CHILD – Participation and Mental Health
Enhancing cognitive accessibility in assessments for children with neurodisability: development and implementation of an adaptation tracking questionnaire
Feasibility of an eye-gaze technology intervention for students with severe motor andcommunication difficulties in Taiwan
How can we reach long-lasting inclusive participation for all? A vision for the future
Increasing participation in computer activities using eye-gaze assistive technology for children with complex needs
Measurement issues in longitudinal studies of mental health problems in children with neurodevelopmental disorders
Mental health and mental health problems among users of AAC: a scoping review
Participatipon as a means - implications for intervention reasoning
Patterns of mental health problems and wellbeing in children with disabilities in Sweden: A cross-sectional survey and cluster analysis
Perceived Activity Competence and Participation in Everyday Activities of Children With and Without Neurodevelopmental Disorders
Profiles of State and Trait Engagement of Preschool Children
Reliability of FUNDES-Child-SE - measuring participation and independence of children and youths with disabilities
Strategies Used by Professionals in Pediatric Rehabilitation to Engage the Child in theIntervention Process: A Scoping Review
Structural validity and internal consistency of the Strengths and Stressors in Parenting (SSF) Questionnaire in parents of children with developmental disabilities
The Application of the Family of Participation-Related Constructs (fPRC) Framework to AAC Intervention Outcomes in Children with Complex Communication Needs: A Scoping Review
The utility of the International Classification of Functioning construct as a statistical tool – operationalizing mental health as an indicator of adolescent participation
Trajectories of self-rated participation, mental health, and mental health problems in adolescents with self-reported neurodevelopmental disorders
Sidan uppdaterad 2025-03-24
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