For those who apply through, application period: Application is closed

Ranked among top 100 European Business School Rankings by Financial Times.
Not eligible? Enter our Pathway Programme
Facts and requirements
Here you can find the corresponding requirements for most countries.
Total tuition fee: 345000 SEK
Tuition fees do NOT apply for EU/EEA citizens or exchange students
Year 1
Autumn 2025
Communication in a Cross-Cultural Context, 7.5 credits
Basic Financial Accounting, 7.5 credits
Principles of Project Management, 7.5 credits
Foundations of Marketing, 7.5 credits
Spring 2026
Organizing and Leading in a Sustainable World, 7.5 credits
Purchasing and Sales, 7.5 credits
Marketing Communication, 7.5 credits
Supply Chain Management, 7.5 credits
Year 2
Autumn 2026
Business Statistics 1, 7.5 credits
Business Digitalization, 7.5 credits
Customer-centric Marketing in New Ventures, 7.5 credits
Microeconomic Principles, 7.5 credits
Spring 2027
Corporate Finance 1, 7.5 credits
International Marketing, 7.5 credits
Responsible Enterprise, 7.5 credits
Research Methods: Design, Implementation and Analysis, 7.5 credits
Year 3
Autumn 2027
Optional credits , 30 credits
Spring 2028
Brand Management, 7.5 credits
International Marketing Law and Consumer Protection, 7.5 credits
Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15 credits
Business to Business Marketing, 7.5 credits
Business Statistics 2, 7.5 credits
Leadership, 7.5 credits
Service Management and Marketing, 7.5 credits
In this programme you have the possibility to do a 10-week internship during your elective semester if you don’t choose to study abroad at one of our partner universities. This internship can be done anywhere in the world and is a great opportunity to see how you can apply economic theories and tools to real-life problems.
Study abroad
The fifth semester offers plenty of options to specify. Either by studying abroad at one of JIBS' recommended partner schools, or by taking elective courses of your choice at JIBS, which also allows you to do an internship in another country.
The Marketing Management Programme also includes an opportunity to apply for a double degree exchange with IQS Business School (Spain).
After graduation
After completing your programme, you will be well prepared to tackle a range of positions related to marketing in local as well as international businesses.
The programme will prepare you for positions such as project leader, marketing assistant, communication planner, marketing coordinator, business developer, product manager, brand manager, salesperson, account manager/key account manager/service manager, after-sales, or export manager.
With your degree, you can apply to both Swedish and international master's programmes. Please note that master's programmes may have different entry requirements.
A bachelor's degree in business administration fulfils the prerequisites for further studies at the master's level. Here at Jönköping University, you can continue with:
- Digital Business
- International Marketing
- International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Global Management
- Strategic Entrepreneurship
The combination of theory and practice, and recurring group work makes Marketing Management a programme that provides you with important experience for your future career.
The programme places special emphasis on the entrepreneurial aspect from the first semester. It also emphasizes the international aspect through the focus on contemporary international markets. All courses are taught in English and the fact that the programme is open to students from around the world reinforces the international aspect.
Student projects