

Hello, Girl! – two days web coding course for girls

This weekend Science Park and Jönköping University, via the project Transform to AAA och Digital Dreams, did arrange a web coding course for beginners in HTML, CSS and Javascript.

Hello, Girl! A workshop which did consist of two days of coding in HTML, CSS and Javascript. On spot, there was 5 great educators and 24 goal-oriented girls. There were also two student ambassadors from JU on spot in order to tell about our technical programs within Data Science.

The course was arranged within the network WI-Tech Brains, which also push the research within the project Transform to AAA and Digital Dreams. To observe, inspire and meeting girls' interest in coding were an initiative which became successful thanks to several local companies, organizations and schools that supported this course. 

Therefore, we want to say thanks to the co-operation with Science Park Jönköpings län, Digital Dreams and the network WI-Tech Brains, En Appstudio, Knowit, Consid, Cybercom, Jordbruksverket, GRO36 and Teknikcollage Södra Vätterbygden.

Transform to AAA is partly financed by Europeiska regionala utvecklingsfonden.