Course fee

The course fee is 3100 € + 25% VAT. and includes the registration fee, lecture notes, recommended literature, lunch, dinners, coffee breaks.

Course fee for PhD students is 700 € + 25% VAT.


The number of students / participants are limited. The first 30 registrations will be considered. Admitted participation will be confirmed after registered payment.

To register, send the following registration paper to Jönköping University 

Jönköping University
School of Engineering
Materials and Manufacturing
Box 1026, 551 11 Jönköping, Sweden

Registration Paper Pdf, 46.7 kB, opens in new window.


The participation fee should be paid to the bank account latest on 30th of April 2025.

Non-Swedish participants
Bank account 99604203265758
IBAN SE9495000099604203265758
Mark your payment with your name and “Cast Iron Course”.

Swedish participants
Plusgiro 326575-8
Bankgiro 5328-2463
Mark your payment with your name and “Cast Iron Course”.