
Sustainability day for all JU staff and students

29 October 2024 - 29 October 2024

09:00 - 16:30


29 October 2024 - 29 October 2024
09:00 - 16:30



Sustainability day for all JU staff and students

On 29 October, a sustainability day will be organized at HLK and JTH for all JU staff and students. Pre-registration is required for the lunch seminar and two of the sustainability day's activities by 24 October. See link below.

The first part of the day takes place in the JU auditorium at HLK with presentations by climate researcher Markku Rummukainen from Lund University and climate strategist Simon Klintefors from Jönköping Municipality. They will also take part in a panel discussion together with Kerstin Johansson, Associate Dean of Research at JTH, and JIBS student Micaela Stella, who was one of the winners of this year's edition of the sustainability competition "Impact challenge".

The second part of the day takes place at JTH with a lunch seminar, workshops and competitions for students with nice prizes to win.
Sustainability Day is organized by JTH.

For questions, contact Jonelilja Zelic, lecturer and environmental manager at JTH


09.00-11.45 Morning session in He102 (JU Aulan).

09.00 - 09.15 Opening – Salem Seifeddine, Executive Vice President JU.

09.15 - 10.15 Keynote speaker, climate researcher Markku Rummukainen: "The Climate Today, Almost a Decade After the Paris Agreement". Get the newest climate update by listening to Markku Rummukainen, an outstanding climate researcher and advisor in UN climate negotiations, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the Swedish Climate Policy Council.

10.15 - 10.30 Coffee Break.

10.30 - 11.00 Simon Klintefors, sustainability strategist at Jönköpings kommun: "Working With Sustainability in Jönköping". Find out more about how the municipality of Jönköping works with climate and other sustainability issues by listening to Simon, a sustainability strategist.

11.00 - 11.10 Short break.

11.10 - 11.50 Panel discussion - "Step by Step Towards a Sustainable Future". Discuss with our panelists how we can reach a sustainable future together. Participants: Markku Rummukainen, climate researcher and professor at Lunds Universiteit, Simon Klintefors, climate strategist at the municipality of Jönköping, Micaela Stella, JIBS student one of the winners of the competition “Impact challenge”, Kerstin Johansen, Associate Dean of Research School of Engineering.

12.00-13.00 Lunch session in E 1419 Seminar with researchers Sign up here before October 24 (the number of participants is limited). JTH researchers Anders Jarfors and Kristina Säfsten will present some examples on how research can contribute to a sustainable future. A lunch wrap is provided for all participants.

 13.15-16.30 Afternoon session in E 1418 and E 1419. Workshops and competitions for students with many nice prizes to win. The number of participants is limited.


Organizer: School of Engineering

Last updated: 2024-10-17 09:12