

Climate Week on Jönköping University

On Wednesday, May 21 Jönköping University will take part in the Climate Week. The focus will be on high- lighting projects that the students has been working on.

Climate Week is a meeting place to share knowledge, create networks and strengthen the ongoing energy and climate work.

On May 18 to 21 it’s Climate Week in Jönköping County, four days with a focus on climate-smart solutions for the future and activities across the county.


09.00-12.00 JIBS Sustainable Entrepreneurship Festival – Entrance Hall of the School of Engineering

10.00-12.00 JIBS Husqvarna alive case challenge - Husqvarna (E1028), JTH

12.15-12.45 PRME – JIBS students’ presentation -Stora Enso (E1029), JTH

12.00-12.15 Information om JTH World Solar Challenge -Entrance Hall of the School of Engineering

12.45-13.00 Award: Makers & Bankers - Eco Sustainability Competition  2014 -Stora Enso (E1029), JTH

13.00-13.15 Award:  JIBS Sustainable Entrepreneurship Festival:  - Stora Enso (E1029), JTH

13.15-14.00 Lecture: Klimatnytta för restaureringsåtgärder av våtmarker. Information om projektet Life to ad(d)mire (in Swedish) -Stora Enso (E1029), JTH