Arash Habibi

Doctoral Candidate Economics
Economics , Jönköping International Business School


+46 73-910 08 50
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Research interests: International Trade, International Economics, International finance and Open macroeconomics

Updated CV is available upon request.


Habibi, A. (2019). Non-linear impact of exchange rate changes on U.S. industrial production Journal of Economic Structures, 8(1). More information
Habibi, A., Lee, C. (2019). Asymmetric effects of exchange rates on stock prices in G7 countries Capital Markets Review, 27(1), 19-33. More information

Doctoral thesis

Habibi, A. (2024). International trade, global value chains and sustainable development (Doctoral thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, Jönköping International Business School). More information

Other publications

Habibi, A. (2024). Non-linear impact of exchange rate changes on U.S. industrial production. More information
Habibi, A. (2019). Pacts and parity: Impact of trade agreements on gender equality through textual references. More information
Habibi, A. (2019). An input-output examination of carbon leakage. More information