Mari Ylenfors

Affiliated researcher
Affiliated researchers , School of Education and Communication

Mari Ylenfors is an affiliated researcher and trained primary school teacher and special needs educator. She has worked as an elementary school teacher and special educator in elementary school for several years. Nowadays she works in the early years of primary school with language-developing work and approaches in a multicultural area. In 2023, Mari graduated with a licentiate thesis in pedagogy with a focus on special education. Her research focuses on literacy teaching for multilingual students who face challenges in the reading and writing process. 


Ylenfors, M., Malmqvist, J., Möllås, G., Rack, J. (2022). Arbete för flerspråkiga elever som möter svårigheter i läs- och skrivutveckling – en enkätstudie Nordic Journal of Literacy Research, 8(2), 82-105. More information

Other publications

Ylenfors, M., Malmqvist, J., Möllås, G. . 'Never leave a student alone with a Text': A Case Study of Literacy Teaching for Multilingual Students in an Exemplary School. More information

Licentiate thesis

Ylenfors, M. (2023). Ett integrerat perspektiv på litteracitetsundervisning för flerspråkiga elever (Licentiate thesis, Jönköping: Jönköping University, School of Education and Communication). More information