
Dissertation defence - Anahita Davoodi

29 September 2023 - 29 September 2023

09:00 - 12:00

E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

29 September 2023 - 29 September 2023
09:00 - 12:00


E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

Dissertation defence - Anahita Davoodi

Title of the thesis: Supporting Evidence-Based Design Using Lighting Simulations - A Framework for Lighting Simulation of Visual Comfort in Building Design
Author of the thesis: 
Anahita Davoodi
Third-cycle subject area: Machine Design
Faculty examiner / Opponent: Professor John Mardaljevic, Loughborough University, UK 
Principal supervisor: Professor Myriam Aries, JTH, Jönköping University

Welcome to attend the defence!

Organizer: School of Engineering
Last updated: 2023-09-04 08:33