Weng arrived in Sweden from her family home in Weihai, in the Shandong Province. After Pathway, she stayed on in Jönköping for a short while and took some business courses.

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She then moved to Gothenburg and has recently graduated with a master’s degree in Communication from the University of Gothenburg. She is currently working for Gothia Towers and IKEA.

Coming to Sweden has a been a life-changing experience for Weng and she wants to encourage others to follow her example. She recalls the help and support she received on Pathway. Not only did she improve her English language skills, but she also grew in self-confidence and an important understanding of the Swedish education system. This proved to be very helpful preparation for her follow-up programme.

“You will learn a lot living and studying in Sweden. It is not easy to start over, but in time you will appreciate what you have done and what you have gained. Never give up hope. The future is in your hands”