Keynote speakers
NIC-2015 Invited keynote speakers:

Margit Krause-Ono
Margit Krause-Ono is Professor of German, European Culture and Intercultural Communication at Muroran Institute of Technology, Japan. She holds degrees in Applied Linguistics from both France and Australia, and Certificates as Intercultural trainer and coach from Friedrich Schiller University, Germany.
Living in Japan since 1980, Krause-Ono’s manifold experiences have led to her investigations of the concept of intercultural communication in various countries and to research the perpetuation of cultural and communicative norms, styles, and stereotypes. Her current focus of research is on mass media, such as TV news programs, their literacy and the engendered (and intended?) biases.
Jonas Landgren
Dr. Jonas Landgren is Associate Professor at the Department of Applied IT, Chalmers University of Technology. He holds a MSc in informatics (1998) and a Ph.D. in informatics (2007) from University of Gothenburg, Sweden. He is is Head of the Interaction Design Division at the Department of Applied IT. His research interests focus on the use and design of information technology and services for crisis and emergency response. Specifically, Jonas´s research focus on how to design information technology that support sensemaking-processes in time-critical, boundary-spanning and distributed work practices. Jonas’s research is influenced by radical design, innovation and deep collaboration with crisis response organizations such as the Gothenburg fire & rescue services, the County Administrative Board, the Swedish Rescue Services Agency as well as Swedish Emergency Management Agency.
Dany Badran
Dr. Dany Badran is an associate professor of English and critical linguistics in the English Department at LAU Beirut.
He has taught English, rhetoric and linguistics at several universities in Lebanon, the U.K. and China.
Badran’s specific area of emphasis is the political discourse of the Middle East, with more varied research interests in stylistics, critical discourse analysis, and second language acquisition. He has written on ideology and modality in Arabic political translations, on rhetoric and democracy in the Middle East, as well as on the generic manifestations of socio-cultural tendencies in Lebanon and the Arab world.
Badran is also an active member of the International Debate Education Association (IDEA) and a certified trainer and judge in formal debates and international debate tournaments. He has worked on debate projects with IDEA, the Qatar Foundation, the American Embassy in Lebanon and the British Council.
Gregoire Njejimana
Dr. Grégoire Njejimana Burundi University, English Language and Literature, Dr of Education, He has served in various capacities in the Higher Education sector including post graduate teaching of linguistics, organization leadership and management in New York - USA, Burundi, Rwanda, Central Africa – Bangui, Senegal, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Dr Njejimana has a rich Education background including Post Doctoral training at Lancaster University- UK, Columbia University in New York – USA, Ealing College of Higher Education in London, UK, Teachers Training College and Major Seminary in Burundi.
Johan Larsson
Johan Larsson holds a degree of Licentiate of philosophy in Business Administration and works as a Program Director at the Jönköping International Business School.
Johan has worked as a project manager for several international projects and as teacher within marketing and supply chain management.
His research covers the relationship between buyers and sellers with a focus on supplier development.
Special sessions

Adnan Mahmutovic
Adnan Mahmutovic is an associate professor of literature and creative
writing at Stockholm University. His works include Ways of Being Free
(literary criticism, Rodopi 2010), Thinner than a Hair (a novel, Cinnamon
Press 2010), and How to Fare Well and Stay Fair (a short story collection,
Salt Publishing 2012), Gusul (short film, Artwerk 2012). He is currently
working on a series of autobiographical essays. Recent publications
include “How to save comics in times of war” (World literature Today, May
2015) and “A Movable Fast" (Cosmonauts’ Avenue, April 2015).