
Licentiate seminar - Nils-Erik Ohlson

14 December 2023 - 14 December 2023

10:00 - 12:00

E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

14 December 2023 - 14 December 2023
10:00 - 12:00


E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

Licentiate seminar - Nils-Erik Ohlson

Title of the thesis: Towards Enhanced Sales and Operations Planning - Using Machine Learning for Decision Support in an Engineer-To-Order Context
Doctoral student: Nils-Erik Ohlson
Third-cycle subject area: Production Systems
Faculty examiner: PhD Hafez Shurrab, Penn State University, USA 
Examiner: Associate Professor Hamid Jafari, School of Engineering
Principal supervisor: Associate Professor Jenny Bäckstrand, School of Engineering

Link to join the Webinar:

Welcome to attend the seminar!

Organizer: School of Engineering
Last updated: 2023-11-28 10:51