In case of emergencies
As a student or staff, you need to know what to do in the event of a fire or any other emergency.
In the event of an emergency, call 112
Remember to dial a zero before the number if you are calling from an internal phone.
Other important phone numbers:
- Poison information 08-33 12 31
- Pharmaceutical information 0771-450 450
- The police 114 14
- Healthcare advice 1177
Security guards
In case of an incident you can always call Securitas Contact Center on phone 010-470 51 84 to get in touch with security guards. Remember to specify if you are staff or student at the university and in which building you are situated.
The University has a number of defibrillators (instructions are in Swedish). These can be found at the School of Health and Welfare, School of Education and Communication, School of Engineering, Jönköping International Business School, the University Library, Campus Arena, Nordic Wellness and the Caretaker’s Office.
An evacuation plan in every stairwell shows the evacuation route for the part of the University where you currently are.
It also shows the locations of the nearest fire extinguisher, fire hose and alarm button. You can also see how fire-fighting equipment works. If you have any questions in connection with this, contact the Caretaker’s Office.
Save anyone who is in obvious danger.
Warn anyone who is threatened by the fire.
Raise the alarm by calling 112 and giving brief details of where the fire is, whether any people are trapped, and who is calling.
Extinguish – try to extinguish the fire if possible.
Isolate – if you cannot extinguish the fire, try to isolate it by shutting doors and windows to the premises where the fire is.
Evacuate via the nearest evacuation route. Do not use the lift.
Assembly points
There are two assembly points at the area of Jönköping University.
The parking space in Munksjöparken (also known as Hälsoparken)
Students and staff staying in the premises of School of Health and Welfare should assemble at the parking space in Munksjöparken.
The bicycle parking area in front of House K
Students and staff staying in all other premises, i.e. School of Education and Communication, Jönköping International Business School, School of Engineering, House A, House K, Students' House and the library, should assemble at the bicycle parking area in front of House K.
Remember that all entrances and other areas should be kept clear so that the emergency services can get easy access. In the event of an evacuation, do not go back into the premises until the all-clear is given.
See map below.

Information channels
Information from the University in connection with unforeseen circumstances is updated on an ongoing basis on the Student web or on the staff's intranet. If the website is unavailable, this information will be made available via the University’s Facebook page and on boards at entrance doors.
Text message service
There is a text message service at JU to provide information quickly to staff and students in the event of an emergency at JU, in a building or on campus, where there is danger to life and/or health. There may be occasions when information needs to be distributed before the crisis organization is activated and/or an action plan is developed.
At present, the Chief Information Security Officer and the Chief Communications Officer are primarily responsible for the text message service. A group with representatives from all companies and the Student Union will be appointed and trained during autumn 2023.