Meeting in South Africa within strategic alliance for research
Four representatives from Jönköping University have visited South Africa to participate in strategic meetings and conferences within SASUF, an internationalization project where 38 universities in Sweden and South Africa have joined together with the aim of strengthening each other.
South Africa - Sweden University Forum (SASUF) möttes vid University of Pretoria i april 2023
Back from the South
Recently, researchers Karina Huus, Nerrolyn Ramstrand and Saffran Möller returned home from a research trip in South Africa. They traveled as part of the collaboration South Africa - Sweden University Forum (SASUF), which is a collaborative project between Swedish and South African universities. The goal for SASUF is to strengthen the ties between South Africa and Sweden in research, education and innovation, with the UN's sustainability goals in focus.
A long-time partnership
The research environment CHILD has collaborated with South African researchers for 20 years. Since 2017, they have been participating within SASUF's framework. Both the research work and the contacts have grown and deepened during these years.
"The trip really meant new opportunities for in-depth collaboration with the colleagues from Pretoria University", says CHILD member Karina Huus.
"New projects were discussed and how we can move forward in the collaboration with applying for joint research grants."
Multifaceted program
The first part of the trip consisted of a satellite event that was held at the University of Pretoria within the framework of CHILD's long-standing partner "Centre for Agumentative & Alternative Communication". Nerrolyn Ramstrand and Saffran Möller spoke together with the South African researchers Zondo Sizwe and Zakiyya Laher about: Measuring Engagement of Children with Disabilities in Education or Health Care Setting.
In the same week, Shakila Dada, Karina Huus and Alecia Samuels held a workshop with the theme: Reflection on Research Ethical Dilemmas Using a COIL Project. This event was conducted at the University of the Western Cape.
"We also participated in several different interesting seminars that were offered, both based on opportunities for new collaboration partners, future research funding but also within more subject-specific seminars", says Karina Huus.
An interesting collaborative project the researchers have been working on since 2017 is "Picture My Participation", where they developed an instrument to measure the participation and engagement of children with disabilities. They now wish to deepen that cooperation, as children who are involved and engaged in their lives and circumstances, feel better.
For more information, contact: Karina Huus
Jönköping University's SASUF representative Heidi Woodhouse Schmit was also on the trip. You can contact her if you want to know more about the collaboration, or are interested in joining the network.