Article (refereed)
Aarts, M., Aries, M., Diakoumis, A., van Hoof, J. (2016). Shedding a light on phototherapy studies with people having dementia: A critical review of the methodology from a light perspective.
American Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementia 31(7), 551-563
Khademagha, P., Aries, M., Rosemann, A., Van Loenen, E. (2016). Why Directionality Is an Important Light Factor for Human Health to Consider in Lighting Design?.
35(1), 3-8
Elbanna, A., Linderoth, H. (2015). The formation of technology mental models: the case of voluntary use of technology in organizational setting.
Information Systems Frontiers 17(1), 95-108