersektionella perspektiv på våld i nära relationer (pp. 217 -226). Stockholm: Liber More information

Conference paper

Skillmark, M., Denvall, V., Thulin, J., Kjellgren, C., Agevall-Gross, L. (2023). Balancing in the pandemic – how social workers respond to new risks when supporting clients who experience domestic violence. 5th European Conference on Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence and Precarity, 11-13 September 2023, Reykjavík, Iceland. More information
Thulin, J., Agevall-Gross, L., Kjellgren, C., Denvall, V., Skillmark, M. (2023). How did people engaged at woman’s shelters respond to the new times of uncertainty when supporting clients during the pandemic?. 5th European Conference on Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence and Precarity, 11-13 September 2023, Reykjavík, Iceland. More information
Kjellgren, C., Agevall-Gross, L., Thulin, J., Skillmark, M., Denvall, V. (2023). How did women exposed to domestic violence experience support provided by social work and woman's shelters during the pandemic?. 5th European Conference on Domestic Violence, Domestic Violence and Precarity, 11-13 September 2023, Reykjavík, Iceland. More information
Skillmark, M. (2018). Strävan efter standardisering i socialtjänstens arbete med våld i nära relationer. Om etablering av riskbedömningspraktiker, deras innehåll och (in)stabilitet. Brottsoffermyndighetens viktimologiska forskarkonferens, 20 november 2018, Stockholm. More information
Agevall Gross, L., Denvall, V., Skillmark, M. (2017). Fighting men`s violence against woman in the age of evidence and NPM. 7TH EUROPEAN CONFERENCE FOR SOCIAL WORK RESEARCH Challenges in social work research – conflicts, barriers and possibilities in relation to social work. More information
Skillmark, M., Denvall, V. (2016). When research moves in: the diffusion of evidence-based practice in Swedish social work. 6th European Conference for Social Work Research (ECSWR) Lisbon, Portugal, Thursday 31 March 2016, Catholic University of Portugal. More information
Skillmark, M., Kullberg, C. (2015). Swedish social workers understandings of the significance of position, context and relationship for young men’s victimization of violence: Resisting gender stereotypes?. European Conference on Domestic Violence, Queen’s University Belfast, Ireland, 6th-9th September, 2015. More information
Agevall Gross, L., Skillmark, M. (2015). Brottsoffer i indikatorland: en analys av programidén och implementeringen av Öppna jämförelser inom brottsofferområdet. Brottsoffermyndighetens viktimologiska forskarkonferens, 10 november 2015, Stockholm. More information
Kullberg, C., Skillmark, M. (2014). Betydelsen av position, sammanhang och relation för svenska socialarbetares förståelse för unga män som utsatts för våld.. Brottsoffermyndighetens viktimologiska forskarkonferens den 7 november 2014. More information
Skillmark, M., Kullberg, C., Fäldt, J. (2011). Balancing on the continuum between perpetrator and victim: Social workers understandings of men as victims of violence. Joint Nordic Conference on Welfare and professionalism in Turbulent Times, Reykjavik, 11-13 augusti 2011. More information


(2022). Att möta våldsutsatta män: förståelse, bedömningar och hjälpinsatser. More information


Kullberg, C., Skillmark, M., Nord, C., Pers, A., Fäldt, J. (2015). Förståelse, bedömningar och hjälpinsatser: Socialarbetares arbete med män som våldsoffer. Falun: Högskolan Dalarna More information