References and Teachers
The present course will be the eighth edition. Since the second edition in 2011 the course is organized as a one week course appreciated by both participants and lecturers being an excellent occasion to interact and discuss cast iron under a couple of intensive days. The content of the course is continuously developed including the last advances related to this field.
More than 250 people from world leading companies involved in production and using cast iron components and PhD students from universities involved in cast iron research participated in our courses.
Participants at the previous editions came from:
Sweden | BAETTR Guldsmedshyttan AB, Chalmers University of Technology Gothenburg, Daros Piston Rings, Epiroc Construction Tools PC AB, Federal Mogul, Global Castings Guldsmedshyttan AB, Indexator, Linköping Institute of Technology, LKAB, Metso, Lund University, RISE, Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm, Scania CV AB, School of Engineering at Jönköping University, SinterCast AB, SKF Mekan AB, Swerea-SWECAST, Technical Research Institute of Sweden (SP), University of Uppsala, Volvo Cars, Volvo CE, Volvo GTO, Volvo Group Trucks Technology, Volvo Powertrain, Volvo Truck Corporation, Xylem |
Argentina | University of Mar del Plata |
Belgium | Ghent University |
Brazil | Elkem Materials South America Ltda., MAGMA Brazil, TUPY, Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina - UDESC Joinville |
China | MAGMA Engineering Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd. |
Czech Republic | MAGMA GmbH org.SLOZKA |
Denmark | GLOBAL CASTINGS A/S, MAN Diesel & Turbo, Technical University of Denmark, Valdemar Birn, Vestas Nacelles A/S |
France | ENSIACET, Ferropem, Saint-Gobain Pont-á-Mousson |
Germany | ACCESS E.V. Aachen, Bundesanstalt fur Materialfurschung und -prufung, Fraunhofer Institute for Structural Durability and System Reliability LBF, Global Castings Stade GmbH, Hochschule Ansbach, RWTH Aachen, MAGMA Giesereitechnologie GmbH, TU Bergakademie Freiberg |
Hungary | University of Miskolc |
Italy | SACMI Imola S.C., University of Bologna, Universita di Padova, VDP FONDERIA SPA, ZANARDI FONDERIE S.P.A. |
Latvia | Sperre Baltic |
Mexico | CINVESTAV, Tupy México Saltillo SA de CV |
Netherlands | Eindhoven University of Technology, Foseco |
Norway | ELKEM Technology, Norwegian University of Science and Technology |
Portugal | University of Porto |
Singapur | MAGMA Engineering Asia-Pacific Pte Ltd. |
South-Korea | Korean Institute of Industrial Technology, KITECH |
Spain | EDERTEK S.COOP, Funderia Condals, Universitat de Barcelona |
Turkey | FNSS Defense Systems, MAGMA Bilişim ve Teknoloji Hizmetleri Ltd.Şti. |
United Kingdom | Castings P.L.C., Eurac Poole Ltd., Maxima Engineering and Software services LTD, University of Leeds |
USA | MAGMA Foundry Technologies, Schaumburg, Ohio State University |

Participants at the 6th Course in Metallurgy, solidification and modelling of cast iron castings, 2019
Roberto Boeri | Univ. Mar del Plata, Argentina | |
Jacques Lacaze | ENSIACET, France | |
Ingvar L Svensson | Jönköping University, Sweden | |
Attila Diószegi | Jönköping University, Sweden | course leader |
Taishi Matsushita | Jönköping University, Sweden | |
Vasile Lucian Diaconu | Jönköping University, Sweden | secretary |
Steve Dawson | Sinter Cast Limited, United Kingdom | |
Jakob Olofsson | Jönköping University, Sweden | |
Björn Domeij | Jönköping University, Sweden | |
Vasilios Fourlakidis | Jönköping University, Sweden | |
Rohollah Ghasemi | University of Skövde, Sweden |
Honorary Teachers
Contributing in the previous years of teaching
Jorge Sikora | Univ. Mar del Plata, Argentina |
Juan Massone | Univ. Mar del Plata, Argentina |
Hasse Fredriksson | Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden |
Rudolf Sillén | Expert Products Sweden AB, Sweden |
Werner Bauer | ÖGI, Austria |
Fredrik Wilberfors | Scania CV AB, Sweden |
Mathias König | Scania CV AB, Sweden |
Lennart Elmquist | Jönköping University, Sweden |
Martin Selin | Jönköping University, Sweden |
Magnus Wessén | Jönköping University, Sweden |
József Tamás Svidró | Jönköping University, Sweden, |
Juan-Carlos Hernando | Jönköping University, Sweden |
Doru M Stefanescu | Ohio State University, USA |