Events in Swedish


Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

16 September - 16 September

12:10 - 13:10


<p>Dear colleagues,<strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>You are welcome to join us for the<br /><em>&ldquo;Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance&rdquo;</em><br />presented by</p><p><a href=""><strong>Thomas Post</strong></a></p><p>Maastricht University</p><p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong><em>&nbsp;</em></strong></p><p><strong>Ti</strong><strong>tle:</strong> <strong>Reminders to the rescue: </strong></p><p><strong>E-mail reminders of tax benefits increase pension savings </strong></p><p><strong>in a nationwide RCT in Estonia</strong></p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>Date:<strong> Monday, September 16</strong><br />Time:<strong> 12:10-13:10</strong><br />Host: Andrea Schneider</p><p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><p>This presentation will be given on campus.<strong> </strong></p><p>Join the seminar in room B5002 or on Zoom.</p><p>Zoom link: <a href=""></a></p><p>Meeting ID: 61 353 561 370</p><p>Password: BBEFS</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Please use <a href="">this link</a> to <strong>sign up for bilateral talks</strong> in room B5066.<br />You can find this term&rsquo;s seminar program on our <a href="">webpage</a>.<br />&nbsp;</p>
16 September - 16 September
12:10 - 13:10




Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance

Dear colleagues, 

You are welcome to join us for the
“Brown Bag Seminar in Economics and Finance”
presented by

Thomas Post

Maastricht University




Title: Reminders to the rescue:

E-mail reminders of tax benefits increase pension savings

in a nationwide RCT in Estonia


Date: Monday, September 16
Time: 12:10-13:10
Host: Andrea Schneider


This presentation will be given on campus.

Join the seminar in room B5002 or on Zoom.

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 61 353 561 370

Password: BBEFS


Please use this link to sign up for bilateral talks in room B5066.
You can find this term’s seminar program on our webpage.

Organizer: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Spatial Economics

The Meeting Place at Rio!

16 September - 16 September

16:30 - 18:30


<p>Do you fidn it challenging&nbsp;to connect with other students? Do you want to get to know other students from JU?&nbsp;Then the&nbsp;Meeting Place is the place to be!&nbsp;You are welcome to join us to play games or just have a chat! The event will take place in Rio every other Monday.</p><p>We look forward to meeting you!</p><p>Marie B&ouml;wing-Lindstr&ouml;m, Counsellor/CBT therapist</p><p>Emma Pavlov, Coordinator for educational support for<br />students with disabilities</p>
16 September - 16 September
16:30 - 18:30




The Meeting Place at Rio!

Do you fidn it challenging to connect with other students? Do you want to get to know other students from JU? Then the Meeting Place is the place to be! You are welcome to join us to play games or just have a chat! The event will take place in Rio every other Monday.

We look forward to meeting you!

Marie Böwing-Lindström, Counsellor/CBT therapist

Emma Pavlov, Coordinator for educational support for
students with disabilities

Organizer: Student Health Care

MMTC seminar with Hani Elzoumor, Daniel Ljungberga, and Ethan Gifford (University of Gothenburg).

18 September - 18 September

12:00 - 13:00

B6046 and online

<p>Hani is presenting the research titled as&nbsp;<strong>&ldquo;Environmental innovations and economic performance of innovative firms: The role of ecosystem&rsquo;s public funds and firm&rsquo;s integration mechanisms&rdquo;.</strong></p><p>This study investigates the relationship between environmental innovations (EIs) and the economic performance of innovative firms. It also addresses the moderating role of government financial support&nbsp;as an external ecosystem factor and social integration mechanisms (SIMs) as a firm capability of this relationship. Firms increasingly adopt EIs to boost competitiveness and achieve sustainability.&nbsp;However, previous literature shows mixed results on how EIs impact firm performance and what conditions and mechanisms hold this relationship positive. The study distinguishes between two types&nbsp;of environmental innovations&mdash;cleaner integrated technologies and end-of-pipe technologies&mdash; examining their respective impacts on firm&rsquo;s total factor productivity (TFP) (as a technical efficiency&nbsp;indicator) and net sales (as a financial performance indicator). Using data from 6,843 Swedish firms from the 2018 and 2020 waves of the Community Innovation Survey, we apply hierarchical regression&nbsp;analysis and conduct additional robustness checks, such as the Heckman two-step model, to explore these dynamics. The findings indicate that cleaner integrated&nbsp; technologies have a more substantial positive effect on firm performance compared to end-of-pipe technologies. Public financial support plays a crucial role in strengthening EIs&rsquo; effect on firm performance. However, such funds also exhibit insignificant or even strongly negative direct effects on firm performance in some cases (e.g., TFP for the former and net sales for the latter). Conversely, SIMs, despite showing a direct positive influence on performance, do not significantly moderate the relationship between EIs and economic outcomes. The study concludes that investments in cleaner technologies, combined with well-aligned external knowledge integration, are key for firms aiming to leverage environmental innovations for competitive advantage. These results have implications for both policy and business strategies concerning the deployment of public funds and the fostering of firm&rsquo;s internal capabilities for managing environmental innovation.</p><p>The seminar will run in a hybrid format, you can join in room B6046 or on Zoom&nbsp;</p>
18 September - 18 September
12:00 - 13:00


B6046 and online


MMTC seminar with Hani Elzoumor, Daniel Ljungberga, and Ethan Gifford (University of Gothenburg).

Hani is presenting the research titled as “Environmental innovations and economic performance of innovative firms: The role of ecosystem’s public funds and firm’s integration mechanisms”.

This study investigates the relationship between environmental innovations (EIs) and the economic performance of innovative firms. It also addresses the moderating role of government financial support as an external ecosystem factor and social integration mechanisms (SIMs) as a firm capability of this relationship. Firms increasingly adopt EIs to boost competitiveness and achieve sustainability. However, previous literature shows mixed results on how EIs impact firm performance and what conditions and mechanisms hold this relationship positive. The study distinguishes between two types of environmental innovations—cleaner integrated technologies and end-of-pipe technologies— examining their respective impacts on firm’s total factor productivity (TFP) (as a technical efficiency indicator) and net sales (as a financial performance indicator). Using data from 6,843 Swedish firms from the 2018 and 2020 waves of the Community Innovation Survey, we apply hierarchical regression analysis and conduct additional robustness checks, such as the Heckman two-step model, to explore these dynamics. The findings indicate that cleaner integrated  technologies have a more substantial positive effect on firm performance compared to end-of-pipe technologies. Public financial support plays a crucial role in strengthening EIs’ effect on firm performance. However, such funds also exhibit insignificant or even strongly negative direct effects on firm performance in some cases (e.g., TFP for the former and net sales for the latter). Conversely, SIMs, despite showing a direct positive influence on performance, do not significantly moderate the relationship between EIs and economic outcomes. The study concludes that investments in cleaner technologies, combined with well-aligned external knowledge integration, are key for firms aiming to leverage environmental innovations for competitive advantage. These results have implications for both policy and business strategies concerning the deployment of public funds and the fostering of firm’s internal capabilities for managing environmental innovation.

The seminar will run in a hybrid format, you can join in room B6046 or on Zoom 

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Study skills- Get the most out of your studies

19 September - 19 September

13:00 - 16:00

JU Audiotorium, He102

<p>Are you new to University studies and need some tips and advice on how to study smarter? Or you just want to get tips and ideas how to be more efficient in your planning and study techniques? Then don&acute;t miss this lecture!</p><p>Bj&ouml;rn Liljeqvist has more than 10 years experience in lecturing about study skills, memory techniques and speed reading. His book about study skills has sold over 18000 copies and it is recommended by many universities throughout Sweden. Bj&ouml;rn is also involved in Mensa.</p><p>Thursday September 19th&nbsp;1-4pm&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>JU-Auditorium, He102, School of Education and Communication</p><p>No registration needed!</p>
19 September - 19 September
13:00 - 16:00


JU Audiotorium, He102


Study skills- Get the most out of your studies

Are you new to University studies and need some tips and advice on how to study smarter? Or you just want to get tips and ideas how to be more efficient in your planning and study techniques? Then don´t miss this lecture!

Björn Liljeqvist has more than 10 years experience in lecturing about study skills, memory techniques and speed reading. His book about study skills has sold over 18000 copies and it is recommended by many universities throughout Sweden. Björn is also involved in Mensa.

Thursday September 19th 1-4pm  

JU-Auditorium, He102, School of Education and Communication

No registration needed!

Organizer: Career Center

Dissertation Defence - Rahel Kebede

20 September - 20 September

09:00 - 12:00

E1405 (Gjuterisalen)

<p><strong>Title of the thesis:&nbsp;</strong><em>Ontology and Knowledge Graph-Based Product Data Representation&nbsp;for Sustainable Buildings: A Case of Data Integration and Digital Product Passport</em><br /><strong>Author of the thesis:&nbsp;</strong>Rahel Kebede<br /><strong>Third-cycle subject area:</strong>&nbsp;Machine Design<br /><strong>Faculty examiner /&nbsp;Opponent:</strong>&nbsp;Associate Professor Pieter Pauwels, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands<br /><strong>Principal supervisor: </strong>Associate<strong>&nbsp;</strong>Professor Peter Johansson JTH, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University</p><p>Welcome to attend the defence!</p>
20 September - 20 September
09:00 - 12:00


E1405 (Gjuterisalen)


Dissertation Defence - Rahel Kebede

Title of the thesis: Ontology and Knowledge Graph-Based Product Data Representation for Sustainable Buildings: A Case of Data Integration and Digital Product Passport
Author of the thesis: Rahel Kebede
Third-cycle subject area: Machine Design
Faculty examiner / Opponent: Associate Professor Pieter Pauwels, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands
Principal supervisor: Associate Professor Peter Johansson JTH, Jönköping University

Welcome to attend the defence!

Organizer: School of Engineering

Last date to register for course in Mindfulness!

29 September - 29 September

16:30 - 17:30

House K

<p>Mindfulness is about consciously and deliberately directing our attention, in the moment and without judging what we are experiencing.</p><p>The aim of this course is to learn to live in the here and now, focus more on what is going on in the moment and not dwell on what happened in the past or worry about the future. When practicing mindfulness, you will increase your attention span and your ability to concentrate on what is important to you. It will also help you cope with stress in a more helpful way. When participating in this course you will practice formal and informal mindfulness exercises both in class and between classes. You will develop new skills and cherish the tools you learn from this course your whole life.</p><p><strong>Course runs for three Tuesday afternoons: 1 October, 8 October and 22 October 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm.</strong></p><p><strong>More information here:&nbsp;</strong><a href=""></a></p><p>Register&nbsp;by sending us an e-mail to&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p><p>Victoria Wendel, counsellor and CBT-therapist is the instructor for this course.</p>
29 September - 29 September
16:30 - 17:30


House K


Last date to register for course in Mindfulness!

Mindfulness is about consciously and deliberately directing our attention, in the moment and without judging what we are experiencing.

The aim of this course is to learn to live in the here and now, focus more on what is going on in the moment and not dwell on what happened in the past or worry about the future. When practicing mindfulness, you will increase your attention span and your ability to concentrate on what is important to you. It will also help you cope with stress in a more helpful way. When participating in this course you will practice formal and informal mindfulness exercises both in class and between classes. You will develop new skills and cherish the tools you learn from this course your whole life.

Course runs for three Tuesday afternoons: 1 October, 8 October and 22 October 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm.

More information here:

Register by sending us an e-mail to

Victoria Wendel, counsellor and CBT-therapist is the instructor for this course.

Organizer: Student Health Care

Linkedin Masterclass with Linus Zackrisson

1 October - 1 October

16:00 - 18:00


<p>With almost 900 million users around the world and 4 million users in Sweden, LinkedIn is by far the most important tool for recruiters to find the right employees. Therefore, it is also by far the most important tool for you who are looking for a job. During this evening you will get to know how to write your profile in the best way, but also how to use LinkedIn in the best way. We will also show you &quot;LinkedIn Recruiter&quot; - the version used by recruiters. We will also give you the secret trick you should know to get maximum visibility on your posts. Speaker is Linus Zackrisson - a LinkedIn expert with many years of experience from executive search and is also member of LinkedIn Nordic&#39;s expert council. Do not miss this opportunity!</p><p>Tuesday October 1st 4-6 pm&nbsp;</p><p>B1033, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School</p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
1 October - 1 October
16:00 - 18:00




Linkedin Masterclass with Linus Zackrisson

With almost 900 million users around the world and 4 million users in Sweden, LinkedIn is by far the most important tool for recruiters to find the right employees. Therefore, it is also by far the most important tool for you who are looking for a job. During this evening you will get to know how to write your profile in the best way, but also how to use LinkedIn in the best way. We will also show you "LinkedIn Recruiter" - the version used by recruiters. We will also give you the secret trick you should know to get maximum visibility on your posts. Speaker is Linus Zackrisson - a LinkedIn expert with many years of experience from executive search and is also member of LinkedIn Nordic's expert council. Do not miss this opportunity!

Tuesday October 1st 4-6 pm 

B1033, Jönköping International Business School

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Go Exchange fair on campus

2 October - 2 October

11:00 - 13:00

HLK entrance

<p>It&rsquo;s almost time for the campus to buzz with a truly international atmosphere. On Wednesday 2nd of October, 11.00 - 13.00, it is time for our Go Exchange fair.&nbsp;</p><p>The fair will be held in the HLK entrance hall.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>This is an opportunity for the exchange students that are currently studying at J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University to promote our partner universities as well as share their wonderful experiences from studying abroad.&nbsp;</p><p>The purpose of the fair is to inspire other students at JU to take the opportunity to study abroad as well as encourage a curiosity to learn about the many different cultures we have on campus.&nbsp;</p><p>At 12:00, in room Hb220 (HLK), International Office will have an information session for all JU students interested in exchange studies.&nbsp;</p><p>All students and staff are welcome to come, learn and be inspired.&nbsp;</p>
2 October - 2 October
11:00 - 13:00


HLK entrance


Go Exchange fair on campus

It’s almost time for the campus to buzz with a truly international atmosphere. On Wednesday 2nd of October, 11.00 - 13.00, it is time for our Go Exchange fair. 

The fair will be held in the HLK entrance hall.  

This is an opportunity for the exchange students that are currently studying at Jönköping University to promote our partner universities as well as share their wonderful experiences from studying abroad. 

The purpose of the fair is to inspire other students at JU to take the opportunity to study abroad as well as encourage a curiosity to learn about the many different cultures we have on campus. 

At 12:00, in room Hb220 (HLK), International Office will have an information session for all JU students interested in exchange studies. 

All students and staff are welcome to come, learn and be inspired. 

Organizer: Jönköping University

MMTC resarch Seminar presented by guest Martina Tomasetig

2 October - 2 October

12:00 - 13:00

B6046 and online

<p>MMTC resarch Seminar presented by guest Martina Tomasetig</p><p>More details to come</p><p>&nbsp;</p>
2 October - 2 October
12:00 - 13:00


B6046 and online


MMTC resarch Seminar presented by guest Martina Tomasetig

MMTC resarch Seminar presented by guest Martina Tomasetig

More details to come


Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Alumni of the Year - the ceremony

3 October - 3 October

11:15 - 13:00

<p>J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University (JU) presents the &ldquo;Alumni of the Year&rdquo; award to former students who have made outstanding contributions in their professional role or as an individual distinguished themselves with a deed that JU considers worthy of recognition. The award is given to one alumnus from each school and JUE (J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping University Enterprise).</p><p>On October 3 at 11:15 in the university library, the event begins with mingle and light snacks. At 12:00&nbsp;the ceremony begins with Salem Seifeddine, Executive Vice President at JU, as moderator. A representative from each school&nbsp;will then welcome the award winners to the stage, read out the motivation and hand out the award.</p><p>When the five have been awarded their prizes, Andreas Tor&eacute;n, Head of Student Counselling, will hold a panel discussion with the alumni, where the audience will also have the opportunity to ask questions to the prize winners.</p><p>A warm welcome</p>
3 October - 3 October
11:15 - 13:00




Alumni of the Year - the ceremony

Jönköping University (JU) presents the “Alumni of the Year” award to former students who have made outstanding contributions in their professional role or as an individual distinguished themselves with a deed that JU considers worthy of recognition. The award is given to one alumnus from each school and JUE (Jönköping University Enterprise).

On October 3 at 11:15 in the university library, the event begins with mingle and light snacks. At 12:00 the ceremony begins with Salem Seifeddine, Executive Vice President at JU, as moderator. A representative from each school will then welcome the award winners to the stage, read out the motivation and hand out the award.

When the five have been awarded their prizes, Andreas Torén, Head of Student Counselling, will hold a panel discussion with the alumni, where the audience will also have the opportunity to ask questions to the prize winners.

A warm welcome

Organizer: Jönköping University

MMTC breakfast information meeting

7 October - 7 October

08:30 - 09:30

6th floor lounge

<p>MMTC breakfast information meeting</p>
7 October - 7 October
08:30 - 09:30


6th floor lounge


MMTC breakfast information meeting

MMTC breakfast information meeting

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

CCD retreat

18 October - 18 October

09:00 - 12:00


<p>Half a day to discuss research applications for the members of the research environment CCD</p>
18 October - 18 October
09:00 - 12:00




CCD retreat

Half a day to discuss research applications for the members of the research environment CCD

Organizer: School of Education and Communication

Last application date for the course: Do what matters!

20 October - 20 October

16:00 - 18:00

House K

<p>Are you having a hard time dealing with difficult thoughts and emotions? Trouble concentrating on your studies and maintaining healthy relationships? Then this course might be something for you! As a participant in this course, you will be provided with a variety of practical tools and strategies. You will learn skills that will help you pivot towards a richer and more meaningful life!</p><p><strong>Starts on 5 November, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm.</strong></p><p>The course will run for six Tuesday afternoons: 5 November, 12 November, 19 November, 26 November, 3 December, 10 December.</p><p>For more information: <a href="">Do what matters</a></p><p>Counsellor/CBT-therapist: Victoria Wendel.</p><p>Comments from former participants:&nbsp;</p><p>&quot;It is an amazing course! You learn so many great techniques to help you deal with stress and better manage life.&quot; &ldquo;Fun and intense. Challenging as well as motivating.&rdquo;</p>
20 October - 20 October
16:00 - 18:00


House K


Last application date for the course: Do what matters!

Are you having a hard time dealing with difficult thoughts and emotions? Trouble concentrating on your studies and maintaining healthy relationships? Then this course might be something for you! As a participant in this course, you will be provided with a variety of practical tools and strategies. You will learn skills that will help you pivot towards a richer and more meaningful life!

Starts on 5 November, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm.

The course will run for six Tuesday afternoons: 5 November, 12 November, 19 November, 26 November, 3 December, 10 December.

For more information: Do what matters

Counsellor/CBT-therapist: Victoria Wendel.

Comments from former participants: 

"It is an amazing course! You learn so many great techniques to help you deal with stress and better manage life." “Fun and intense. Challenging as well as motivating.”

Organizer: Student Health Care

Data Methods Initiative seminar presented by Vejune Zemaityte: Data-driven film industry research

23 October - 23 October

13:15 - 14:45

Online-contact for zoom link

<p><strong>Dr&nbsp;Vejune Zemaityte</strong>&nbsp;is a Senior Research Fellow&nbsp;in Film Data Analytics&nbsp;at the Baltic Film, Media and Arts School (BFM), Tallinn University, Estonia. Vejune uses data analysis and&nbsp;visualisation&nbsp;techniques, including network analysis, to study global screen industries. She researches film production, theatrical film distribution, film festival circuit, public service television, and historical newsreels.</p><p>Participation in international film festivals is crucial for films, particularly for independent productions in smaller markets, as they facilitate critical recognition, audience engagement, and distribution opportunities. Our research utilizes the Cinando database, managed by March&eacute; du Film - Festival de Cannes, to conduct data-driven analyses of the festival circuit, modeling festivals as a global network and examining the diversity and public value of festival programming. This investigation helps understand why certain films succeed internationally and includes a discussion on the challenges and insights gained from working with &quot;found&quot; data not originally intended for research purposes. This talk will discuss some of the&nbsp;quantitative&nbsp;approaches&nbsp;we applied to the film festival database, highlighting not only our results but also the process of working with so-called &ldquo;found&rdquo; data&nbsp;created&nbsp;for reasons other than research.&nbsp;</p><p><a href="">Find out more via the&nbsp;Data Methods Initiative website&nbsp;</a></p>
23 October - 23 October
13:15 - 14:45


Online-contact for zoom link


Data Methods Initiative seminar presented by Vejune Zemaityte: Data-driven film industry research

Dr Vejune Zemaityte is a Senior Research Fellow in Film Data Analytics at the Baltic Film, Media and Arts School (BFM), Tallinn University, Estonia. Vejune uses data analysis and visualisation techniques, including network analysis, to study global screen industries. She researches film production, theatrical film distribution, film festival circuit, public service television, and historical newsreels.

Participation in international film festivals is crucial for films, particularly for independent productions in smaller markets, as they facilitate critical recognition, audience engagement, and distribution opportunities. Our research utilizes the Cinando database, managed by Marché du Film - Festival de Cannes, to conduct data-driven analyses of the festival circuit, modeling festivals as a global network and examining the diversity and public value of festival programming. This investigation helps understand why certain films succeed internationally and includes a discussion on the challenges and insights gained from working with "found" data not originally intended for research purposes. This talk will discuss some of the quantitative approaches we applied to the film festival database, highlighting not only our results but also the process of working with so-called “found” data created for reasons other than research. 

Find out more via the Data Methods Initiative website 

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Workshop - Get started with LinkedIn

29 October - 29 October

12:15 - 13:00


<p>Do you want to get started with LinkedIn? Do you want to know how recruiters work with Linkedin for recruiting? How to you build your network? Bring your computer for practical exercises. For beginners. Limited number of participants.</p><p>Tuesday October 29th&nbsp;12.15-1 pm<br />B3008 J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School</p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
29 October - 29 October
12:15 - 13:00




Workshop - Get started with LinkedIn

Do you want to get started with LinkedIn? Do you want to know how recruiters work with Linkedin for recruiting? How to you build your network? Bring your computer for practical exercises. For beginners. Limited number of participants.

Tuesday October 29th 12.15-1 pm
B3008 Jönköping International Business School

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Nailing ceremony Paula Bergman

1 November - 1 November

10:00 - 10:30

Röda Rummet HHJ

<p>Title of thesis:&nbsp;</p><p>Arts on referral: A way back to improved health and return to work after<br />sick leave? A multi-method study</p><p>Time: 1 November 2024, 10 am</p><p>Place: R&ouml;da Rummet, HHJ</p><p>Welcome to join!</p>
1 November - 1 November
10:00 - 10:30


Röda Rummet HHJ


Nailing ceremony Paula Bergman

Title of thesis: 

Arts on referral: A way back to improved health and return to work after
sick leave? A multi-method study

Time: 1 November 2024, 10 am

Place: Röda Rummet, HHJ

Welcome to join!

Organizer: School of Health and Welfare

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

4 November - 4 November

08:30 - 09:30

6th floor lounge

<p>MMTC breakfast information meeting&nbsp;</p>
4 November - 4 November
08:30 - 09:30


6th floor lounge


MMTC breakfast information meeting 

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

Internships in Sweden and abroad - how to get them and where to start

12 November - 12 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>Want to do an&nbsp;internship,&nbsp;even&nbsp;in a foreign country? Get information about different opportunities for professional internships, information about how to find them and how to apply.&nbsp;</p><p>Tuesday November 12th&nbsp;12.15-1 pm&nbsp;<br />B1033, J&ouml;nk&ouml;ping International Business School&nbsp;</p><p>Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that sign up before Nov 6th.</p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
12 November - 12 November
12:15 - 13:00




Internships in Sweden and abroad - how to get them and where to start

Want to do an internship, even in a foreign country? Get information about different opportunities for professional internships, information about how to find them and how to apply. 

Tuesday November 12th 12.15-1 pm 
B1033, Jönköping International Business School 

Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that sign up before Nov 6th.

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Job hunting and networking

18 November - 18 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>How to find jobs and how to use and grow your network during your time as a student.</p><p>Monday November 18th&nbsp;12.15- 1 pm</p><p>Hb116, School of Education and Communication</p><p><em>Registered participants will be offered a free lunch. Please sign up before November&nbsp; 12th to be guaranteed lunch.&nbsp;</em></p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
18 November - 18 November
12:15 - 13:00




Job hunting and networking

How to find jobs and how to use and grow your network during your time as a student.

Monday November 18th 12.15- 1 pm

Hb116, School of Education and Communication

Registered participants will be offered a free lunch. Please sign up before November  12th to be guaranteed lunch. 

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Write a winning job application

19 November - 19 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>Information about CV &amp; Cover letters, do&acute;s and don&acute;ts!&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Tuesday November 19th&nbsp;12.15-1 pm&nbsp;<br />Hb116, School of Education and Communication&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that register before Nov 12th</p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
19 November - 19 November
12:15 - 13:00




Write a winning job application

Information about CV & Cover letters, do´s and don´ts!  

Tuesday November 19th 12.15-1 pm 
Hb116, School of Education and Communication  

Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that register before Nov 12th

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Nailing the job interview

21 November - 21 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>Information about common interview questions and how you should prepare yourself to land your dream position.<br />Thursday Nov 21st&nbsp;12.15-1 pm</p><p>Hb116, School of Education and Communication&nbsp;</p><p><em>Registered participants will be offered a free lunch. Please sign up before &nbsp;Nov 14th to be guaranteed lunch.</em></p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
21 November - 21 November
12:15 - 13:00




Nailing the job interview

Information about common interview questions and how you should prepare yourself to land your dream position.
Thursday Nov 21st 12.15-1 pm

Hb116, School of Education and Communication 

Registered participants will be offered a free lunch. Please sign up before  Nov 14th to be guaranteed lunch.

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Personal branding

26 November - 26 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>The future&nbsp;labor&nbsp;market requires personal branding. How do you do it and why? Andreas Tor&eacute;n, Career Counsellor&nbsp;<br />Tuesday November 26th&nbsp;12-15&nbsp;&ndash; 1&nbsp;pm&nbsp;</p><p>E1029, School of Engineering&nbsp;</p><p>Lunch is offered for pre-registered students&nbsp;that sign up before Nov 21st</p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p>
26 November - 26 November
12:15 - 13:00




Personal branding

The future labor market requires personal branding. How do you do it and why? Andreas Torén, Career Counsellor 
Tuesday November 26th 12-15 – 1 pm 

E1029, School of Engineering 

Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that sign up before Nov 21st

Registration at

Organizer: Career Center

Career Planning

27 November - 27 November

12:15 - 13:00


<p>&nbsp;</p><p>Career development and the 4 steps for successful career planning!&nbsp;</p><p>Andreas Tor&eacute;n, Career Counsellor&nbsp;</p><p>Wednesday Nov 27th&nbsp;12.15-1 pm&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>E1405, School of Engineering&nbsp;</p><p>Lunch is offered for pre-registered students&nbsp;that register before Nov21st.</p><p><a href=""><em>Registration at</em></a></p><p>&nbsp;</p>
27 November - 27 November
12:15 - 13:00




Career Planning


Career development and the 4 steps for successful career planning! 

Andreas Torén, Career Counsellor 

Wednesday Nov 27th 12.15-1 pm  

E1405, School of Engineering 

Lunch is offered for pre-registered students that register before Nov21st.

Registration at


Organizer: Career Center

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

2 December - 2 December

08:30 - 09:30

6th floor lounge

<p>MMTC breakfast information meeting&nbsp;</p>
2 December - 2 December
08:30 - 09:30


6th floor lounge


MMTC breakfast information meeting 

MMTC breakfast information meeting 

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre

MMTC External Enablement Workshop 3

9 December - 10 December

12:00 - 20:00

Jönköping International Business School

<p>MMTC External Enablement Workshop 3</p><p>Details to come</p><p></p>
9 December - 10 December
12:00 - 20:00


Jönköping International Business School


MMTC External Enablement Workshop 3

MMTC External Enablement Workshop 3

Details to come

Organizer: Media, Management and Transformation Centre