New assembly point on campus
Whether you are a student or employee at Jönköping University, it is vital that you feel safe when you are on campus. One part that is important in order to feel safe is to be aware of the routines and precautions you need to take in case of fire, and also where the assembly points are located.
Do you know what to do if something happens when you’re on campus? A new term has started, and many of us have not been on campus for a long time. Students and employees at JU all have responsibility for ensuring a safe environment and knowing what to do in case of a fire or another emergency of some sort.
Two assembly points
There are two assembly points at the area of Jönköping University.
- The parking space in Munksjöparken (also known as Hälsoparken). Students and employees in the facilities/premises of the School of Health and Welfare should assemble at the parking space in Munksjöparken.
- (New) The bicycle parking area in front of House K. Students and employees in all other facilities/premises, i.e. School of Education and Communication, Jönköping International Business School, School of Engineering, House A, House K, Students' House and the University library, should assemble by the bicycle parking area in front of House K.
See map below, the green symbols mark the assembly points.

More information
More information for students on the Emergency and Preparedness page