Full project title:

Communities, technologies, and territories - new sociotechnical articulations and paths for popular participation in urban life

Throughout the 20th century, cities became the core of social life and citizenship. However, rapid urbanization, and commercialization of urban space, led to inequality, violence, and environmental problems. In response, many propose digitalization—often framed as the "smart city"—as a solution to urban challenges. Yet, this concept is shaped by corporate interests, downplaying the social and political dynamics of urban life. Particularly in the Global South, valuable popular knowledge and ancestral technologies risk being erased by technocentric narratives. This project aims to understand spatial justice and urban sustainability beyond digitalization, emphasizing collective action in the territories as key to addressing climate and urban issues. Research actions include participatory and collaborative mapping of initiatives and practices centered on communication for local political participation and urban sustainability among marginalized communities in Rio de Janeiro and Bahia, as well as public workshops and an international symposium focused on communication and spatial justice.

Project duration: Feb. 1, 2025 - Jan. 31, 2027

Funder: National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Brazil

Project leader: Professor Raquel Paiva de Araújo Soares (UFRJ)

Project participants: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Federal University of South Bahia (UFSB), HLK-JU (Paola Sartoretto)

International partners: Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Federal University of South Bahia (UFSB)


Keywords: urbanization, digitalization, collective action, citizenship