Här finner du information om programmets olika delstudier och konferenspresentationer.
- Digital Presentation: Kopplingen mellan en strukturerad fritid och kriminellt beteende
- Impacts of alcohol consumption by mothers and fathers, parental monitoring, adolescent disclosure and novelty-seeking behavior on the likelihood of alcohol use and inebriation among adolescents
- Teenage kicks? Or, when to worry about teenage alcohol/drug use and crime
- Child Maltreatment and Its Association with School Factors and Mental Health in Early Adolescence
- How do the “tweenies” do? Mental health, alcohol experiences and personality among young adolescents.
- Mutual actions - Developmental links between aspects of the parent-adolescent relationship and adolescent risk behaviors
- Participation in and outside school: Self-ratings by Swedish adolescents with and without impairments and long-term health conditions
- Psychological Perspectives on Alcohol Use Among Young Adolescents - Mental Health and Personality
- Teenage Kicks – The Differential Development of Drug Use, Drunkenness, and Criminal Behaviour in Early to Mid-Adolescence
- Understanding the social integration of adolescents of foreign origin
- Ungdomars berusningsdrickande – Vem, var och med vilka?
- Aspects of parent-adolescent relationship
- Assessing reciprocal association between drunkenness, drug use, and delinquency during adolescence: Separating within- and between-person effects
- Child maltreatment and substance-use-related negative consequences: Longitudinal trajectories from early to mid adolescence
- Discrepancies in parents’ and adolescents’ reports on parent-adolescent communication and associations to adolescents’ psychological health
- Does one Size Fit All?—Linking Parenting With Adolescent Substance Use and Adolescent Temperament
- Evidence for a relationship between child maltreatment and absenteeism
- Explaining trajectories of adolescent drunkenness, drug use, and criminality
- Gender differences in the association between emotional maltreatment with mental, emotional, and behavioral problems in Swedish adolescents
- Getting Real About Youth Substance Use and Crime: How ‘Realistic’ Theories can Improve Knowledge and Understanding for Practice
- Linking youths' mental, psychosocial, and emotional functioning to ICF-CY: Lessons learned.
- Onset of substance use among early adolescents in Sweden
- Parent-Adolescent Communication and Adolescent Delinquency
- Participation profiles in domestic life and peer relations as experienced by adolescents with and without impairments and long-term health conditions
- Patterns of support to adolescents related to disability, family situation, harassment, and economy
- Personality traits as predictors of early alcohol inebriation among young adolescents: Mediating effects by mental health and gender-specific patterns. Addictive Behaviors.
- Prevalence and comorbidity in a Swedish adolescent community sample – gambling, gaming, substance use, and other psychiatric disorders
- Structural relations between sources of parental knowledge, feelings of being overly controlled and risk behaviors in early adolescence.
- The Junior Temperament and Character Inventory (JTCI): Psychometric Properties of Multi-Informant Ratings
- The Role of Relational Support in the Longitudinal Links between Adolescent Sexual Harassment Victimization and Psychological Health
- The utility of the International Classification of Functioning construct as a statistical tool – operationalizing mental health as an indicator of adolescent participation
- Trajectories of participation, mental health, and mental health problems in adolescents with self-reported neurodevelopmental disorders
- Well-Being, Mental Health Problems, and Alcohol Experiences Among Young Swedish Adolescents: A General Population Study
- Youth centers, structured leisure activities, and friends of native and foreign origin: A two-wave longitudinal study
Master- magisteruppsatser
- Adolescents’ Experience of Parental Reactions and its Relations to Externalizing and Internalizing Problems
- Barnmisshandel och dess påverkan på sexuell hälsa och sexuellt risktagande bland unga i Sverige
- En studie av elevers deltakelse i skolen
- Faktorer som påverkar skoltrivsel hos gymnasieelever med neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning
- Fritidsvanor hos socialt utsatta barn, en magisteruppsats
- Participation in schools for young adolescents with neuropsychiatric disabilities: A cross-sectional study from the Southern part of Sweden
- Pojkars och flickors våldsbeteende, alkohol-och drogkonsumtion och psykiska hälsa
- Sociala band och skolframgångar. En kvantitativ studie om sambandet mellan sociala band till skolan och avgångsbetyg i årskurs 9
- The Non-drinking Adolescents – What Characterizes them based on Psychological Health, Social relations, and Attitudes towards Alcohol?
- The relationship between mental health in adolescents having self-reported neurodevelopmental disorders and sources of parental knowledge: A cross-sectional study
- Utsatthet under barndomen och upplevelse av förälder som trygg hamn
- Alkoholbruk hos ungdomar i årskurs 8 och 9. Påverkan genom influenser från föräldrar och vänner.
- Att mobba andra. En studie om mobbning, psykisk hälsa, tobak, alkohol och droganvändning och föräldrabarnkommunikation.
- Barn till förälder med substansproblematik
- Den religiösa gemenskapens roll för skolungdomars välbefinnande
- Det är lättare att bli kriminell än att skaffa ett jobb - en studie om ungdomsbrottslighet och möjlighetshorisonter.
- Kroppsuppfattning hos ungdomar i årskurs 8 och 9
- Sambandet mellan ungdomars föräldra- och kompisrelationer
- Unga tonåringars relationer till föräldrar och lärare: en tvärsnittsstudie
- Ungdomsbrottslighet - Risk och skydd i familjerelationer
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